

When I was walking in the park today, I ran into Gina. She was sitting on a bench and smiling at her dog. Gina and I worked together five years ago. She was the team leader, and no one liked her because she was very strict. She always said things like, "Never chat at work" and "Finish your lunch in half an hour." The team did a good job, but no one ever saw a smile on her face. However, she is so different now! I said hi and sat down next to Gina. Then she told me her story. She said, "I cared too much about work and was always under pressure, so I was unhappy. Then Sunshine changed my life. When I found him on the street, he was dirty and hungry. I brought him home and took care of him. Now, Sunshine is healthy, and my life is full of fun." After I heard that, I felt really happy for Gina. leader 領導者 under pressure to unhappy and be full of hear ever ***
best title 最好的標題 ) 1. Which is the best title for this reading? (A) Gina's Pet. (B) Gina's Rules. (C) Gina's Team. (D) Gina's Change. ) 2. Who is most likely a "strict" person? most likely 最有可能 (A) Lydia. She seldom talks. (B) Paula. When she sleeps, she doesn't like any noise. (C) Terry. He has a dog, and he plays with it every day. D) Jason. When you work with him, there is no room for mistakes. 一個節掃描 room 空間 mistake 錯誤 1 writer PE ) 3. What do we know about Gina and the writer? (A) The writer was Gina's good friend. (B) The writer was on Gina's team at work. C) The writer never liked Gina, and she still doesn't. (D) The writer liked Gina when they worked together. esson 3


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