
請問要怎麼把圖一的表格匯入到phpmyadmin裡呢?我結構是設定圖二這樣,也有試過load data infile了是圖三那樣但都錯誤,拜託大家幫我解惑,想了兩天還是沒有頭緒。

WPS Office | typhoon.csv 三 Menu v 白日语 词 5 @C G10 Qfx A A 1 Typhoon 2 南瑪都 3 梅花 4 米雷 5 桑達 6 艾利 7 梅姬 8 凡那比 9 莫蘭蒂 10 南修 11 萊羅克 12 芭瑪 13 莫拉克 14 莫拉菲 15 蓮花 16 薔蜜 17 哈格比 18 辛樂克 K < > > typhoon 十 Date B + Home Insert 20110821 20110726 20110621 20110520 20110506 20101013 20100915 20100906 20100829 20100827 20090928 20090802 20090714 20090617 20080924 20080917 20080908 Page Layout C Longitude Formulas 128 146 134 141.5 128.4 142 129.5 124 125 117.5 145.5 131 131 117 138 143.7 127 Data Latitude Review D View Tools 12 8 10.5 8.5 11.2 12.5 122 19 23 24.5 15 10 19.5 9.5 18 11.5 15.6 15 Q Click to find commands E F Wind Velocity near TW 53 43 28 55 23 48 45 23 18 23 43 40 28 28 53 45 51 T 1 q 幻明回家 150%* A Go Premium. G +0 |---| ▸ || + x H KY
a localhost/MySQL/datalist/tx ← → C + ① localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php?route=/table/structure&db=datalist&table=typhoon 伺服器: MySQL:3306 » 資料庫 datalist » 關資料表:typhoon ← 瀏覽 結構 SQL Q 搜尋 华新增 匯出 匯入 長度/值 3 8 4.1 3,1 phpMyAdmin 目前伺服器: MySQL 最近使用最爱 新增 @ classicmodels datalist 新增 Htitanic +- typhoon ④ typhoon_1 中@ information_schema ④@ mysql @ performance_schema + sys + test 中@ testdb + webdb + webdb1 @ webdb2 +- world 名稱 類型 O Typhoon VARCHAR Date VARCHAR Longitude DECIMAL Latitude DECIMAL Wind Velocity near SMALLINT 結構 □ Online transaction (⑥) 預覽 SQL 儲存 主控台| 預設值 無 無 T 2015 權限 操作 6 觸發器 utf8mb4_general v utf8_general_ci 編碼與排序 屬性 空值 (Null) AI 備註 - 回 所 X : X -
mysql> use datalist; Database changed mysql> load data infile 'c:/typhoon.csv' into table typhoon' fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by escaped by lines terminted by '\\' ignore 1 lines; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'termi nted by \\\' ignore 1 lines' at line 1 mysql> load data infile 'c:/typhoon.csv' into table typhoon' fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by escaped by lines terminated by '\r\n' ignore 1 lines; Query OK, 77 rows affected, 385 warnings (0.17 sec) Records: 77 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 385 mysql> load data infile 'c:/typhoon.csv' into table typhoon' fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by escaped by lines terminated by '\\' ignore 1 lines; Query OK, 77 rows affected, 385 warnings (0.01 sec) Records: 77 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 385 }} }} mysql> load data infile 'c:/typhoon.csv' into table typhoon fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by escaped by lines terminated by '\\' ignore 1 lines; Query OK, 77 rows affected, 385 warnings (0.01 sec) Records: 77 Deleted: 0 Skipped:0 Warnings: 385 mysql>
sql語法 程式 phpmyadmin 資料結構 資料庫管理


