

19-22 字数 183 19. My favorite book is Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer. I decided to make it into a movie. I was the director. My sister loved acting, so she played the main character. The story is about a teenager named Charlotte. At the beginning of the story, Charlotte goes to a new boarding school in London. On the first night, she goes to bed in her own time, but she wakes up in 1918, fifty years in the past. She is at the same school , but she has switched places with a girl from the past named Clare. Charlotte has to learn how to be Clare. Charlotte Sometimes is a great story that is full of mysteries and excitement. Charlotte has to face a lot of problems and tries her best to find ways to get back to her own time. She becomes more confident and brave. It's a very touching story! I really enjoyed being a director for the day. I learned lots of new things and had a lot of fun, I can't wait to show our movie to Mom and Dad! director * main character E boarding school ** switch mystery 4 confident 15' 20. 21. too. 22. DIRECTOR A 19. (A) We have been stars since then. (B) We borrowed Dad's camera to make the movie. (C) We were crazy about the actor in the movie. (D) We took many pictures at the show. (A) 20. (A) She has to try to live in Clare's time. (B) She starts to think about her future. (C) She loses her minds in the end. (D) She looks like a strong soldier. c)21. (A) She gets tired of her new life. (B) She becomes a great fighter. (C) She works hard and makes it at last. (D) She wins the game and turns herself into a princess. (A) 22 ) 22. (A) Maybe I'll be a movie director in the future. XB) I can't stop playing until it gets dark. (C) It is too exciting for teenagers. D. Being a director is not my cup of tea.




