

A history teacher was talking to his class about the ancient Romans. USOSAUKS "They were very strong, brave people, and they were good soldiers," he said. "They always wanted to have strong bodies, so they played a lot of games." 101 3 * exem "Did they like swimming?" one of the girls asked." That makes people’s bodies 5 strong." She was very good at swimming. - of worl ed es “Oh, yes, some of them swam a lot," the teacher answered. a story /famous / told / Roman/he/about). d(>898 "There was a big, wide river in the middle of Rome," he said. this man swam across it three times every day before breakfast." es every day she heard this. OR Then ( them / one / 2 → [yd]is boeiique od “It was the Tiber, and The girl laughed when “Why are you laughing?" the teacher asked her angrily. "Have I said anything funny?" "Well, sir," the girl answered, "Why didn't he swim across the river four times, to get back to his clothes again?" □(1) 下線部①の英文を, That の内容が具体的にわかるように日本文にしなさい。 genobyed (S)D ves/was/with/green ).) (2) 下線部②の()内の語(句) を並べかえて, 正しい英文にしなさい。ig seart stimuy bia (e Then □(3) 次の本文の内容についての質問に答えるとき,空所に適語を書きなさい。 aoy bib S 1. Why did the ancient Romans play a lot of games? (be/clean/has/kept/to). to have strong Because they 2. How many times did the famous Roman swim across the river every day? A) S -He times. ba31 ot smit to tol s beon Iliw I (10 smit to jo! (A Saki) (4) 本文の内容に合うものを次のア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 The teacher was teaching about swimming.gin to sed ette vam se s W(S) 1 The girl laughed because the Roman did not finish swimming near his clothes. The teacher told his students a funny story about a Roman. id) solo bluodas Wis un breakfast made the girl strong. C hisq aidT


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

He told them a story about famous Roman. だと思います。
3行目見ましょう wanted bodies 9行目見ましょう ここは代動詞に置き換えて did three でいいと思います
