

12T i nmy family, my mom is good atf xing thin 一 Re 上 1 2一 oe is full and doesnthave any mores__efor dessert記中生 二 gs, and my dad is good at cooking. 一、文法3 13 This wat ( 布 選擇 , 主 atermelon is heavy; itts over 50k ms. ~ 共18分) 人 o Taw (Ct>) 品 S wellis afamous young singer. Mtirand ab, 了2 9 ) who "heghtamachine 才 (@ whose 才 The Lins 品 pl make bread. (作》 im ghtahouse which 同 (C) whose 二如 ITmet the Provides two square meters____garden space- and hi 0 f 點 (AS) who 蟬 his dog W (Qiby 人 閏 IFfhe 說 next to my house onmy Way to schoolt 人 le (Qthat 人+前 tv yy ged (充電),; 2 6 選 和 玫should last 24 hours. be 交合 fidies up herr ) for (oto make FITOom 2 ( 八 Re 記呈全 lving space more comfortable. - There isnt much Work left, soi 此時8 語i (吃 (AA) at 8S0 1 呈 only take two to three days mostto finish. 8D bi (ON 主 ! Do youknow 和he gi 放 ] (A) stands 還or : (8) that is standi i i ( Coy @ 莒Al : 88tanding (0 is standing 6 ee 同 n has written a Storybook____the course ofthe year. (B) at (over 》 三、對話選擇。(每題2分,共4分) (說) 1 A:Jm going4o go toan animal Shelter (收容所) to help take care ofthe animals there. 生: / ITdontmind. (B@ Good for youl ) Joanthelp六 (0 That's correctt shouldnt have spent 也at much money on online shopping, (B) Check it out. 中說時 一一 0)宮 0人 0 which GO With (0 made 0 to (D) Whitecth 3s Stan GO With 一 0 The chances are Slim


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