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เพื่อนๆ ช่วยเราแปลบทความภาษาอังกฤษหน่อยได้มั้ยคะ🥺 อยากได้แปลเป็นภาษาไทยที่อ่านแล้วเข้าใจง่ายๆค่ะ

INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS OF ACADEMICS & RESEARCH IJARKE Business & Management Journal standard deviation of 1.564. The statement that collection policy monitors account receivable to know had a mean score of 3.68 and standard deviation of 1.463. The statement that circumstances for offering credit to clients had a mean score of 3.93 and a standard deviation of 1.078. 8.1.3 Account Receivables The third objective was to determine the effect of account receivables on financial performance of transport firms in Mombasa County. The statement in agreement that available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management had a mean score of 4.21 and a standard deviation of 1.210. The statement that transport firms sets and follows debt collection policy and terms had a mean score 3.26 and a standard deviation of 1.435. The statement that the organization implements these terms and policies in case of failure to pay the loan had a mean score 3.60 and standard deviation of 1.374. The statement that favourable credit terms stimulate sales had a mean score of 3.59 and a standard deviation of 1.232. Table 5 Account Receivables Available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management Transport firms sets and follows debt collection policy and terms The organization implements these terms and policies in case of failure to pay the loan Favourable credit terms stimulates sales Valid N (listwise) 8.1.4 Credit Terms ISSN: 2617-4138 www.ijarke.com DOI: 10.32898/ibmj.01/1.4article07 Table 6 Credit Terms Business growth has been as a result of proper financial management practices undertaken by the firm. There had been an improvement in debtor's collection by using credit collection policies The business growth depends on sales returns in terms of price of the product, sales in the period, number of customers in a period and credit collection policy in place Solvency-Long-term debt against your assets and equity Valid N (listwise) N 103 92 IJARKE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL 103 103 103 103 N 103 103 103 103 103 Mean The fourth objective of the study was to examine influence of credit terms on financial performance of transport firms in Mombasa County. The statement that available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management had a mean score of 4.21 and a standard deviation of 1.210. The statement that transport terms of sales had a mean score of 3.76 and a standard deviation of 1.302. The statement that credit collection period had a mean score of 3.57 and a standard deviation of 1.684. The statement those terms of extension of credit facilities as shown in Table 6 N 103 4.21 3.26 103 103 3.60 3.59 Mean Available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management Transport terms of sales Credit collection period Terms of extension of credit facilities Valid N (listwise) 8.1.5 Financial Performance The statement that business growth has been as a result of proper financial management practices undertaken by the firm had a mean score of 3.68 and a standard deviation of 1.463. Table 7 Financial Performance Vol. 1, Issue 4 4.21 3.76 3.57 3.51 103 3.48 103 3.13 Std. Deviation 1.210 1.435 1.374 1.232 3.58 Std. Deviation Std. Mean Deviation 3.68 1.463 1.210 1.302 1.684 1.552 1.259 1.525 1.492 May-Jul. 2019

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


20 10 15 Study Suggests Sitting Less Can Extend Life Track 6 Karzmarzy studies, which government-ru people spend Not only sitting less, th could add an People ask, "Is it eve "That's never too la know that y Katzmarzyl Cham to desk de "Tha They may desk. I've for every can go fo Katzmar • By Rebecca Widiss VOAnews.com hat's the best seat in the house? It may be whichever one you use the least. New research suggests that cutting daily sitting time to less than three hours might extend your life by two years. W Humans were designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely prom us to roam around. Quite the opposite, says Peter Katzmarzyk, an epidemiologist at the University of Louisiana. "Sitting is ubiquitous in our lives today. You know, we sit while we're eating, we sit in the car, we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work. So on average, Americans report they sit between four and a half to five hours a day," Katzma said. team to And, as he says, those chair-centered days matter to our health, just like exercise "We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that. But sedentary behavior is also important. . . . If you exercis for 30 minutes a day. What goes on in the other 23 and a half hours a day is also very important," Katzmarzyk said. Ka occupa and do we sp Katzmarzyk and his colleagues are part of a new generation of researchers trying discover how sitting all day affects our lifespans. "This is a relatively new area of study. . . . Studies that have assessed the relations between sitting and mortality or television viewing and mortality are very rare. There's of been a few of them, actually five or six now, in the last four or five years," said Katzman 66

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ข่วยหน่อยนะคะ ข้อ a b cค่ะ🙏🏼🙏🏼

1b 1 Vocabulary practice Character ► Reading a. What type of texts are A and B? What do you think they are about? b. Read the texts. Which advert: 1 wants actors to advertise something? 2 asks people to apply by email? 3 only wants three people? 4 wants only male actors? c. Underline the character adjectives in the adverts. Use them to answer the questions. What do we call a person who... 1 has good manners? 2 likes to hurt or upset people? shows understanding of other people's needs? 3 4 is very proud of their looks? 5 expects good things to happen? 6 cares only about himself/ herself? 7 doesn't get upset or angry? 8 gives more than is usual? STUDYSKILLS Remembering New Words: Opposites Learn words in pairs of opposites. This will help you remember them more easily. A Actors wanted for new film "Bad Guys'. Location: Brooklyn Audition date: 14th September B Send pictures and CVs to: Michael Glover, Chimera Filmworks Inc. email: m.glover@chimera.co.nyc Characters: Sean - 25-30, dark complexion, tall, medium build, good-looking, cruel and greedy 4 Stacy - 30-36, pale complexion, medium height, slim, average looks, vain and selfish Laura - 26-32, fair complexion, short, average build, pretty, optimistic, caring, sensitive and honest CASTING CALL FOR TV COMMERCIAL Location: Creative Edge Studios, Los Angeles Seeking: Three male actors • Jack: handsome, blond hair, blue eyes, aged 18-23; friendly, patient, polite • Buddy: good-looking, dark curly hair, moustache, in early twenties; friendly, generous, easy-going • Delivery Guy: tall, strong build, in late twenties; impatient, bossy, rude Also seeking: male and female extras, aged 16-18 Actual shooting date is Sunday, 28th September Please call Dawn Reed with any questions 703-478-0880 Speaking 3 In pairs, use character adjectives to talk about people you know. A: Have you met our new neighbour? B: No, I haven't. What's he like? A: He's very friendly and polite! Appearance Which words in the adverts (A & B) describe appearance/ height/build?

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


bald spiky eard DIRE plump child HEIGHT thin AGE BUILD short slim young HAIR/LIPS straight 1.9 Looks Vocabulary Physical appearance 1 al Listen and say. short of medium height long in his twenties/ thirties tall middle-aged well-built wavy thin lips old curly full lips fat moustache b) Look at the text. The characters in the picture are from an adventure film. Who's ... 1 tall, fat and bald, with full lips? 2 of average height, well-built, with very short brown hair? 3 young, thin, of medium height, with long straight fair hair and full lips? 4 young, tall and slim, with brown spiky hair and thin lips? C The FANTASTIC FOU The Human Torch The Thing Reed Richards is a genius and he is the leader of the Fantastic Four. He's the husband of Susan Storm and he can change his body into any shape. He can become thinner than a needle or stretch about 3 miles. Johnny Storm is the younger brother of Susan Storm and the youngest in the group. He can fly faster than sound, control fire and surround himself with fire. He's good friends with Spider-Man B (3 Invisible Woman D C Mr Fanta Susan Storm is the second in command She's beautiful and powerful, but she can be very dangerous to her enemies How? She can disappear at any time She's Reed Richards' wife. Ben Grimm is a professional pilot. His great sense of humour, blue eyes orange body and famous battle cry "It's clobberin' time", make him a ven popular character. He's very strong and is friends with Reed Richards. Check these words genius, leader, change, shape, become, enemy, needle, stretch, mile, second in command, powerful, disappear, group, sound, control, fire, surround, professional, sense of humour, famous, battle cry 3 Reading 2 al Listen and read the texts (A-D) and match them to the characters (1-4) in the picture. Which words/phrases helped you decide? b) Choose a character and present him/her to the class.

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