

二和2 地理、歷中(臺灣、中國、世界篇) in Your V Wine ae uesson Save 他 VvVphich is 說 ad - Coeoese 詩人 as 一一 地坊台 dies 二 K (GB) Goo' ss Tunch: $sse $220 Lancps 人 . 2字 ae 人 AS $320 mvnners 窟 、語店 一 AS Zo2 P os2c 4Zag-五pe 77earer? 了 5銜 上 77727s5/ 侯 菩j2 還 交 Save $S0O on Your Birthqayt Save $5Q0 on YoSr SyrGnSayt 才 人7 98gz2e (only for luncby) ConYy tor Wvwner) 】 太和分 cce72S7Ve. 用/z/ yozz rsSr (0 Goodies Goowves // Zoer 850 Lunch: $326 $160 mancw' S32S SVeS 一一一 "7 PW7 ggz26 7 和7 yorz 和2e Warfezrs Zoe 吉S 太人 Dinner: $320 wnexa S32
COSS 人TOO cs 4 國 ca Therc 5 Ti othct wore for tt rood? 到 合計AN 各 yd thing about CioodYc5- AAfQuez 點 yesJr2 二 Tc 筷 說人 good' Aoout AtWWc WEYS GM > AS ft happy about was JO 次說 孳 0 Awes 54 叻 AVW疝 比 nexf to
三、針讀測驗 了7 var People 5Said on the Jnternet about 4 ISt rant and answer the aesGaons 2702品 【 ee ood? 了 人 划s ) apout Goodies next to the Mad-Eye Theatero i 9w Joes anyone know anksSt aturda | want to go 和ere With my friends this SA 放 7:30 PY 上和五: Jr Goodies good? PM 08/26 1 了了My dad fook me 負ere yesterday. ITdont know 註 族s expensive. Ge 8 paid. 7了Te food was fine, not the best, 也ough. “But you Inust g ! fc 7 ry is papaya ice cream. ITJust cant get enough of it!。”Dinner is $S0 2你 cfheaper 1 苹 you eaf 和崗ere on your birthday. / ARE: 生 Goodies good? 8:11 PM _0826 | 誰 / ' Js food js good put its waiters are not.”For 了at price, Ithink you , /三 了 了so go fo Awe's. Is altte far from the theater, but the Waitets | | 計 ec/ / 世ere are fiendJy, and 和e food is wonderful. / ' prnday, so Junch js onJy half price his week. 1 celebrating 由 fit | 1 7: fA Goodres good? 「 Tts fhe pesf esfauratVe eyer Der / cosfs $700 Jess for Junch, Crazy_ Pisrig / cream.“eres Jo Other word for !


