

eat it the word (C) will believe (A) 16. (A) Also (B) Usually (C) After all (D) However (B) 17 (A) lefties do better when it comes to one-on-one sports (B) many of the most creative minds in history were lefties (C) lefties have a higher chance of having stomach problems (D) left-handed kids do worse at school than right-handed bell feels ones h; that so more the en. 7 the ( 18. - 20.) The US was a small country in the cast of North America when it started in 1776. It became bigger in following dozens of years by fighting other countries, buying lands, and Gisplacing Native Americans, called Indians then. In 1854, Chief Seattle was told to sell his Indian land to the US. His answer to the request has made some of the wisest lines about nature, land, and people. “How can you buy or sell the sky or the land? If we do not own the air or the water, how can you buy them? We are part of the Earth and it is part of us. The flowers, the mountains, the juices in the grass, the body heat of the horse, and the man, all belong to the same family. So when the Great White Chief in Washington sends words that he wishes to buy our land, he asks much of us. We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One piece of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes what he needs from the land and then he moves on. If we sell you our land, you must remember what happens to the Earth happens to the sons of the Earth. Man did not make the web of life he is only a thin line in it. What he does to the web, he does to himself.” displace 迫使…遷居 web 網 his se th, e (A) 18. A request means an act of (A) asking for something (B) opening a door (B) picking up a phone D fighting for the country FUGLER (C) 19. Which is true?


