



3000 3 次の英文は, 比嘉先生 (Mr. Higa) とメグミ (Megumi) の教室での会話です。2人 問いに答えなさい。 Mr. Higa Megumi, (D) you heard the news? Mt. Fuji has become a (注) #1W *1World Cultural Heritage site! Megumi Yes, Mr. Higa. I'm so happy to hear that. Mt. Fuji is the highest and the most beautiful mountain in Japan. And it is also a symbol of Japan. Do you know why it has become a World Cultural Heritage site? Mr. Higa: Yes, I do. In the 1990s, Mt. Fuji was so 2dirty that it ( 2 ) "a *3garbage mountain." Mt. Fuji was no good as a World Heritage site then. But many people worked hard to clean Mt. Fuji. Oh, I didn't know that. But is that the only reason? Of course, not. There are many +4paintings and books about Mt. Fuji. And people have *5worshiped Mt. Fuji for a long Megumi Mr. Higa: VORLESE
Megumi Mr. Higa: I see. Then what ( 3 ) do to keep it clean? If all the people (4) visit Mt. Fuji pay some money, we will be able to use the money to +8protect the environment. Megumi I hope that Mt. Fuji will be a World Heritage site forever. (1) (①)~(④) に当てはまるものとして最も適切なものを、それぞれア~エから選 7 Are 1 do I have 30 1 calls I 1 2 3 4 ア was called you can are y can you will ウ Because it was so dirty. so did has called we can who was calling mon any more I I which (2) 次の各問いに対する答えとして最も適切なものをア~エのうちから1つ選ん Why didn't Mt. Fuji become a World Heritage site in 1990s? 7 Because it took too much time. can we


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

ウのdid を選んで、Megumi, did you heard the news?
did を使う疑問文が過去分詞heard とは合わないです
did を使う疑問文は動詞の原形を使います🌟


ありがとうございます(_ _)
勉強頑張ります(ง •̀_•́)ง
