

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


ค Read the interview. 6-09 oguess that something will happen in the future. Our Happy Planet Garry: Hello, everyone! And welcome to the Our Happy Planet Talk Show, We're here with Professor Julie Bright, a sientist and expert on climate change. Julie: Thanks, Garry. Garry: So, Julie, in your opinion, do we do enough to keep our planet healthy? Julie: Actualy, I think that the world is going to end in the next 100 years. Garry: I'm sorry. In 100 years? Oh dear.. thats terrible. Can you explain further? Julie: Its because we've already done too much damage to the planet, and now that darmage is permanent. In my opinion, we're past the point of trying to protect the planet. Now we should try to save ourselves. Garry: Surely there's something we can do. What's the cause of all this damage? Julie: Well, the cause is pollution, and its effect is climate change. It's destroying our planet, and it will continue to do So. Its to the point that we cannot stop it. Its causing the ice caps to melt. (A) Soon they will all disappear. This in turn will cause sea levels to rise. [B) Its predicted that sea levels will rise another 48 centimeters by the year 2050. This will flood many coastal cities. They will be lost forever beneath the water. Flooding isn't the only problem being caused by climate change either. Climate change is causing drought, famine, fires, and other disasters to happen more often all over the world. [C) The bottom line is: we're losing the fight against climate change. Garry: But, Professor, if we stop poluting the environment, can't we prevent these disasters that you are predicting? Julie: Hmm. Well, it couldn't hurt. But, in order for us to make a real difference, we'd have to stop polluting the planet now. Climate change is a problem for all people living now. It's not a problem for our kids or our kids" kids. comprehension Circle true or false. 8 1. Julie believes the damage done to the planet is permanent 2. Sea levels have risen 48 centimeters. 3. Melting ice caps cause droughts, famines, fires, etc. 4. Julie thinks natural disasters cannot be prevented. true false true false true false 6 Read the statements. Then fill in the boxes with the best place to insert the sentences [A-C]. The ice caps have melted faster in the last 20 years than they have in the past 10,000 years. These disasters can also cause issues such as lack of food and water. The sea level has increased by 23 centimeters in the last 140 years. Listen and read. Then fill in the blanks with the correct words. 7-09 Hello sports fans. Welcome to the 23rd annual Bayslde High School Athletics Day. I'm your host, Vic Romano. Today, I'll be covering all of the action. First up is the three-on-three basketball tournament. The Ballers are this year's champions! This most of the other teams. They morning, they 1. Couldn't lose. However, in the championship game, the Purple Elephants the Ballers in the first two quarters. Luckily n0 2. one got injured. By the end of the third quarter, though, the Ballers had the game under control, Ravi Patel 3. most other players. He led the game in rebounds. He also 4. everyone else. Meanwhile, team captain Eduardo Marque2 5. point guard. He gave assists to all his teammates. Finally, teammate Kenny Longhorn made an the Elephants unbelievable shot. Thanks to Ravi, Eduardo, and Kenny, the Ballers won the game 123-95.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

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34 - 35 / 85 ) อ Look at the pictures and unscramble. The first letter is bolded. 1. nirysudt feecrerenp 3. 4. ddcenaiat eultildfg h 5. Tetcuenilalt mlka Rewrite the sentences with a defining relative clause and the given sentence. 1. My father is very hard working. (He is a professor.) 2. Alice Monkton called the police when she heard the sound of a breaking window. (She Iives next door to the burgled house.) 3. Our physics course is taught by world-renowned professors. (It is one of three subjects this university offers dasses in.) 4. I was offereda job at Techtropolis because the interviewer liked my ambition. (Its the top tech company in my city.) 5. I talked to Daniel Myerson for most of the party. (I went to middle school with him.) Read the conversation and circle the correct answers. "My personality is quite Complex. If Im with people I know well, IFm an extrovert: I talk a lot, and Fm loud and confident. But if Irm in an unfamiliar situation, with people I don't know, 1 tend to be quiet and more introverted.I don't realy mind, though. I think being quiet has benefits. It makes me a better listener, and I can get to know new people quickly." Samira "Interesting. Im actually kind of the opposite. I love meeting new people, so when I do, I'm very excited, outgoing, and talkative. But when I'm with people whom Ive known for a long time, I'm more calm and relaxed. Oh, but even though I like meeting new people, I really don't like speaking in front of large groups of strangers. When I have to give a speech on a stage or Something like that I feel very stressed and Scared!" Ronan 1. Samira and Ronan have 2. Samira feels 3. Ronan doesnt like to 3. talk in front of groups a. very similar personalities b. very different personalities C. unchanging personalities d. not many friends a. bad that she s introverted b.confident with people she knows C. outgoing with new people d.sensitive to the quiet b. meet new people C. talk much with people he doesn't know d. be talkative with new people 35

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


01:50 น. @ Dะ % 4l 47) แบบฝึกหัด นnit. เขียนลงสมุด พร้อมตอบคำถาม บนหัวในกระดาษสมุด จะต้องมีชื่อ ชั้น เลขที่ Fill in the blanks with the correct comparatives or superlatives, and circle the best expressions. 1. The (strict) the teacher, the harder and harder / hardest / harder find the coursework. 2. This path looks (familiar) the farther and farther/ considerably farther / less and less we walk. 3. Janita is considerably / much / by far the (happy, pretty) person I've ever met. 4. When you keep your desk (tidy), you'll work by far the fastest/ a lot faster / much more faster. 5. The longer and longer / less and less / considerably longer this movie goes on, the more certain ป am that this is the (boring) film Ive ever watched. Authentic Conversation Practice Read the conversation. Circle the best expressions to make comparatives or superlatives. Jay:I can't stand the host. The longer he talks, the (1) more and more / less and less / faster wish hadn't come. Ann: Yeah. Last year's host was (2) one of the / far / far and away better. Jay: The foods are also getting (3) more and more / less and less /a lot exotic by the year. Ann: l agree. The more l eat, (4) the blandest / less bland / the blander they seem to taste. Jay: This year's cultural festival is (5) much / far and away / considerably the most boring one I"'ve attended 0

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ฮือออ มีใครช่วยเราได้บ้างมั้ยคะ🥺 ข้อ1กับ2ค่ะ

Read and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Change the form if necessary.Tw. words will not be used. potential medical massive factor infection needle treatment ensure Hello, my name is Kamila, and I"m Fatima's sister. My sister and talked about starting to exercise. (AJ One of the thi we agreed on was that we should get some 1. อdvice before starting. (B) This พay, we would bo we don't overdo anything. I was glad to visit a doctor because needed a checkup อnd had เcaraches. The pain was so bad. To rmy surprise, the doctor Said had an ear อnd said I will need additional to 2. been sufferng from 3. IC) He gave me an injection with a huge 5. He told me he will be doing sorme virtual reality training that will help him better understand 4. 6. my situation. By the time I see him next, he'll have finished his training, never thought my ear problem would be 50 serious. I will definitely be visiting the doctor more often from now on! (D) 2 Read ) again and circle the correct answers. 1. What was NOT a reason that Kamila went to the doctor? a. She wanted a checkup. 6. Her sister made her go. C. An earache was troubling her. d. She wanted advice. 2. What did the doctor do for Kamilla? a. He started her treatment. b. He gave her VR training. c. He said he couldn't treat her next time. d. all of the above 3. What is true about Kamila? b. She was given treatment for her medical problem. a. She talked her Sister into visiting the doctor. C. She doesn't plan to visit the doctor in the future. d. She thought the earache was part of getting older. 4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence? He said I could have lost my hearing if I hadn't come to see him. c. [C) a. (A) b. [B] d. (D) 1.กร

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