

(32-34) a (Sherry is talking to her sister Linda.) Sherry: You won't believe this, Linda! Linda: What? Sherry: Today's newspaper says every year people aged 20-45 in our country throw away five million two hundred thousand shirts or blouses, four million two hundred thousand pairs of pants, and five million four hundred thousand pairs of shoes! om Linda: Wow! That's a lot. Sherry: Yes, it is. There's more to the news. Guess how many clothes a person has on average? Linda: More than 50, I guess. Sherry: Yes, it's 75. However, 15 of the clothes are not worn. Linda: What a waste! Sherry: You can say that again. Well, we'd better check our wardrobe now. (Linda and Sherry go to their room.) Linda: Is this your blouse? Sherry: No, it's not. Isn't it yours? Linda: Uh-oh! a blouse IR average #th waste R$ wardrobe 衣櫃
34. After Sherry and Linda talked about the news report, they checked their wardrobe and decided to do something. Before they took action, they searched on the Internet for C some information. Which is most likely to be one of the webpages they searched? x https://www.google.com/search?q=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (A) www.beautyhome.com/...wardrobe Six Steps to Tidy Up a Wardrobe To tidy up a wardrobe, you need to take... (B) www.beautywomen.com/...shoes The Hottest Shoes This Year Gandy Ditta's favorite running shoes are... www.lulugirl.com/...shoes Lulu Girls' World Everything on Lulu Girls' World is on sale... www.cleanmagic.com/...room How to Keep Your Wardrobe Tidy Do you want to buy more clothes but worry... (C) www.LPF.org.tw/...second-hand clothes Second-hand Clothes for People in Need LPF collects second-hand clothes for people in... (D) www.NER.gov.tw/...trash problems How Serious the Trash Problem Is Everyone makes 3.5 million tons of trash a year... www.KNB.com/...headline news Trash Can Kill Our Children The trash problem is getting worse and worse... www.savetheearth.com/...old clothes Save the Earth by Giving Your Old Clothes to Others There are many ways to save the Earth...


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

所以我們要選出最適合的答案,選項A:tidy up 為整理的動詞片語,雖然她們看似有整理而發現的動作,但是因為題目中主旨是提及浪費的衣物,她們想為此付諸行動,因此選項C為最佳答案




是的是的~不用客氣⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
