

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


bald spiky eard DIRE plump child HEIGHT thin AGE BUILD short slim young HAIR/LIPS straight 1.9 Looks Vocabulary Physical appearance 1 al Listen and say. short of medium height long in his twenties/ thirties tall middle-aged well-built wavy thin lips old curly full lips fat moustache b) Look at the text. The characters in the picture are from an adventure film. Who's ... 1 tall, fat and bald, with full lips? 2 of average height, well-built, with very short brown hair? 3 young, thin, of medium height, with long straight fair hair and full lips? 4 young, tall and slim, with brown spiky hair and thin lips? C The FANTASTIC FOU The Human Torch The Thing Reed Richards is a genius and he is the leader of the Fantastic Four. He's the husband of Susan Storm and he can change his body into any shape. He can become thinner than a needle or stretch about 3 miles. Johnny Storm is the younger brother of Susan Storm and the youngest in the group. He can fly faster than sound, control fire and surround himself with fire. He's good friends with Spider-Man B (3 Invisible Woman D C Mr Fanta Susan Storm is the second in command She's beautiful and powerful, but she can be very dangerous to her enemies How? She can disappear at any time She's Reed Richards' wife. Ben Grimm is a professional pilot. His great sense of humour, blue eyes orange body and famous battle cry "It's clobberin' time", make him a ven popular character. He's very strong and is friends with Reed Richards. Check these words genius, leader, change, shape, become, enemy, needle, stretch, mile, second in command, powerful, disappear, group, sound, control, fire, surround, professional, sense of humour, famous, battle cry 3 Reading 2 al Listen and read the texts (A-D) and match them to the characters (1-4) in the picture. Which words/phrases helped you decide? b) Choose a character and present him/her to the class.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


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