

(あ)に入れるのに最も適当なのは、ア~エのうちではどれですか。 7 wanted イ looked ウ enjoyed I had ② 下線部(い) の具体的な内容を次のようにまとめたとき, 日本語で書きなさい。 Ann が自宅で (a) (う) ときに (え) (b) (a) (b) に入れるのに最も適当な英語2語を,本文中から抜き出して書きなさい。 一つ答えなさい。 7 practicing wadaiko is very important イ speaking good English is very important ウ taking many pictures is very important エ learning Japanese culture is very important に撮影してもらった, スティックダンスの写真。 に入れるのに最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。 ⑤ 次のア~エの英文は, 本文中の出来事を表しています。 これらを起こった順に並べ替えなさい。 ア Ann did the stick dance for Shinji and his classmates. イ Ann listened to the sound of the wadaiko in the music class. ウ Ann wrote easy kanji in the calligraphy class. エ Ann helped Shinji when he couldn't do the stick dance well. ⑥ 本文の内容と合っているのは, ア~オのうちではどれですか。 当てはまるものをすべて答えなさい ア Ann came to Japan last year and stayed at Shinji's house for a week. イ On the first day, Ann talked about her family, school, and life in her country. ウ Ann showed Shinji a picture of her mother when they were having lunch. エ In the music class on the last day, Ann enjoyed the wadaiko. * Shinji and his friends told Ann a lot about the wadaiko and Japanese culture.
6 次の英文は、 中学生のShinji が、留学生の Ann との学校生活の思い出を日記にまとめたものです。 ①⑥に答えなさい。 Last year Ann came from New Zealand to my school. She joined some classes and studied with me. and my classmates for a week. In our English class on the first day, Ann talked about her family, school and life in New Zealand. (あ) writing easy kanji. At lunchtime. Ann showed me and Ann joined the calligraphy class and In one picture, Ann had a short stick in each hand. I asked her about 3 my friends some pictures. the picture. Ann answered, "This is a picture of the stick dance. My mother took it when I was practicing the dance at home. Did you know I'm going to do it tomorrow?" "Yes, our teacher told us about that last week. I want to see it," I said. 1 The next day, Ann told me and my classmates about the stick dance. She said, "This is a traditional 10 dance in New Zealand. It's not difficult. Let's dance together." My classmates and I practiced the dance with Ann. I couldn't dance well and sometimes dropped my sticks. So, Ann helped me. said to Ann. "I'm happy to learn the stick dance. Do you practice the dance at school?" "Yes," Ann answered. "We usually learn it at school in New Zealand. I think that's like calligraphy for you." I said. "We both learn a part of our own culture (5) In our music class on the last day, I said, "We're going to play the wadaiko for you, Ann. Please enjoy our traditional music." Ann was surprised when she listened to the powerful sound of the wadaiko. When my friends and I finished playing the wadaiko, I said to Ann, "Let's play the wadaiko together. She said, "I didn't know you were going to play the wadaiko." I answered, "After the dance, we decided to play the wadaiko because we wanted to show you a part of our culture in return. We 20 played it at the school festival last month." Ann enjoyed the wadaiko and asked me many questions about it. But I could not answer them well. I thought, "I could not tell much about Japan. Communication with people from different countries will be more interesting if I can tell them more about Japan. So, (え) 15 〔注〕 New Zealand ニュージーランド lunchtime #H drop 落とす sound school festival X calligraphy 書道 stick powerful 力強い in return お返しに communication コミュニケーション


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