

Mariko's mother is a nurse. She often comes home late. She sometimes goes to work But she likes cooking for her family and taking care of them. Mariko wants to do something for her mother because she works hard to help sick people. Mariko also even on holidays. So, Mariko often has to help her father when he cooks for her family. likes to help her friends at school. She would like to work for other people. 口(1) 本文の下線部の英語を参考にして,次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 英語·中2 Mariko hopes she will become a nurse like her mother in the future. (1),(2)は各 2, {3)は各4 [20点 コ00 Loar 2 [8点] (離 t-ing 5 P- can (注)even:~でさえ take care of~:~の世話をする 20 点] B「私は新しい自転車を買いたいです。」 vo 本文の内容と一致するものを,次のア~ウから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Mariko doesn't like to cook for her family. イ Mariko's mother works hard to help sick people. ワ Mariko doesn't have to help her father when he cooks for her family. (3) 本文の内容について,次の問いに主語のある英文で答えなさい。 口O Does Mariko's mother always come home early ? 口D Who sometimes goes to work even on holidays ? 5点 口© Why does Mariko want to help her mother ? 口O Does Mariko want to be a nurse like her mother in the future ? 各4 [8点] 6 次の日本語に合うように, ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 正しい英文にしなさい。 (注)登る: climb 口(1) あなたはいつか富士山に登ることができるでしょう。 ( able / you'll / Mt. Fuji / to / be / climb / some day / . ) 口(2) あなたたちは今度の日曜日にどこへ行くつもりですか。 (you / next Sunday / where / going / go / are / to /? ) 点] 各4[12点] 17 次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 口(1) みなさん, どうか静かにしてください。 口(2) 森山さん (Mr. Moriyama) は4か国語を話すことができます。 口(3) あなたは7時に起きる必要はありません。 - 145 -


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

1.) I would like to buy a new bike (bicycle) ←どっちでも大丈夫だと思います

2.) イ

3番の問題がいってることがわかりません、申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m

1.) You’ll be able to climb Mt. Fuji some day.

2.) Where are you going to go next Sunday?

1.) Everyone, please be quiet.

2.) Mr. Moriyama can speak four languages.

3.) You do not have to wake up at 7a.m.
