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12.Parallel Structure คำเชื่อม = and, but, or, as, than, like, except เชื่อมคำประเภทเดียวกัน - Nouns My best friend collects stamps, coins, and postcards. Adjectives The workers were ready, able, and determined to do a great job. ๑ Modified Nouns A positive attitude can lead to both physical success and spiritual fulfillment. ๑ Verbs She usually eats breakfast and has a cup of coffee in the morning. e Infinitives | would rather pay for my education than receive financial aid. Participial phrases Driving through the countryside and speaking to the people, Sam began to understand the culture better. ๑ Adverbs They encouraged us to work carefully and effectively. Abverbial Phrases They will arrive in less than an hour and in time for the meeting. ๑Clauses The salesman expected that he would present his product, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that prospective buyers would ask him questions. 1. Many industries depend on air conditioning to keep the air in their plants clean 1 2 3 and cool, and controlling the moisture level. 4 2. A new born child responds to the world with reflexes such as grasping, sucking, 1 2 or it turns its head when touched on the mouth. 3 4 3. The domestic dog is generally loyal, courageous, intelligence, and adaptable. 1 2 3 4 4. Maps have lines, words, Symbolic, and colors that show the distribution and 1 2 3 arrangement of the Earth's geographical features. 4

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


)) (Curriculum Connection Life Science / Health Reading 1.19 ปhat do you know about the two fruits in the pictures? FHuits from Asia The kiwi fruit is originally from China. The small oval-shaped fruit (ets its name from the native bird of New Zealand, the kiwi. Both the ir and bird have fuzzy brown skin. Inside, the fruit is bright green with ยiny black seeds. It tastes like a combination of a strawberry, a melon, and a banana. But the kiwi is much more than an exotic fruit. According to recent studies, the kiwi has the most nutrients of all fruits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and it is good for colds and asthma. Studies show that kiwi can help children with breathing problems and coughs. Kiwis also help reduce the fats in one's blood, and so they help keep the heart healthy. The mangosteen is native to Southeast Asia. On the outside, the fruit is a reddish purple color and has a small green crown near the stem. The fruit is white on the inside. The mangosteen tastes like a combination of strawberry and peach, and it is sweet and sour. The people of Southeast Asia use the mangosteen for medicinal purposes. The skin is used to treat infections, reduce pain, and control fever. A tea made from the rind is also good for stomach problems. Powder from the dried fruit is used for skin diseases. It's not Surprising people in Thailand call it the Queen of Fruits. About the Reading Complete the information. kiwi mangosteen looks/appearance taste good for ... World Link Find out about fruits and their health benefits. Choose one and present your findings to the class.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


10:13 l 38% LA 258 KB/S นี้ Adjectiv การบ้าน LIVEWORKSHEETS Home About this site Interactive wo รอบียะห์ Students access คุณ +27 @ foodpanda A ปาร์ตี้พิซซา? Comparatives and Superlatives 1. Write the adjectives in brackets in the Comparative form. a) John Lennon was (OLD) Paul McCartney. b) Some people think the Met is (GOOD) " the Louvre. c) Eric was (AFRAID) d) Cats are (NICE) | in Harlem in the Subway. dogs. e) Cartoons are (GOOD) " music programmes. f) The Empire State is (BIG) | the Chrysler Building. g) Barcelona is (SMALL) " Madrid, but (BIG) Valencia. 2. Write the adjectives in brackets in the Superaltive form. a) Samantha is the (PRETTY) "girl that Paul has ever met. b) I think that King Kong was the (BAD) " film ever! c) Mounth Everest is the (HIGH) mountain in the world, d) Our English teacher is the (GOOD) " teacher ever! e) My room is the (CLEAN) " room in my house. f) Ron is the (CLEVER) g) The Millenium Star is one of the (EXPENSIVE) person I've ever met. diamonds in the world. 3. Complete the table. Pay attention and don't forget than or the. ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE Good Nice Dangerous Expensive Bad Big Pretty Fast Happy Friendly Sad Boring NHISTLRGIRL - DesiG NS SGLIVEWORKSHEETS Finish! ( ) =

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives. 0Tim never helps with the housework. He's so ..lazy..! X lazy a. excited C. jealous d. funny 0Zoe was envious of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe,and more inteligent, to0. C. happy a. afraid 5. envious d. sexy 8 Karen rarely gets angry with people. She's usuallygenerous and understanding. น. generous b. selfish C. cold d. pretty 9 Pam is very outgoing I'm sure you'l like her when you meet her. 4. outgoing b. stupid C. friendly d. self-confident 6 The teacher felt very .proud when all her students passed the exam. a. messy E. proud C. cheerful d. angry 6 My friend, Sara is very clever She is good at learning things. % clever a. polite c. rude d. dishonest impolite ! c. kind 0 People who push in front of you in queues are very ซ. impolite b. serious d. interesting 8 My sister Marisa is easy-going. I'm the opposite. I'm very outgoing. a. loud b. cheerful c. shy ๕. easy-going 9 SMy brother Jake is very ..neat. His bedroom is always tidy. a. นntidy 8. neat C. messy d. creative 0 My neighbor is a good person. She has been 1 honest น b. kind honest to me very : C. sensitive d. noisy

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