

英語 高校生

9行目のitが何を指しているかということと、have been thinkingが完了進行形の受動態として使われているのか、be動詞の完了形でthinkingが名詞として使われているのかわからないので教えて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

10 5 おかれる a 不気味 71 1/In a disgusting series of experiments in the early 1960s, a surgeon in America cut open the heads of monkeys and removed their brains. サ ◎Then he placed each brain on an apparatus specially designed to V3 C 機能する supply it with nutrients that would keep it alive] It seemed to work. (1) VS 0 C Brain waves were produced as they would be from a living brain 文理由 (付帯も precace 「被っているので省略さ ことが多 lasは前のもので内容が However deprived of any kind of sensory input no sights nor sounds, つまり no tastes nor smells, no touching nor feeling, no pleasure nor pain its thinking must/necessarily have been limited to memories and したにちがいない abstractions. Indeed, it may not have been thinking at all. <In most してないかもしれない animals, partial sensory deprivation can lead to hallucinations*, and ☆文を切りはす 狂気 extreme deprivation to madness, the “thoughts” of the monkey's brain can Fed lead to よくこびmay not have been meaningful or clear thoughts, but nerve cells firing randomly. M XC 1つの出来事 動名

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英語 高校生

下線部(2)のところのeffectively creating〜箇所がほんとは分詞構文だったんですけど、trees の修飾かなって思っちゃって間違えました。見分け方教えていただきたいです🙇‍♀️

(1). For more than a quarter-century, scientists and the general public have been updating view of the Americas before European contact. For example, they've found that the plains faolo s and the Eastern forests were not a wilderness but a series of gardens. The continents were not vast uninhabited spaces but a busy network of towns and cities. Indigenous people,* we've 05 learned, altered the ecology of the Americas as surely as the European invaders did. Now, there is a comprehensive new study bearing the names of more than 40 researchers. It suggests that marks left by humans can even be seen across one of the most biodiverse* yet unexplored regions in the world, the Amazon rainforest. For more than 8,000 years, people lived in the Amazon and farmed it to make it more o productive. (2) They favored certain trees (over others effectively creating crops that we now call the cocoa bean and the Brazil nut, and eventually domesticated them. While many of the communities managing these plants) died in the Amerindian genocide* 500 years ago, the effects of their work can still be observed in today's Amazon rainforest. "People arrived in the Amazon at least 10,000 years ago, and they started to use the species that were there. And, cted plants with specific physical traits that are useful for JOOBOTS 31

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