

64 複習講義|英語(全) 30.~32. OSOS OSTE British Isles When English men talk about Ireland, they mean the Republic of Ireland. It is also the name of the island. The UK: England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. Each stands for independent sovereign countries. People choose their leader to, rule each part of the place, but still, see the British 00 Scotland 9% of the population Wor BIT Great Britain: England, Scotland, and Wales. It is not a country, but a name of the land. 解是 要 England 86% of the population Irish North Ireland The Republic of Ireland Irish Wales 5% of the population atmal British British/English king or queen of England as the head of the country, 30. What is the full name of "the UK?" (A) The United Kingdom of Great Britain. (B) The United Kingdom of England and Ireland. D (C) The United Kingdom of England, Scotland, and Ireland. (D) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland. 31 Daisy needs to finish her report on Great Britain and the UK. Which of the following words can she put in (Both"?l (A) Called British. population 人口 sm of wor w BHW sol TW Sri Great Britain the UK (B) On Great Britain. (C) Belonging to the British Isles. (D) With England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Ko so Both M
31. 由文章「虛線與實線重疊區域」可知兩者皆屬於 大不列顛群島。(B)意為在Great British 本島,the UK 範圍更大,不符合此定義。


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

圖上所看到的全部領土都是屬於British Isles(大不列顛群島)的
所以Great Britain (藍線範圍)和The UK(紅虛線範圍)都是屬於(belong to)大不列顛群島的一部分

(B)Great Britain (藍線)在The UK (紅虛線)的範圍裡面,所以不能說The UK是位於Great Britain
如果將(B)的Great Britain 改成 The UK 就可以選


