

[3 3年A組の放送部員のサキ(Saki)とジョン(John), コウタ (Kota)の3人が, 文化祭 (school festival)に校内で放送するラジオ番組 (radio program)の制作について話し合っ ています。 英文を読んで, あとの各問い(問 1~問3)に答えなさい。 注) broadcast~を放送する Saki: We are going to make a radio program and *broadcast it at our school festival on October thirtieth、 John, please write the main points in youy' notebook. John: OK. Saki: Thank you, John. Well, what kind of radio program can we make? t erani ow 19dw"o d John: I want to make one with many *contents. For content(s)内容 example, a program with music, talking, news, and d 30 SO on. CR Kota: I agree. I sometimes listen to the radio. In some radio programs, people just talk and don't play music. I can't enjoy that kind of radio program. So I think we should have both music and talking in our giroo msm program. ive es T aasfy 0 3804 2 3.00l0 aid:1 e Saki: I think so, too. But different people like different iow music. Some people like old songs, and others like rowt A0 3sds popular songs. What should we do about it? John: How about playing different kinds of music? For example, we can play old songs in the morning and 9 popular songs in the aftern0on. Then a lot of people dns can enjoy the music in our program.Jan' oot oder o 42 Saki: That's a good idea, . Let's get some CDs. And between music, we talk about some *topics, right? topic(s)話題 guest(s) ゲスト Kota: Yes. And we can have some *guests for the talking time. One of our teachers or some of our friends can be our guests. John: OK. What about news? Any interesting news?
注) Saki: I hear that some students of our school went to Canada to study and came back to Japan last month. Their stories in Canada will be interesting news. Kota: That's good. Maybe we can have them as our guests in our program.Let's ask them about their lives in o2 W Canada. dad ido doっ0 ro ind John: OK. Also, we should tell people#information * in Aabout our school festival. I think people have some * questions *like "What time and where will the music club play music?” or “Where can we have lunch or s tea?” あ行0g" yasd damy.aas dum Saki: That's important. We have to check the program for the school festival. OK, will we broadcast our program *live or wil we make it before the school 1 festival? た dfnt 株ugeigoan smp John: Of course, we should broadcast it live! Itiwill be' more exciting. ドbne tieond daded bla Kota: I think so, too. Let's wear our class T-shirts with the word “3A” on them! We *wore them for sports day o! When I wear the T-shirt, I have energy. algosg al John: OK, Kota. g9 mpesiagpd Saki: That's good. OK, let's check the main points. John, i please read your notebook. You were writing some points, right?bay e n e: ote adせc ag John: Oh, Saki, you spoke too fast, so I could notiwrite: hnA e them again, please? ao Saki: Oh, no! in t w
問3 話し合いのあと, ジョンがノートにコーヒーをこぼしてしまい,メモの一部が読み 取れなくなってしまいました。 会話の内容から判断して、 (ア), (イ)に適切な英語を 書いて、メモを完成させなさい。 (ア)には1語, (イ)には2語の英語が入ります。 Meeting Memo 30 ●About radio program (of our school festival) Contents : talking time, information , music What do we need?: music CDs , program (of our school 0 festival), (イ) AE Who is our guest?: Our teacher or some of our friends!




