

英語 高校生


EXERCISES. 各文の( )内の語を最上級の形にして入れ、[ ]内からは適当な語を選びなさい。 1) That bookshelf is the smallest in (small) [in / of] this shop. 2) Ann was the lukciest of 3) Naoki has the most of (lucky) [in / of] the three girls. (many) comic books [in/of] us all. 4) Canada is the second largest in (large) country [in/of] the world. 5) Oxford Street is one of the busiest in (busy) streets [in / of] London. 6) This scene is the funniest in (funny) [in / of] this movie. ②2 日本文の意味に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい. 1) オアフ島はハワイで3番目に大きな島だ. [third, island, largest, the] Oahu is the third largest island 2)この教会は私の町でとびぬけて古い [in, by, oldest, far, the] the oldest in This church is by far 3) 彼は台湾で最も人気のある俳優の1人だ. [the of, actors, one, most popular] He is one of the most popular actors 3 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい. Hiroki is the smartest student in my class. 2) 3) Allen plays this team. ) ( ímportant ) as hope. ) ( important ) than hope. in Hawaii. ) (important ) than ( anything )( else (54) ④ 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい . 1) モンブランはヨーロッパで一番高い山です. No other (student ) in my class is as (smart ) ( 1) No other student ) in my class is (smarter ) than Hiroki. Hiroki is (smarter ) ( than ) ( any ) ( other ) student in my class. Hope is the most important thing of all. Nothing is (as Nothing is (more. Hope is (more Allen is the best player on this team. better ) ( than my town. Mont Blanc is ( the :) ( highest ) ( mountain ) ( in (2) 何か新しいことを始めることほどわくわくすることはない. (There 3)これはアメリカで5番目に古い大学です. ) is ( nothing ) ( more This is the 4) この美術館では、モナリザ以上に有名な絵画はない. (No :) ( other the Mona Lisa. in Taiwan. (→SS) ). ) any other ) ( player ) on ) Hiroki. ) Europe. ) than to start something new. "( fifth )( oldest ) ( university) in America. )( )( picture ) in this museum is more famous than

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