

英語 中学生

写真のメアリんのスピーチを読んで下の質問に皆さんそれぞれがどう答えるか教えてください🙇‍♀️ ①メアリンのスピーチ原稿をもとに下の表を完成させましょう。 建物の呼び名 ____________ 部屋の数   ____________ 住んでいる人数 _____... 続きを読む

food storage room 食料の貯蔵室 Challenge 世界の友達の町について知ろう Unt。 香号を ちゅうこく 中国のメイリンも,自分の町を紹介しています。 Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Meiling. Look at this picture. This is my town in Fujian, China. You can see some round houses. People call them Fujian Tulou. Don't you think they look interesting? 15 I live in one of these houses. It's huge. There are about 18 350 rooms. About 300 people from 60 families live together in our house. I live there with my parents, grandparents, two uncles, three aunts, and three cousins. There are kitchens on the first floor, and food storage rooms 18 on the second floor. There are living rooms and bedrooms on the 18 third and fourth floors. If we are hungry, we have to go downstairs. 14 10 I like my house and town because living together with a 17 21 big family is fun. [123 words) Fujian 福建省(中国の南東にある省) lou福建土楼(福建省に多数ある独特の円形·方形などの建築物) どろう Notes Wang Meiling ワン,メイリン[人名) IA

解決済み 回答数: 1