

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


1c 12 Fill in the correct prepositions. Then, choose any five phrases and make up sentences using them. out of the ordinary ............the countryside 1 2 www.scratch 3 4. to expect sth .......sb 5 ............ the winter 6 to appeal... sb 7 to live........ a tree top 8 to become short....... space 9 an extension ........... his home 10 to convince people. sth 11 the benefits............ th 12 suitable sb 13 to suffer hay fever 14 fear heights Appendix Word formation 14 Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold. Rea to get an idea what the text is about. Read the text once quickly. For each gap decide what the missing word is (e.g. noun, verb, adverb, etc.). You may need to write the word in the plural or with a negative meaning. Think of possible prefixes and suffixes. Fill in the gaps. Check the spelling. Read the completed text to check if it makes sense. 1 x differ abou havi Liste prob spea lett one A B C D E F Phrasal verbs 13 a. Replace the words in bold with the appropriate phrasal verb formed with break or bring. 1 My computer has stopped working. (= broken down) 2 My favourite band have just released their new album. 3 Schools finish for the summer holidays tomorrow. 4 She was raised by her grandma. 5 The burglars entered by force and stole all our valuables. 6 A fire began suddenly on the second floor of the building. 7 Visiting my old neighbourhood always makes me recall memories of family holidays. 8 The two countries ended diplomatic relations with each other two years ago. Game Competition b. Choose one of the phrasal verbs in Ex. 13a and draw a picture about it. In teams, show your picture to the class. The team which guesses the phrasal verb first gets one point. Continue the game until all of you have shown your pictures. The team with the most points is the winner. YOUR Burglarproof HOME Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find that burglars have broken into your house? 0) Unfortunately, this happens to about 1 million people in Britain 1) 2) However, if you want better against burglars there are several fortune annual protect 4) things you can do. To improve 3) the locks on your doors and windows. The of lighting all around the house check all secure install will make sure a burglar is 5) the shadows. An alarm system is to hide in another good able measure you can take. Starting a 7) also a very 8) watch group is prevent neighbour your area. Since most 9) way to prevent crime in take place effect burglar value 6) when people are away on holiday, this is when your neighbours' help is most 10) to collect your mail, Ask them open and close day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your your curtains every lawn to make your house look occupied. 2.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยหน่อยค่ะข้อ2-ข้อ4 อันแรกค่ะ

Fill in the gaps with the type 2 conditional sentences. 1. If my children fruit, I 2. The road traffic there 3. Communication if there 4. If the cardigan. so expensive, I 5. If I (be) some policemen. (not/be) so easy. for the Internet. (not/be) (buy) it. (not have) a (borrow) one. (not/be) so (wear) it tonight. (not like) chocolate so (give) you this piece. (be) more understanding, we could have a better relationship. 8. If you 9. If you (turn) the TV on, (wake up) our neighbours. (visit) the Eiffel Tower (go) to Paris. (be) you, I (apply) (apply) for the job, computer, I 6. If the dress tight, I 7. If I much, I Second and third conditionals Fill in the gaps so as to build correct type 3 conditional sentences. 1. If you we 10. We if we 11. If I for the job. 12. If Ann she (like) raw (not/ need) to boil it. (flow) if (not/be) (get) it. you 2. It 5. I would apply for the job if I 6. If I 7. You would need to find another job if you (damage) your eyes. (be) impossible to enter the (not/be) there. building if the porter 3. If the flight hadn't been delayed, my boss (arrive) on time to the meeting. (stop) at the red 4. If the driver sign, I 5. I 13. I would eat your adorable meatloaf if I 14. If you Fill in the blanks with either second or third conditional. 1. You 2. If you 3. If you had eaten at lunch, you 4. If there were an ashtray in the house, we smoke a cigarette. 6. If the thieves store, the owners 7. If you (not have) the accident.. (eat) the soup if it (not/be) so salty. (rob) the whole jewellery would have been ruined. (take) your umbrella, you (have) some protection, (not/ catch) a cold. 8. I storm if I 9. The burglars (manage) to escape the (be) more cautious. (escape) to a foreign (not/ catch) them. (learn) to play the piano, I country if the police 10. If you you could have participated in the contest. 11. If you (study) more, you (get) a better mark. 12. There (notice) my new haircut if you had been more attentive. (enjoy) modern art, we could visit the new exhibition. (not/be) so hungry now. (be) a fight if the police (not/ arrive) in time. (not/ need) to go to the balcony to (go) to the job interview, I might have got the job. (know) how to write an application letter. (move) to a new town. 8. I would exercise twice a day if I (have) more time. 9. If the T-shirt (not/be) so loose, I would wear it. 10. If the factory (not/ close), many workers wouldn't be unemployed. 11. If there hadn't been for the snow, most European airports (not/ close) during Christmas time. 12. If there wasn't for the fire, we (freeze) to death. (not/be) a vegetarian. (teach) me how to dance, I would learn it fast. ISLCollective.com

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย


18:35 < document Mr. Vanny Heng_ESL Teacher_Level 4 B Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Bethany Hamilton only surfed on the weekend. 2. Bethany Hamilton won competitions before she was 10. 3. Bethany Hamilton was attacked by a shark 4 Bethany Hamilton stopped surfing for three months. 5. Eric Yuan drove for 10 hours to see his girlfriend. B. Eric Yuan tried to get a visa oight times. 7. Eric Yuan started his company the year he arrived in the US. & Eric Yuan has a wife. C Complete the paragraph. Use the simple past of the verbs parentheses. (travel) alone for the first time. I (2). At the age of 13, 1(1). to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. 1). far, but my mother (4) on the airplane and B) (0) airport and 8). two weeks, and I (11) (sit) next to me. My grandparents (B). (take) me to their home. I (10). my first time in Los Angeles, and I (13). the end, I (14). BLESSONS LEARNED (not, want) to go home! 2. Studying is important, & The study group meets on (have) so much fun with them! It (12). 4 I've been preparing for & She's taking guitar & I hope to get good 1. Did you -(go) (feel) very nervous about traveling so (get) (say). "Don't worry. You'll be fine." I (5) (talk) for a long time to a very nice woman who (meet) me at the (stay) there for VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR A Match the sentence halves. 1. Which classes are Mr. Vanny Heng_ESL Teacher_Level 4 (30 .(be) (see) lots of really interesting places. In a. grades this time. b. but we can have fun, too. B Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. Use the simple past. be find get go live finish When Chang was young, his family (1) (2) (4) 4G+ + 48% | c. my final exams for months. d. lessons after work. LIVEWORKSHEETS TF T F T F T F T F T F move TF TF e. you taking this year? f. Thursday afternoons in the library. 9. pass or fail? want in a small town. When he was eight, they to Shanghai. Chang (1) a good education there. He college when to become a computer programmer. He (5). he was 20 years old. Then he ). to New York City for a job interview. Chang (7) very lucky, and he got the job. He also (8). a cheap apartment, which was also very lucky, Chang invited his parents to visit him, but it was too far for them to travel. Q WL2 : WL2 1/2 LIVEWORKSHEETS 2/2

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ภาษาไทย มัธยมต้น

ช่วยอธิบายให้หน่อยค่ะ 1. มอริส ละครเอกในเรื่องทำอะไร แล้วผลเป็นอย่างไร 2. หนังสือสามารถตีความได้ว่าอย่างไรหรือเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของสิ่งใด อธิบ... อ่านต่อ

17:58 น. 4G 80% Material The FANTASTIC FINING Books of MARLORRIS ESSMORE คำอธิบาย WILLIAM JOYCE the story hot inspired the ACADEMY AWARD winning short 1,595,903 ยอดดู The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore 2 หมื่น ชอบ 2012 21 มี.ค. x The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore is a 2011 animated short film directed by William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg, and produced by Moonbot Studios in Shreveport, Louisiana. Described as an "allegory about the curative powers of story," the film centers on bibliophile Lessmore and his custodianship of a magical library of flying books. It was created using computer animation, miniatures and traditional hand-drawn techniques. Versão integral do curta de animação ganhador do Oscar 2012, na mesma categoria. O curta demonstra a importância da leitura realizando uma belíssima homenagem aos livros físicos. Inspirado igualmente pelo furacão Katrina, Buster Keaton, O Mágico de Oz e pelo amor aos livros, "Morris Lessmore" trata-se de uma história bem humorada, sobre pessoas que dedicam suas vidas aos livros e livros que devolvem este favor. Filme: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore Autor/Ilustrador: William Joyce Co-Diretor: Brandon Oldenburg www.morrislessmore.com

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