
24. A: I will be back in half an hour. B: Take your time. I
________ here until you come back. I won’t leave.
(A) will come (B) am going
(C) will be (D) get

26.The party is next Saturday. You are welcome to join us.
________ a lot of fun.
(A) There will be (B) We have
(C) There is (D) There is going to

29. __________, and you can see the bank on your right.
(A) Go straight Yangming Road
(B) Walk for Ziyou Road
(C) Go past Da-Da Bookstore
(D) Turn right Parker Street

30. The next train ______ in half an hour. We still have time
to buy lunchboxes.
(A) is going arriving (B) arrives
(C) will be going arriving (D) is arriving

There are many different ways to go to work. Some
people walk . Some people 37 and some people go to
work__38 MRT. Aaron goes to work in a special way. He
lives on a small island in Penghu. He gets up at seven and
39 a boat to his office in Magong. It 40 him lots of time
to go to work every day. It's tiring but he is happy because


