

英語 中学生

こういう英語の長文の解き方教えてください🙏 いっつもテストの時時間かかってしまって… 回答よろしくお願いします…!

5 Alice: Do you believe in horoscopes? Moe: Horoscopes? What are they? Alice: A horoscope has 12'star signs. Your star sign is decided by your birthday. Moe: Oh, I think it's hoshiuranai in Japanese. Alice I see. Each star sign represents a different personality. I'm a Cancer. A Cancer is kind and careful. Moe: That's true! I want you to tell me the English name of my star sign. My birthday is April 15. 10 Alice: You are an Aries. An Aries is brave and always helps friends. * believe in ~ ~を信じる horoscope: 星占い star sign 星座 personality: 性格 Cancer かに座の人 Aries おひつじ座の人 represent 表す 萌の星座の人はどんな性格だと言っていますか。 答えを表す1文に下線を引きなさい。 [80 words] ゆみ 5 速読 由美が行ってみたい国についてスピーチをしています。 I want to go to Thailand. It is located in Southeast Asia. About seventy million people live in the country. Thai is spoken there. I have a friend from Thailand. His name is Dao. He tells me a lot about his country, so I'm interested in it. Thai food is loved in Japan, and there are some Thai food restaurants in our town. I like eating at one of them, but Dao tells me that the food at that restaurant is a little different from *real Thai food. When I visit Thailand, I want to have real Thai food. * Thailand: タイ [99 words] Dao: ダオ (人名) Thai : タイ語, タイの Southeast Asia : 東南アジア real : 本当の be different from ~~と違っている 美がしたいと思っていることを1つ選び、記号を書きなさい。 タイ語を勉強すること タイに住む友達に会いに行くこと 本場のタイ料理を食べること nine

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

教えて下さると嬉しいです( •̥-•̥ )

A. Circle the correct answer for each question. likely to be jealous of someone. 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? a. rich a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it 6. What would profit do for a business? a. excited b. confused 7. Which would people rather be? a. a contract b. a feast 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? a. a recruit b. a contract 9. Which would you sign? a. being punished b. getting a reward 10. Which would few people enjoy? B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. Which of these is a weapon? 4. 5. Which of these flows? discovered resembled establishing rights faced status by Roy's s grief the rest of Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) son and (10) heir took over This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) . Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, (4) called Sealand. b. poor himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms made a name for weapons the people on the island (his family), (7) In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. to the platform. orders of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. 11 15 69

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