

READING & WRITING *** 「黑」科技漫遊 「◎ 重點單字 O為1200字為2000字 o 1. broad [brod ] adj. A The producers hope their show will reach a broad audience. 製作人希望他們的節目能觸及一般大眾。 o 2. housework [`haus, w3k ] n. *:** Do your kids share the housework? 你的孩子會分擔家務嗎? 03. factory [`fæktəri] n. I Jake's whole family works at this factory. 傑克一家都在這間工廠上班。 o 4. bomb [bam] n. 5 Many bombs hit London during World War II. 倫敦在二次世界大戰時遭受許多炸彈攻擊。 5. metal [met]] n. This metal chair is quite heavy. 這把金屬椅子挺重的。 6. basic ['besik] adj. Our basic needs include food, clothing, and shelter. 我們的基本需求包含食物、衣物與遮風避雨的地方。 參考單字 crappy [krep1 ] adj.蹩腳的;糟糕的 robotics [ ro`batiks ]n. situation [sitfu`efon ] n. ◎學習焦點 1. for the most part T 為副詞片語,置於句首時要以逗號隔開後面的句子。 • For the most part, Irene was happy. 在大多數情況下,愛琳是快樂的。 2. make A out of B BA make A from B • Bill made a bag out of/from an old pair of jeans. 比爾用一條舊牛仔褲製作了一個包包。 shi 隨堂測驗・選擇題 Which is true about robots? They don't all behave like people. They never follow any basic rules. They have very few metal parts. They make life less safe for humans. Hebocon: The World's Crappiest Robots 廢柴機器人大賽: 遇見史上最 廢 機4人 Hebocon 是由日文的 heboi 「質感很差的」與英文的 contest [tkanest]「比賽」兩字組合而成,其創辦人石川 大樹說該比賽不是為了要展現高科技,而是要讓人「享受 失敗」。比賽內容非常簡單,採用相撲規術,只要機器人 摔倒或補出場外就算輸。為了防止高科技機器人「攪局」, Hebocon 有一條特別的規則,叫做「高科技懲罰」,如果 科技感太強,就會被扣分! 譯文朗湖》正南 CD/MP3 51 慢速 MP3 93 A CD/MP3 52 When most people think of robots, the ones from the popular movie , Robot come to mind. However, not all robots are machine copies of people. Although many robots look and act like humans, they come in all shapes and sizes. 机器人学 The world of robotics* is quite 理文朗讀》正棠 單字例句》 CD/ Heb broad.' Scientists and engineers build and comes the we develop robots for many situations.* Some robots do P- Hebc The housework. Others put things together in factories. Still, get rid of bombs. For the most part ots help make people's lives easier and safer. toys rob of h 3 People usually make robots out of metal and fancy parts and they put them together with The people at Hebocon don't do any of that, though. In fact, they don't follow 是你的 any basic rules when they make their robots.






