

me 8二/ an To: Linda From: Oscar Sub.: Cambodia is so great! Dear Linda, Jrve been here in Cambodia for three days!l _7._ cool Cambodia is! | | can”twaitto tell you any insects before? In Have you ever __8. | fhese days, Tve already tried some insects, like | 人全 spiders and crickets. Actually, they tasted | PEGtty 9._. This kind of food culture 1s really | aspecial experience to me- | Talso visited that famous World heritage- | Angkor Wat (吳哥窗)- The guide introduced many arts and cool stories about Angkor Wat. It 1s Itook million pictures | | | 10 beiuttl 0 | | me know _11. jmneet up. See you soom. 和ere- By 也e way, Ihave some gifts for you, so let you are free on 10/3. We cam 名 erieket 螞剛heritage 遺產guide 疾 (B) how 2 CV 有 (A)so (0C it (D) what ( 0) 8. (A) ate (B) eaten (C) eat (D) eating ( 共 9. (A) good (B) well _(C better (D)nicely 2 司 10, (AA) too...to (B) so...to (C0) so...fhat (D) too...及 (BYlhoyw (作)I 0
還 fk*- 人 News;AVe 和Ge Na.wa wi 交_ _Ashe < (A) fceds (58) have fed (C) be feedqtn字 obete 7 選) 5 了he Prenc1 和1e5 with cheese, 天 6A) w7JJ cover (B) are covered (C) are cover10g (D coveredq ee (2的 6@6 The smartphone Frank at 9.30 1ast n1gtbt, 8 %) has used (8) was ulin& 0 全 2) 7 工uckily, 也edogs were not .芭匣嘩客 (A) 全om 品 (B) of 只 【 的字/ The steak has ?@ 8 wtosety Sa (B) to/be served Tom was_bltte 上


