

英語 高校生

英検2級の要約問題です。 添削をお願いします。 字数の目安が45〜55語と書いてあるんですが、61語はアウトですか?

出題例 2級 Writing 既存の 「意見論述」 の出題に加え、 「要約」 問題を出題 以下の英文を読んで, その内容を英語で要約し, 解答欄に記入しなさい。 ●語数の目安は45語~55 語です。 ●解答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。 ●解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は, 0 点と採点されることがあります。 英文をよく読ん でから答えてください。 When students go to college, some decide to live at home with their parents, and others decide to rent an apartment by themselves. There are other choices, too. These days, some of them choose to share a house with roommates. What are the reasons for this? Some students have a roommate who is good at math or science and can give advice about homework. Other students have a roommate from abroad and can learn about a foreign language through everyday conversations. Because of this, they have been able to improve their foreign language skills. On the other hand, some students have a roommate who stays up late at night and watches TV. This can be noisy and make it difficult for others to get enough sleep. Some students have a roommate who rarely helps with cleaning the house. As a result, they have to spend a lot of time cleaning the house by themselves.

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英語 高校生

どうなのか分からないので全部教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️ 至急でお願いします🙏🙏

1 各文の( )内の語句を使って,動詞を過去完了形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) When I woke up, the sun (2) I 4 (already rise) (3) She sick for a week when you called me. a panda until she went to the zoo. (be) (never see) *(4) I waited outside the room because I the key. (lose) 5 2 各文の( )内の動詞を過去完了進行形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) My brother from school. (2) Sam felt hungry because he (3) I TV for two hours when I returned ★3 各文の( )内の動詞を未来完了形にして文を完成させなさい。否) 1655(watch) 01) (since early morning. (drive) the piano for an hour when the phone rang. (play) 6 (1) I to bed when my father comes home. (2) If Jeff reads the novel again, he (3) Liz (4) Ryota 8685-17 it three times. (read) in this apartment for five years next month. (live) the dishes by the time the TV program starts. (wash) (go) 4 各文の()内のうち, 適当なほうを選びなさい. (1) The game (has already started / had already started) when we got to the stadium. (2) I (have never traveled / had never traveled) abroad before that time. (3) The rain (has just stopped / had just stopped). Let's go out now. (4) Ken was angry because he (has been waiting / had been waiting) for her for two hours. *(5) Aya didn't have her jacket. She (has left, had left) it on the train. € に直すこと)

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英語 高校生

英検準2級のライティングのEメール問題です。 採点してほしいです🙇‍♀️

5 ライティング(Eメール) mode bent ●あなたは、外国人の知り合い (Clara) から, Eメールで質問を受け取りました。 この質問に わかりやすく答える返信メールを、に英文で書きなさい。 ●あなたが書く返信メールの中で, ClaraのEメール文中の下線部について, あなたがより 解を深めるために、下線部の特徴を問う具体的な質問を2つしなさい。 ●あなたが書く返信メールの中でに書く英文の語数の目安は40語~50語です。 ●解答は,解答用紙の裏面にあるEメール解答欄に書きなさい。なお,解答欄の外に書かれた ものは採点されません。 解答がClaraのEメールに対応していないと判断された場合は,0点と採点されることがあ ります。 ClaraのEメールの内容をよく読んでから答えてください。 | の下の Best wishes, の後にあなたの名前を書く必要はありません。 Hi! Guess what! I will enter a marathon next Saturday. I wanted to enter a bicycle race, but my mom thought it would be too dangerous. She suggested I enter amarathon instead. You should come and watch the race if you're free. I'm excited about the marathon, but training for it is tiring. I have to go running every day. Do you think that marathons will become more popular in the future? Your friend, Clara Hi, Clara! Thank you for your e-mail. Best wishes, 解答欄に記入しなさい。

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英語 高校生

英語の長文です 文法表現があるところが知りたいです!

UNIT 5 Reading Passage 5 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There is a saying in France that states: "The government could fall, the Louvre¹ could be broken into, or aliens could land on Earth, but if any of these things happened during the Tour de France, no one would notice." The Tour de France is the most famous cycling race in the world. The which is held in July every year, consists of twenty one-day stages, plus several rest days. The course follows a clockwise route around France, and often neighboring countries, including Luxembourg, Belgium, and Italy. The winner is the rider who completes all twenty stages of the race in the shortest overall time. race, The Tour de France first started on July 1, 1903, when sixty cyclists left from in front of The Alarm Clock Café, just outside of Paris, and rode 467 kilometers to Lyon. The first race consisted of six legs, each of which was about 400 kilometers long. At that time, there were no rest days the winner was the rider who finished the race in the shortest total time. The winner of the first Tour de France, Maurice Garin, the most popular cyclist in France at that time, received 2,000 francs (about $350). It took him 94 hours and 33 minutes to ride all 2,428 kilometers of the race, three hours faster than the runner-up.² Over the weeks during which the race was run, the idea of the Tour de France slowly caught on with the people of France. The race has been held every year since that time, except during the years of World Wars I and II.³ The Tour de France has developed several special honors for which racers compete. The highest honor is the "yellow jersey." Henri Desgranges, the founder of the race, introduced the yellow jersey in 1919 to show the leading racer each day of the Tour de France. Each day, the officials who keep track of all of the riders' times compare each rider's total time up to that point. The racer with the lowest overall time wears the yellow jersey during the following day's race. Other honors include the "green jersey," which is given to the best sprinter, and the "polka dot jersey," a white jersey with red dots, for the best rider in the mountains along the route. Over the years of the race, the competitors have gained a reputation for good sportsmanship. For example, if a lead rider falls off his bike, it is common for the following riders to slow down to allow the fallen rider to catch up. Some watchers are surprised by this, but as German rider Jan Ullrich, who came in runner-up in 2002 after waiting for winner Lance Armstrong, says, "Of course I would wait. If I would have won this race by taking advantage of someone's bad luck, then the race was not worth winning." 1 the Louvre a famous museum in Paris 2 runner-up someone who comes second in a race or other competition 3 World Wars I and II 1914-1918 and 1939 - 1945 abent ages

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英語 高校生

高校1年通信 英語のレポートの答えが分かりません どなたか教えてくださる方いらっしゃいますか?

問題用紙 対象便利 1902年度教育 科目 英語コミュニケーションI 回数 第1回目 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 教科書 (p20-p37) 2024 年度版 [1] 教科書 p22-23, P30~31 の左右にある以下の (句)を、教科書 p148~ の Word List を使用して調べ。 日本語は英語に、英語は日本語になおしなさい。 (1) 自撮り (2) ワッフル (3) かりかりした (4) 外食する (5) エネルギー (6) クオッカ (7) stay with... (8) because of... (9) be full of... (10) native [2] 対話が成り立つように、 下線部に適切な語をそれぞれ選択肢から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (教科書p24-p27参照) (1) A: What do you like? B: I like cats. [ア.drink 1. animal 7. sport I (2) A: What is your favorite ? B: I love rice noodles. [7. music イ. food .sport] (3) A: you sleepy this morning? B: No, but I was a little tired. [7. Were 1. Was 7. Did ] (4) A: What did Bob do yesterday? B:He soccer, [7.practice イ. practices ウ practiced [3] 日本語をヒントに]の中の話 (句)を並び替えて英文を完成させ、3番にくるものを記号で答えな さい。ただし、文頭にくる語の語頭も小文字にしてあります。 p30-034 参照) (1) 少女たちは写真の中で幸せそうに見えました。 I 7. in 1. looked ウ the picture , the girls *. happy 1. (2) 私たちはその時、テレビを見ていませんでした。 17. weren't イ. then ウ.TV, watching *.we 1. [4] 英文を読み、各問に答えなさい。 教科書 p22-p23 参照) Hello. I'm Phong. I live in Hanoi, Vietnam. Here. Leat/many/the/people/ out/in/ morning J. Rice noodles are popular for breakfast. Today I had breakfast at the noodle stand near my house. I was a little sleepy, but now I am full of energy! (1) フォンさんが住んでいる国を本文から抜き出し、解答欄に英語で書きなさい。 (2) 下線部①が「ここでは、多くの人々が朝に外食をします。」 という意味になるように、[ ]内の語を並び替 えなさい。

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