

B B C B²B 1. Two giraffes in this zoo A) were born; were died B². 2. The injured driver 3. Sorry! All the tickets to Taipei 4. John was made May is heard the room. the song. 6. Why don't you let the work 7. The war 8. I believe my brother and I (A) will invite this way. Co.n A10. 10. Your pants need M1. Yvonne D² 17. I 9.17.1 BI8.. 12. 12. I saw the tree 13. I had my homework 14. The child 15. The love story in 1958. in 1958. (A) broke out 18. Rainforests (A) was telling 15 this spring, but one of them B) were born; died to the hospital. (A) was taking (B) was taken (A) cut (B) are cut 19. How many babies 21.The fur of the cat (B) will have invited (A) has to do (C) has to be done . Garrett. the car. (A) was taken place 16. Some of the hotels in Las Vegas (A) are rebuilding (A) cleaned (A) sing ? (A) finish . to the party. out. (A) sell (B) sold (C) be soled (D) were sold Choice II (B) cleaning (B) singing (B) to finish (C) finished (B) was broken out (C) has broken out (A) cutting A) have born B) have been born C) born; were died (B) has to be doing (C) will be invited (A) be washed told (A) was taught to buy told (C) has talight be bought (B) was cut (B) is taking place (D) has been doing (B) washed (B) have been rebuilding last night. (C) clean (C) to sing (C) washing (D) to wash Told (B) has taught to buy told (D) was bought to teach (D) cut (C) cutted (B) have done (C) was done (A) done (A) named (B) was named (C) in New York. (D) did is naming (D) names (C) took place now. D) born; died (C) take (D) took (D) to clean. (D) to singing (D) be finished (D) broken out (D) is invited that the meeting will be called off. (B) told (C) have told (D) have been told at such a speed that they will disappear in the future. (C) are cutting (D) had been cut since last June? B: About 200 thousands. C) are bearing D) born 20. The NBA basketball game by lots of people on Saturday night. (A) watch (B) watched (C) is watching (D) is watched soft. (A) is felt (B) is feeling (C) feels (D) has been feeling 22. The amazing story about the brave soldier all over the world. (A) has told (B) is telling (C) will tell (D) was told 23. The article is worth (D) has taken place (C) are being rebuilt (D) rebuild (A) reading (B) to read (C) being reading (D) being read 24. Old people must well. (A) take care of (B) be taken care of (C) be taking care of (D) have been taking care of Do you know when America ? (A) found (B) have found (C) was founded (D) was found keeping food fresh. 26. Refrigerators (A) are using to (B) are using for (C) are used to (D) are used for 27. We haven't moved to the new apartment because the roof my
http://www.gis com tw (A) is being fixed (B) has been fixed (C) has been fixing 28. We don't trust everything ( in China. (A) is made (B) made 29. This famous old song (A) has been sung 30. The car is driven 31. Lisa B to accept this job. 32. I am afraid there is more work (A) to do (C) to be doing (D) need to be done 33. The library books on time or you won't be allowed to lend new ones. (A) have to return (B) have to be returned (C) should return (D) should have been returned (B) cooking (C) cooked (D) be cooked (B) hurting (C) hurted (D) be hurt by this company in a week. (C) was introduced (D) has introduced (B) was found (C) was founded (D)found (B) was putting off (C) put off (A) pay (B) are paid (A) grow (B) is grown (C) are paying (C) has grown C 34. A: How would you like it 35. Your sister got 36. It is said that a new car (A) introduce for many years. (B) has been singing (C) had sung (D) was sung Mr. Cheng. (A) in (B) for (C) by (A) was made (B) was let (C) has had You can't leave. Ba (B) to be done D _? B: Steamed. (A) cook Now she's in the hospital. (A) hurt 37. Taiwan University 38. The fire 2,39. Cleaning ladies 40. Cotton 41. That beautiful house (A) is belonged to 42. The pictures B (B) will be introduced in 1965. (A) founded by the firemen. (A) was put off by the hour. in South. (B) belongs to my uncle. (C) is belonging to until next week. (B) won't be developed of technology (A) won't develop 43. A lot of universities (A) established (B) have established C 44. You should put the soup in the refrigerator. Now it (B) is smelling (A) smells (C) is smelled A.B. As I walked past the school, several children were seen A (C) to play (D) play (A) playing (B) played 46. The movie "Crunching Tiger Hidden Dragon" (A) was directed (B) was directing (C) directed 47. Wang. to be one of the most influential persons (C) has chosen (B) was chosen (A) was chosed 48. A serious car accident on the road last week. A (C) has happened (D) will be fixing (C) to make (D) making (A) was happened 49. So far, the moon (A) has visited 50. No one likes Bs Ċ51. Rice is grown C 52. 53. Mop the floor. = (D) on (D) had been (C) will be developing in 2005. (C) had established (D)has been belonging to sour. (D) has smelled (B) had happened by men already. (B) has been visited (C) has been visiting in that way. (A) treated (B) being treated A) by B) to the town. he seen by his mom when he went out last night. the floor (D) has put off (D) get pay (D) was to grow (D) are developing (D) were established by Ang Lee. (D) had directed basketball. in 2007. (D) had been chosen C) in D) X (D) happened (D) is visited (C) treating (D) to be treating A) Did B) Does C) Was D) Has A) Have; be mopped B) Have; mopped C) Let; mopped D) Let; be mopped 54. It that cheetah(EP) is the fastest animal in the world. A) believes B) is believed C)is believing D) has believed

