
この問題の⑵の問題で回答が2枚目の写真なのですが、私の答え方が He started to run.です

次の英文を読んで,あとの問い *long-distance Takeshi did not like the sports day because everyone had to run in a race. When he thought about last year's race, he became sad. He was the last person in the race. This year he did not want to run. W When he came home, his mother said to him, "Is the sports day next month, Takeshi?" "Yes, that's right," he answered and went into his room quickly. He did not want his mother to know his true *feelings. In his room he remembered last year's sports day. "It I was so hard and I was *miserable. I don't want to be the last person this year," he thought. “I have one month before the day. I will start practicing tomorrow." On the next day, he started to run after getting home. He ran from his house to the 10 station every evening before dinner. It took over twenty minutes. Three days passed. It still took over twenty minutes. One week went by, but he could not run faster. He *was almost giving up.(*) 5 () long-distance race E SESUCH feelings 5 miserable みじめな was almost giving up ほとんどあきらめそうだった LEAUAJES DREN 問 次の(1) (2)の質問に,それぞれ指定された語数の英文で答えなさい。 ただし、 符号(,.?! な ど) は, 語数には含まないものとする。 (1) Did Takeshi become happy when he remembered last year's sports day? (3) COMO (2) What did Takeshi do every evening for this year's sports day? (2E)
→答えはNo, he did not [didn't] [いいえ、彼は幸せ ofqueq (2) 質問文は 「タケシは今年の運動会のために毎晩何をしましたか」 という意味。 質問文にあ る every evening を本文中から探す。 →9~10行目に He ran f 「毎晩夕食前に、 家から駅まで走った」 とある。 SAM 918 is 100 alau of bins What did ~? で問われているので, 一般動詞の過去形を使って答える。 Takeshi は代名 si to 6 NOTO 詞he に置きかえる。 al ran from his house to the station every evening before dinner. 「彼は modi tuoda →答えは He ran [practiced (running)] 〔(走る) 練習をしました〕」 や He 「彼は走りました ran from his house to the station. 「彼は家から駅まで走りました」 などとなる。


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

質問されているのは毎晩何をしていたかなのです。なので、He started to run では彼は走り出しましたと言う和訳になるので質問の内容とは少し食い違ってしまっていると思います。ですが、runという肝心な単語は出せているのでバツとは言い切れないかなと思います!



