

英語 高校生


Exercises 日本語に合う英文になるように, 1. 祭りで見た人たちは着物を着ていました。 The people (who )内に適切な関係詞を入れましょう。 ) I saw in the festival wore a kimono. 2. 得点が80点を超えた生徒は試験に合格します。 The students ( who ) marks are over 80 pass the exam. ) lives in Australia, teaches Japanese. 3. 私の姉は、オーストラリアに住んでいますが, 日本語を教えています。 My sister, (who 4. 私と一緒に来たい人はだれでも連れて行きます。 I'll take whoever wants to come with me. 2 日本語に合う英文になるように,空所に適切な語を入れましょう。 1. 私がカナダで会った人たちは親切でした。 The people (who ) ( I Onnecting Activity )( met 2. ボブはテレビゲームを買いましたが, それはとても高価でした。 ) in Canada were nice. Bob bought a video game, (which ) ( was 3. 私は画面が大きいスマートフォンが欲しいです。 I want a smartphone (whose ) (screen) is wide. ) very expensive. 4. あなたに何が起きようとも、冷静に行動しなさい。 (Whaterer) (hamp) to you, please act calmly. 3 日本語に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえましょう。 1. トムが国語のテストで満点を取ったので, 私たちはとても感心しました。 Tom got full marks on the Japanese test, (impressed/ much / us / very / which). whichimpressed us very much 2. 陽子が昨日私たちに話したことは真実でした。 What Yoko told us yesterday (told/us / what / yesterday / Yoko) was true. 3. あなたが読みたいものはどれでも借りることができます。 You can borrow (want/read/to/you / whichever). whichever you want to rend [ う。 初回 2001 100

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

この問題の4番なのですが、答えがアになります。 答えとなる1文では動詞のhelpが使われているのに、どうして答えでも動詞の原型が使えるのですか?

night. Even if you can't fall asleep right away, just lie on the bed every night. If you do that, you will be able to sleep early someday. Second, you should control the temperature of your bedroom. If it is too hot in your bedroom, it will be difficult to sleep there. We feel a little cool when Your body temperature is important our bedroom temperature is around 25°C. too. We feel sleepy when our body temperature goes down. You should take that, it will gradually go down, and you will feel sleepy when you go to bed. a bath and raise your body temperature ninety minutes before you sleep. After Third, you should turn off the lights in your bedroom when you sleep. And you should not use your smartphone two hours before you sleep. If you look at e-mails from your friends or play video games on your smartphone in bed, your brain will wake up. Do you usually sleep alone? If you (3#*#*3) a bedroom with your brother or sister and can't turn off the lights in your bedroom, it is helpful to use an eye mask. Ila slqooq nam in bormasl The final point is to calm down. We usually need some time to feel sleepy. Twenty minutes before going to bed, you should do something relaxing. Some people like reading books or listening to music. Find the best way for you. a Sleeping is important for us. Please try some of these points. I hope they will help you (4) well, Cathy! Demos Tom oing to pessler of not den of ma gintol 〈注〉 fall asleep 眠りにつく expose 5b sunlight lie #3 yas ad to om temperature brain eye mask アイマスクcalm down 気分が落ち着く 問1 下線部①の()内の語を正しく並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい。 問2 下線部②が指すものを, 本文中の英語3語で書きなさい。 QueshmA 問3日 本文中の (③) 内の日本語を英語1語に直しなさい。 alommovog griden bna bhow 問4 本文中の (④) に入る最も適切なものを、次のア~エの中から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 Jsleep 1d sleeping og slept im I at sleeping and woll anshoqqua 問5 寝る前に読書をしたり音楽を聞いたりすることに対してトムが述べていることとして最も適 切なものを、次のア~エの中から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 Listening to music before sleeping is not good because our brains will wake up. 1 If we read a difficult story that we can't understand, we won't get sleepy. It is important for us to listen to music while we take a bath. babow I Before you sleep, doing something relaxing is helpful for us to calm down. 問6 以下は本文の要約文である。 本文の内容に合うように(1)~(3) に入る適切な語を,本文 a tunds meol bino Wein 中の英語1語で書きなさい。 Tom tells Cathy four ( 1 ) about what to do to sleep well at night. He says going to bed and getting up at the same time every day is important. Also, our bedroom should be ( 2 ) because it is hard to sleep in a hot room. We should

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

1がなぜ答えが②になるのか分かりません。 1996から1997と1997から1998は同じ売り上げの差なのになぜ②とわかるのでしょうか。 また、どこからパーセントが分かったのかも教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします🙇

速読問題 enim OA: omit ⑥6 グラフと英文について問いに答えなさい。 bonsigneono ad oels U.S. Computer and V and Video Game DOLLAR Sales Growth 2 A 8.0 -7.4- 7.0 7.0 7.1 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 -2.6--- nabh 9M0390 2.0 1.0 simsbico san 0.0 7 There has been growth in the sales of computer and video game units in the United States for the past 12 years. Perhaps the largest growth was between [ ] and […], when the sales of computer and video game units increased about 42 percent. After 1998, there has been a steady increase in the sales except in paded ], when there were fewer units sold than in [ an in [2]. In 2006, the US compu and video game software sales grew six percent. [ Billion dollars COD 4.8. ##0+ 3.7.. -5.5---- 5.6. Chuqu O 6.1 That 7 + OK-HO A-43 (関東学院大) (各4点) OVA 【目標時間5分】 Ishl+ut 7.0 1. 83 本文の空所に入る年の最も適切な順番を示した組み合わせを1つ選びなさい。d 1996 1997 - 2004 - 2005 and 2 1996 - 1997 - 2005 - 2004 3 1997 - 1998 - 2004 - 2005 to nl1997 - 1998 - 2005 - 2004 gniols.cz gnirbsmoz otni sgaugnal own adı zim yam vodi 10 sual e19sinolos 2. 本文の内容に一致するように、次の質問に対する最も適切な答えを1つ選びなさい。 120101-200 TO REMUNTigento Visht oele is of wen From this article, how high would the bar for 2006 for the total number of Ladiso ao ammlA non ni botesti o computer and video games be? mor Approximately the same height as 2005. gwoy ni sigood vrem.891412 esgaugnal eviten orb 2 Shorter than 2005. (③3) Taller than 2005. high to logo tations day at t 4 It is impossible to tell. nity d butxo so of filgholti anw serb sgeugnal vd naloge 01 coby 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 D) Baits 04 200 srb to Ils no bellidi 31 d 292Buenal siit to Year ar ni nodloga 25w doiste deino bello egiugnsl odi tadi bice quong O リスニング 音声を聞いて、問いに答えなさい。 英文は2度読まれます。 2 nopauxs esgaugnal 【2分】

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


[2] The coronavirus has become a very big problem around the world. Because of this, handwashing with *soap has become very important. (A) Parents, teachers, and leaders are [7. their hands 1. a day I. to wash . everyone many times ]. Many telling famous people have made songs and videos about handwashing. Handwashing is important, but it is not easy for some people in the world. "Handwashing with soap is one of the cheapest and most effective things you can do," said a *director at *UNICEF. "It can protect you and others against coronavirus and other diseases." However, there are billions of people in the world who cannot (B) do this. UNICEF says that 40 percent of the world's people, ( C ) 3 *billion, do not have a handwashing place with water and soap at home. Also, 47 percent of schools do not have a place for handwashing, and 16 percent of healthcare centers do not have handwashing places for patients. Many people in developing countries are getting sick because they cannot wash their hands. Until now, UNICEF has taught people in developing countries the importance of handwashing. But even now, developing countries still need help. Japan and other countries should give help so that all people around the world can wash their hands. Notes: soap 石けん director 局長 UNICEF ユニセフ、国連児童基金 問 3 空所 (C)に入る適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び記号で答えなさい。 7. and 1. or .but I. for billion 10 億

解決済み 回答数: 1