

bought 4 you start off. 3. The pants which I last year are too small now. I think i need a new pair (99年第一次基測) 我去年買的褲子現在已經太小了。我想我需要一條新的。 Here I want to share some things which I think are important before that (99年第一次基測) 在此,我想分享一些我認為在你出發前應注意的重要事項。 that 5. A small town has a good chance of starting a new business which can bring a lot of money, if it has something special to be proud of. 如果一個小鎮有某些特別值得驕傲的東西,它就有機會開始新的商機,可以 劳來很多財富。 that (99年第二次基測) 6 6. I read a newspaper report whista said that in New Zealand, animals and plants from other countries aren't always trouble-makers. . 我讀過一篇報紙報導說在紐西蘭,來自其他國家的動物和植物並非總是麻煩 製造者。 【100年第一次基測) 7. With the money, the school could help students who wished to go to foreign countries some day. (100年第一次基測) 有了這些錢,學校可以幫助有一天想要出國的學生。
B 6. In my family, my sister is the only person that chocolate. . ( (A) love e) loves ( (C) loved (D) loving (96年第二次基測) 7. The book saved my life. It opened a door led me into a world of true love. I was able to look at the world around me with fresh new eyes. 這本書拯救了我。它打開了一扇門讓我進入真愛的世界,讓我能用新的眼界 去看待身邊的世界。 (103 會考) 8.He's a nice guy. But how many heads he's cut open is the last thing ( that ) I'd want to know when I'm eating beef sandwiches. (103) 他是個好人。但當我在吃牛肉三明治時,我最不想聽到的事情就是他已經剖 開了幾顆腦袋。 T T Whi feels good on your body, you may want to learn its story and see if it also feels good in your heart. 下次,當你買一件穿起來合身的衣服,你可能會想了解關於它的故事,並看 看它是否也能讓你的心靈感到美好。 【103 特招】 1 I that O 10. Over the following days, Andy felt bad about being the smartest kid and the earliest to class. It was like he was taking something that was not his. 在接下來的那幾天,安迪對成為班上最聰明且最早到校的人感到很糟。就像 是他拿走了不屬於他的東西的感覺一樣。 (103 特招】 11. It is the first time that we have been able to see the color of an exoplanet. 這是我們第一次能夠清楚看見系外行星的顏色。 【104會考)


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