
拜託大家了 幫忙的 超級感謝你 大人有大量吧

see bomJuniorhigh schoolsudenes,buti sa getting along well with your el Ireally missed you. 點 wegoeodiferentsohools ftday,Tfetloneby- ae 22 One lo ee 一和一 ee eeresdng jade Oneofthemisaghlnamed Mary. Sheisvey 4 1 Eagle eatogehrr inostleatons andwe so eatJunch together馬wilbe niceif 一所 wihusnextweekend? Callme andletme know Yo Bety Eslong 相處 How about goingtothe mo 29 CO enewsubee wereeasy (B) Tikedto eatJunch atsehool (GTwasafaidtogo toanewschool (D) was interesting to make new fiends 人 所ls fmmyjokesinelass. (天Jovesto make some noises. (OH wansustostudy hard- 00ofien jate to class 和 (A)youean meet Mary GIomlepyom (O shestops falking to me (wegoiodiferentschools
和 Ps gdfriend, Amy, loves watehing the 324 Tomy's gifiend, Av Wing the sunset。Tony piansto sak hert, vaeationin Dali oh yi durng he Pa lnd.。Whiehisthe bestpisee forhis plany (CA Halfmoon Beach. (BTianie Hi (GOBneLake 0 Foggy Formst 閃 which stme aboutDali lsland? (CA Tianie Hillooks Hke an airplane- (B) People are told nottotake any food when climbing Titanie Hi (c) Halfmoon Beach istoo dangerous for visitors to play water sports. (D) People may getlostatFoggy Forestifthey domtpay attentionto the rosd signs. Ge39) Pete Brownisatall and strong boy.。He can 36 basketbalt we 37 sister Judy, is agood player, too.。Their father is abasketball coach.。No wonder they both _ 38 interestedin the sport. 轉sg no wonder 難怪
加 3 Ga 蝦 1 Jrvisitors from other countries come to Dali Island for Zoe ge am Puregaeaeeyonemplymmywaerspon ae mmng and surfing-。 But donyt forgetto put on your sunsereen-。Wh' supsetcomes above the ooean,iesromantieforyouandyonrloverto walkatthe beaeh. Zoe三光 The shape ofrhe Billike the sinking Titanic- Atthe top 1 “small market selling delicious snacks. Ittakes you one hourto climb, to the marketfrom the bottomn ee Blue Lake close to the bottom ofTitanic HilL。The lake was mamed because ofis dark blue color。J the evening, you can enjoy tasty barbecue and Jisten to rock bands playing in the yard ofFancy Restaurant near the jake. gg oresr l The forestgsofien fullofheavy fog. When you walk through the forest pay attention to the signs on the road, oryou'll getlostin the forest Donttake any food with you, or you might be hurt by hungry monkeys. 名 sunscreen 說唔油 Tomantie 浪漫的 itanic 鐵達尼號 (船名) fog 地 sink 沉入水中 attention 注意力 ' 所you are interesfed in music and delicious food, where can you visit? (A) Halfmoon Beach. (B) Foggy Forest.







