

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

help please ช่วยแปลให้เราหน่อยได้มั้ยคะต้องการมากๆ😭

owl with Characters Larger tha In any book, cartoon or film we all love to see the heroes defeat the villains, save the world, win the girl and live happily ever after. But just between you and me, don't we feel a little bit sorry for the villains as well? Batman is the superhero protector of Gotham City. After witnessing the murder of his parents as a child, he swore to fight crime. He does not have any superhuman powers, but relies on his intelligence, athletic ability and scientific knowledge. He wears a costume that acts like armour. His cape can spread out like wings which can be used to glide down safely from heights. As a crime fighter, Batman faces several enemies. His biggest enemy is the Joker, a violent maniac with a clown-like appearance. The Joker, a master criminal, has chalk- white skin, green hair and a permanent grin stretched across his face. At one time he can be mischievous and funny, but at other times violent, brutal and cruel. He has no superpowers, instead he is intelligent and good at chemical engineering and weapon design, which he uses to create instruments of terror. One of the most powerful villains is Thanos. He is much larger than the average human, with powerful muscles, a broad face and purple skin. He often wears Life a protective suit of armour, and a glove that can harness power from infinity stones. Thanos plans to use this power to erase half of the human population. Due to this, he is seen as an enemy by many, notably Iron Man who teams up with other heroes, the Avengers, to try to stop him. Iron Man is identified by the armour he wears, which he largely made for himself. Though he has no superpowers, his armoured suit gives him strength, makes him fly, and shoots rays from the palms of his metal gloves. He also has a device on his chest that helps his damaged heart to beat well. Once a good fairy, Maleficent suffered a betrayal from King Stefan that turned her pure heart to evil. To revenge, she placed a curse upon the king's newborn daughter, Princess Aurora, which she makes to only be broken by the kiss of true love. Later on, Maleficent developed a maternal love for the princess. That love broke the curse when she kissed Aurora on the forehead. Whether heroes or villains, these are the characters I admire the most. I love to watch the heroes fight the villains and eventually see good win over evil. I also can't help feeling for the villains and their weaknesses; I just love to hate them! These stories are timeless and the characters are definitely larger than life.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ตอบคำถาม14ข้อ ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ

OFFERING ROBES m or "PHA PA means clothes forest Money tree During the feast called "PHA PA", money is given to restore the temple buildings but also to get funds to build new buildings. Such tree is called money tree The "PHA PA ceremony can happen at any time in the year. On the contrary "THOT KATHIN" ceremony only happens once a year and just after the end of the rain retreat. The name "PHA PA" can be translated to "clothes forest. A long time ago, monks only wear clothes made from old rags of dead people. So faithful people sometimes placed clothes on the tree branches in the forest. That is the origin of the "PHA PA ceremony. Directions: Answer these questions about Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa. 1. What is Kathin? 2. How long are the robes of Buddhist monks cut ? 3. Who would make Kathin robes in the olden times ? 4. When is a period of four weeks? 5. What is the key thing presented to monks in Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa? 6. When is Thot Khathin held? 7. When is Thot Pha Pa held? 8. What are presented to monks in the temples on Thot Khathin ceremony? 9. What is the Pha Pa money used for ? 10. What is junju' called in English? 11. What is th' called in English ? 12. What is the origin of the Pha Pa ceremony? 13. Why is it called Thot Pha Pa? 14. Can you tell about the difference between Thot PhaPa' and 'Thot Khathin'?

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วิทยาศาสตร์ มัธยมต้น


ตอนที่ 2 จงดอบคำถามต่อไปนี้ให้ถูกต้อง 1. น้ำ 30 กรัม ที่อุณหภูมิ 25 องศาเซลเซียส มีอุณหภูมิเพิ่มขึ้นเป็น 50 องศาเซลเซียส ต้องใช้ ปริมาณความร้อนเท่าใด (กำหนดให้ ความร้อนจำเพาะของน้ำเท่ากับ 1 แคลอรี/กรัม องศา- เซลเซียส) 2. การสร้างรางรถไฟใช้หลักการใด 3. ต้องการละลายน้ำแข็งมวล 250 กรัม อุณหภูมิ 30 องศเซลเซียส ให้กลายเป็นน้ำอุณหภูมิ 40 องศาเซลเซียส จะต้องใช้ความร้อนกี่กิโลจูล (กำหนดให้ ความร้อนจำเพาะของน้ำแข็ง มีค่าเท่ากับ 2.1 x 10 J/kg K ความร้อนแฝงจำเพาะของการหลอมเหลวของน้ำแข็งมีค่า เท่ากับ 333 x 10 J/kg และความร้อนจำเพาะของน้ำมีค่าเท่ากับ 4.2 x 10 J/kg K) 4. จากภาพ นักเรียนคิดว่า บุคคลในภาพได้รับความเย็นจากเครื่องปรับอากาศได้อย่างไร

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


A: Choose the correct options. Relative Clauses exercises 2 คลคคารหes iIs the teacher which/ who broke his leg on the field trip. He still can't walk properly. the number 3ปse $ Place is the cafe that/ where worked during the summer holidays. I saved a lot of money. . L0ok That's the guy that/ which cheated in the exam. He still got bad marks though. -าeres the text book where/ that you left at my house. Now you can do your homework. บ0you remember the number of the room which/ where the exam is today? r'm so stressed I can't remember anything. 9. This is the computer which/ where always goes wrong. Someone should fix it. 6. Use the prompts to write sentences with relative clauses. 1. football/ a sport/ is cheap and fun 2. a pupil/ a child/ goes to primary school 3. a tattoo/a picture under your skin/ never disappears 4. Mrs. Kemp/ the teacher/ always gives us lots of homework 5. Oxford/ the city/ has the oldest university in the UK 6. the Japanese/ the people/ invented sushi 7.an architect/ a person/ designs buildings 8. an ice rink/a surface/ yoน can ice skate C: Cross out the relative pronoun where it is not necessary. 1. If Mum can't pick me up from school, I get the bus which stops outside our house. 2. ("ve written down the phone number of the private tutor that my cousin recommended. 3. This is the hospital where was born. It's much bigger now than in the past. 4. Can you buy some apples, some cheese and the eggs that say "organic" on the box? 5. This is the puppy which I chose. Isn't he cute? D: Complete the sentences with relative pronouns. 1. This is the bag | bought on Saturday. lost the MP3 player? we ate lunch last week. you bought? taught us last week. T have my English lessons. 2. Where is the student 3. Take me to the place 4. Can see the new phone 5. This is the teacher 6. That is the classroom

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


ตารางสอน 819 ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๑๑๑ า า Let's have a look at what science and technology are preparing for us in the future. Can you imagine spending your holidays in a space hotel, having your home totally 5 computerised? What about new bones, veins and skin grown from your body cells? Homes of the Future If you like comfort, you will find it in the model home designed for the future. This model house will be wired for convenience, literally. Computer systems will link rooms, gadgets and appliances to each other and all this will be connected to the 30 Internet. 25 Space Resorts Some aerospace companies are setting up a Space Travel and Tourism Division as At the entrance, a security TV doorphone will record a picture of each visitor and it will transmit the image to monitors throughout the house. In the kitchen, appliances from the fridge to the 35 microwave oven will be programmed to order from a food delivery service and to cook recipes selected from the Internet. of the Space Transportatioท 10 part Association. One of the latest ideas is that in a few years' time you will be able to spend your vacation in a space hotel built with recycled space shuttle fuel tanks. An 15 onboard oxygen system will let guests breathe easily. The hotel will grow all its food on board hydroponically (in water containing dissolved nutrients). As soon as the guests get there, they will have an Earth- 20 like "gravity Zone" for the "space-sick." How does it sound? Will you be one of the guests to spend your holidays orbiting 322 kilometres above the Earth? Your Body Sooner than you think, scientists will grow new 40 heart valves from your own cells in laboratories. New veins and arteries will grow directly from a patient's own cells to avoid immune-system rejection. Within 10 to 20 years, laboratories will be ready to transplant hearts, livers and kidneys 45 routinely-all grown from hนman tissue in the lab. AFTER READING 5 What do these words refer to? They are underlined in the text. 4 True or false? Quote the text. 1 The space hotel will be built with recycled material. 1 its (paragraph 2) 2 they (paragraph 2) 3 it (paragraph 3) 4 it (paragraph 4) 2 In the house of the future, your fridge will be connected to the Internet. 3 There is little chance that arteries will grow from patients' cells. www How will techno affect your body future? Check or * Join the beginning of each sentence with the ending. แomr uil1 be

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