

ls old. 3. Polar bears swim a long way to find food. 4. Seals eat polar bears. In detail Write short answers to the following questions. 1. How do polar bears stay warm? 2. How long do the polar bears stay in their den? 3. Why do the polar bears walk to the sea? 4. What do polar bears eat? 5. Why is it difficult to see a polar bear? 6. Why do polar bears need to eat a lot of fat? In focus
AMAZING 1. My dog tries to cate 2. It's too warm in her 3. My cat has black and 4. Do you want some 5. Jess goes to the Reading 1 The Arctic is a very cold place. Everywhere in the Arctic there is snow and ice. It is ver difficult for people to live there. But many polar bears live there. How can polar bears live in such a cold place? How do they look after their babies? And what do they eat there? 2 Polar bears have very thick fur. They also have a lot of fat on their bodies. This helps them to stay warm. In other words A. What is the main p 1. To describe how pa 2. To compare baby 3 Baby polar bears are called 'cubs'. Cubs are born in winter. Before the cubs are born, th. To describe the Am mother polar bear makes a hole in the snow. This hole is called a 'den'. The mother lo after the cubs in the warm den. 4 At the end of winter the cubs are four months old. They can leave the den. The mothe 3. Match each hea and her cubs start walking. They walk across the ice to the sea. They go there to find 1. Paragraph food. 2. Paragraph 5 Polar bears eat seals. Seals are animals that live on the ice and in the sea. Polar bears a3. Paragraph good at swimming. They can swim more than 80 kilometres to find seals to eat. pod 6 A polar bear's fur is white. This is the same colour as the snow and ice. So it is difficult for seals to see a polar bear coming. This helps the polar bear to catch seals. And polar bears need to eat a lot of seals. They need to eat a lot of fat to help them stay warm!



