

① 次の英文は,中学生のサチコ (Sachiko) と留学生のエミリー (Emily) との対話です。 チ ケットとバスの時刻表を参考にしながらよく読み、 あとの (1)~(6) の問いに答えなさい。 (チケット) わかば中学校吹奏楽部コンサート 日時:○月×日 (日 ) 場所 : わかば市民ホール 午後 2:00 開演 (午後1:30開場) (10) (時刻表) 「団地口」 発 「市民ホール前」 着 12:41 13:01 13:06 13:25 Sachiko Do you like music, Emily ? Emily: Yes, I do. I play the flute. Sachiko: Oh, do you? I have two tickets for the *brass band *concert. One of my friends is a member of the brass band of Wakaba Junior High School. He plays the *trumpet. Can you go to the concert with me ? Emily: Oh, I want to. When is the concert ? Sachiko Next Sunday. Emily: Well, I am going to play tennis in the morning. What time will the concert start? Sachiko It will start② ( )( Emily: Then I can go with you. Sachiko At Wakaba *Town Hall. 4 ) in the afternoon. (3) 13:26 13:45 Emily: Sachiko: We have to take a bus to get there. Just a minute. I have a *timetable. (They are looking at the timetable together.) Sachiko: We have to take a bus from Danchiguchi to Shimin Hall-mae. Emily: How about the ( ) bus ? Sachiko: Well, it's too late. I want to get there before one thirty. Because the doors open at one thirty. But the ( )bus gets there too early. We have to wait about an hour before the concert. So the ( ) bus is the best. ⑦ *ticket : チケット, *brass band : 吹奏楽団 〔部〕, *concert: コンサート, ペット, * town hall: 市民ホール, *timetable: 時刻表 Emily: I see. Sachiko: Can you come to my house at twelve ? Let's eat lunch together. I will make lunch for us. Then we will go to the concert. Emily: OK. That will be nice. I can't wait. *trumpet: トラン (1) 下線部 ① エミリー (2) 下線部② し, 数字に It will s (3) 3 んで、記 ア Will イ How ウ Whe I Wha *have (4) 下線部 ずつ選ん ア 12 (5) 本文の ア Em イ Em ウ En I Em Sund (6) 次の まる最 Toda by( enjoye=
_) との対話です。 チ ■に答えなさい。 「市民ホール前」着 13:01 13:26 13:45 concert. One of my ■r High School. He ne will the concert *timetable. nae. Gecause the doors early. We have to us is the best. ther. I will make *trumpet : トラン (1) 下線部 ① が表す内容が具体的にわかるように ( )に適切な日本語を書きなさい。 エミリーが ( )ということ。 (2) 下線部 ② の ( )内にあてはまる最も適切な語を, それぞれ1語ずつ書きなさい。 ただ し, 数字は使わないこと。 It will start②( ) ( ) in the afternoon. (3) 3 4 にあてはまる最も適切な英文を,次のア~エからそれぞれ1つずつ選 んで, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Will he play the trumpet at Wakaba Town Hall ? イ How will we get there ? ウ Where will they *have the concert ? エ What time can we get there ? *have ~ 〜を行う (4) 下線部 ⑤〜⑦の( )内にあてはまる最も適切な時刻を、次のア~ウからそれぞれ1つ ずつ選んで, 記号で答えなさい。 ただし, それぞれの時刻は1回ずつしか使えません。 ウ 13:25 ア 12:41 イ 13:06 (5) 本文の内容と合うものを、次のア~エから1つ選んで, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Emily and Sachiko are in the brass band of Wakaba Junior High School. イ Emily will play the flute at the concert next Sunday. ウ Emily and Sachiko will take a train to the town hall. エ Emily will play tennis in the morning and go to the concert in the afternoon next Sunday. (6) 次の英文はコンサートに行った日のエミリーの日記です。 (a), (b)にあては まる最も適切な語を, それぞれ1話ずつ書きなさい。 Today, Sachiko and I went to the concert( a ) lunch. We went to the town hall by (b). One of Sachiko's friends played the trumpet very well. It was great. I enjoyed the concert very much. (11)


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