

「クリック コンテンツ CAN-DO エネルギー問題に関する説明文を読んで、 概要を理解し, 自分の考えや意見を述べることができる。 Pre-reading What does "power" in this title mean? New Words ○ electricity [ilèktrísati] 電力 |cut [kåt] ← cut [kôt]...を切る, ・・・の供給をとめる じゅうでん charge [tfa:rdz] ・・・を充電する ✓ smartphone (s) [smártfôun(z)] スマートフォン ○ oil [5il] 石油 ○ coal [kóul] 石炭 ○ natural gas [nætfaral gés] 天然ガス ひかく ○ relatively [rélativli] 比較的 ✓ release [rilí:s] ・・・を放出する ■ dangerous [déindzaras] 危険な ✓ chemical(s) [kémikal(z)] 化学物質 health [hél0] 健康 fossil fuel(s) [fásl fjù:al(z)] 化石燃料 carbon dioxide [ka:rban daiáksaid] 二酸化炭素 ○ run out of ・・・ を使い果たす If the electricity were cut for one week, what would happen to our lives? The lights would be off. Trains コンテンツ would stop. We could not charge our smartphones. We depend on electricity to power most of our daily activities. How can we make the electricity we need for our future? 5 2 Japan uses a lot of oil, coal, and natural gas to make electricity. These resources are called “fossil fuels.” Fossil fuels have some good points. They are relatively cheap, and they can be used for many things. However, scientists say that we may run out of fossil 10 fuels in 100 years. There are other problems, too. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide and other dangerous chemicals. They increase global warming and damage our health. [123 words] In-reading 1 What do we depend on to power our daily activities? 2 What do fossil fuels release? ●日本の一次エネルギー国内供給の割合 まいぞう ●世界のエネルギー資源の可採年数と確認可採埋蔵量 エネルギーなど 7.8 Other renewable energy, etc その他の再生可能 Natural gas 石油 51年 天然ガス 53年 石炭 153年 Oil 石油 187兆m3 39.7 天然ガス Water power 23.8 水力 3.3 1兆7,067億 バーレル Coal 石炭 25.4 資源エネルギー庁 (2016) 106 one hundred and six TIT 11,393億トン 日本原子力文化財団 (2016)
コンテンツ コンテンツ 「クリック 5 10 3 Japan also makes electricity from nuclear power. Nuclear power produces a large amount of energy without releasing carbon dioxide. However, it is difficult to control radiation and handle nuclear waste safely all the time. 4 Now many countries are using sunshine, wind, steam, rivers, and even ocean waves to make electricity. These are examples of "renewable energy." Japan has many rivers, and their power is used to produce electricity. Their water is renewable and does not release dangerous chemicals. However, we need dams to use water power, and these dams can damage the environment. 5 Research in other renewable energy technologies is progressing. Already, Denmark gets forty percent of its 15 electricity from wind power. One quarter of the electricity used in Iceland comes from the natural heat in the ground. People around the world are working to solve our energy problems. [139 words] ☐ ☐ New Words amount [ǝmáunt] energy [énardzi] エネルギー control [kantróul] ・・・を管理する radiation [rèidiéifn] ▽ handle [hændl] ・・・を処理する ☐ sunshine [sánfàin] * wind [wind] steam [stí:m]* ocean [óufn]. renewable [rinjú:ǝbl] 再生可能な dam(s) [dáem(z)] quarter [kw5:rtǝr] 401 heat [hí:t] ✓ solve sálv] ・・・を解決する Denmark [dénma:rk] デンマーク [国名] Iceland [áisland] アイスランド [国名] a... amount of ~ ...の量の〜 all the time progress [progrés] [prágres] In-reading 3 When nuclear power produces energy, does it release carbon dioxide? 4 What are examples of "renewable energy"? 5 What do Denmark and Iceland use to get their electricity? one hundred and seven 107
Post-reading 本文の各パラグラフに最も適切な見出しを、下のA~H から1つずつ選びましょう。 使わないものが1つあります。 A ) ) ) 3 ) ) Electricity and our daily lives Renewable energy: Water power Other renewable energy technologies People's lives in Azerbaijan Things you can do A young inventor Fossil fuels Nuclear power 2 本文の表現を使って、次のそれぞれのエネルギー源の長所と短所について、表を完成しましょう。 Energy resources Good points Bad points We may run out of them in 100 years. Fossil fuels They can be used for many things. Nuclear power produces a large amount of energy. It is difficult to control radiation. Nuclear power Water is renewable. Water power 制作上の都合により、 掲載しておりません。 C New Words invent(ed) inventd)] を発する rain (rein] lamp(s) lemp(s)] $24) second(s) (sekand(z)] B liter(s) tart) 99 Reyhan Jamalova is one of those people. Reyhan is a student in Azerbaijan. When she was fifteen, Reyhan invented a device to make electricity from rain. Reyhan's device can power 22 LED lamps for 50 seconds. Each device uses only 7 liters of rainwater. Its battery can store power to use later. Reyhan says she created the device to help poor people, especially in rainy countries. Her device is not expensive. It does not even need power lines. It can help many people get electricity. 7 Is there anything you can do for a sustainable energy future? As a consumer, you can decide how much electricity you use. You can also decide what kind of energy you want to use. You may even be an inventor, like Reyhan. Your actions are important. What can you do to make your energy future brighter? [141 words/403 words] 3 パラグラフの2つめの文に. As a consumer, you can decide how much icity you use. とありますが, consumerとして電気を節約するために、日常生活で ができることの例を考えて発表しましょう。 e can turn off the lights when we don't need them. この世界の一次エネルギー自給率のグラフを見て、感想を話し合いましょう。 re never thought that Japan depends on foreign countries so much for ergy. one hundred and nine 109 1st Norway 2nd Australia rainwater (réinwitar] battery (hitaril sustainable [sastéinabl 持続可能な consumer (kamar] inventor inventar R Reyhan Jamalova Iréihan dyómalouval レイハン・ジャマロバ[人名] In-reading What did Reyhan invent? What can we decide as consumers? ●世界の一次エネルギー自給率 0 25 50 75 100 (%) 1682.9 292.0 Azerbaijan jazzarbaidzácn アゼルバイジャン [名] 3rd Canada 167.9 the U.S. 90.8 LED eld] 発光ダイオード 14th the U.K. 60.3 31st Korea 18.3 lein] rain 33rd Japan 6.0% sustainable 108 one hundred and eight 資源エネルギー庁 (2016)


