

英語 高校生

これの答えが知りたいです。 できれば訳もお願いします!!🙇🏻‍♀️՞

when B を表すと 市内の when とも 第 02 章 Field 1 文法 受動態 Section 受動態の基本 主語と動詞が 「(主語) が・・・される」 という <受動〉 の関係なら、受動態 <be動詞+過 去分詞> を使う。 受動態の問題のポイント be 動詞は主語・ 時制に応じた形を使う。 when 容を表 節内の 134 This church ( en Biz ① built ② was built ) in the 12th century. ③ has built も Try! 1. This chair (break) by Mike yesterday. ④ was building [語形変化] 100 受動態の形は? 主語が This church で あることに注目 2. He ( ) while he was playing rugby. ① injured ② has injured (関西学院大) ③ may be injured ④ was injured 135 ① invented of The radio was ( ) Marconi and others. ② invented at T100 動作主を表すと きは? 動作主を表すときに用 いる前置詞は? ① with [100] Try! Who was this picture drawn ( ③ invented with ④ invented by )? 2 to ③ by ④ of ce 5 136 He ( ) Kei by everyone. 00 ① calls ② is called ③ is calling called SVOCの受動態はど ういう形になる? He と Kei の関係を考 よう Try! The outside of the castle ( I was painted black ② painted black ). ③ was black painted ④ is black painting 8 37 ① of ② by The child was taken care ( ③ by of ) him. ④ of by Try! He will ( ) by the whole class. ① be laughed at ② laugh ③ be laughing at ④ be laughed Section 10 いろいろな形の受動態 (札幌大) 138 Tokyo Skytree ( ) from here. ① can see ② can be seen ③ can have seen is can seen 動詞の受動態はど ういう形になる? take care of ... は群動 詞 動詞は1つの動 詞としてとらえよう T100 助動詞を含む受 動態の形は? Can は助動詞 助動詞 を含む受動態の形は? 9

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英語 高校生


UNIT 7 Reading Reading 33点 10点 Grammar /32点 /15 Information Listening Writing /10 TOTAL 100点 全文 音声 なまけ者のトムが望んだ仕事とは何でしょう。 Tom was a very lazy man*. He didn't like hard work. But he needed a job. One day, (his/Tom / a job / asked / uncle / him / find / to ). "What kind of job?" asked the uncle. Tom answered, "I don't want to work. I want meat for lunch every day. I just want to walk around and take naps*. And I want 100 dollars a day." "( )" the uncle sighed*. 2 One day, Tom got a call from his uncle. "Tom, I found the perfect job for you. A tiger at the zoo died recently. They need a new tiger. You can be the tiger. You'll wear a tiger's skin and walk around, eat meat, and sleep in the cage* like a real tiger." "( 3 )" said Tom. "I'll start tomorrow!" 5 3 The next day, Tom was in the cage in tiger's fur. He just walked around, ate meat, 10 and took a nap. Tom was happy. 44 Suddenly, he heard an announcement*. "We'll soon have a special show. It's a fight between a lion and a tiger! Enjoy this exciting show." "( )" He looked around his cage. Then another cage was carried next to his. A fierce-looking* lion was in it. "I'll be killed!" he cried. The doors of both cages were opened. Tom jumped back. "( 6 )" 15 The big lion slowly walked toward him, roared*, and opened its mouth. "Stop! I'm not a tiger! I'm a man!" 5 "Shhh!" Tom heard a small voice from the lion. "( Ⓒ )” (252 words)

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英語 中学生

至急 英語の受動態の問題です。(難易度低め) 全てでなくても全然大丈夫なのでできる問題があれば答えを教えて頂きたいです(><) よろしくお願いします🥲

(10) This fruit can't be eaten. (11) Salt is sold by the pound. (12) What is this flower called in English? (13) Who will look after this baby? (14) His friends call him Jeff. (15) The traveler left the bag here. (17) They named the baby Charles. (16) The result of the game made him happy. 2 A truck ran over a cat. bong lo abam ai dash sinT O asiado mdf batosis aliquq ed. (D) nego toob adt aveal Jou taum voY (S) A cat was run over by a truck. 3 Jim takes good care of the dog. → A dog is taken good care of by Jim. ".idooT" gob Tuo bomen W (8) 3. 自動詞 + 前置詞 ・・・他動詞になる場合 (群動詞などと呼ばれる) iss pw (a) この場合、 +前置詞で他動詞の働きができるのであるから、 受身文の場合に、 前置詞を絶対に 落とさないこと。 1 They laughed at me. →>>> I was laughed at by them. zagad niev medi shem sH (t) "Tiboitab" arewoll seadi leo 9W (8) Svab veze moon To Be wovo (7) anels riteal may good team wo? (8) www. art woy bowoda odW (e) これらは、動詞句 (熟語) として覚えておくべきで、 英作文でも重要です。 また、自動詞の次に 前置詞があれば、必ず他動詞になると早合点しないように。本日 RACINESTAROSS JABONGASER A truck ran at full speed on the high way. Some boys and girls are swimming in the pool. 上の文における動詞は共に自動詞で、 目的語はないので、 受身文は作れない。 (Exercise) 次の文の態をかえなさい。 (1) A stranger spoke to me on the road. (2) Everybody looks up to him. (4) He speaks ill of you. Teel in d 100msvot no mod anw I (D) even sdi weed of (3) The grandmother will look after the children. Siam Ianizacio ni betseisimi si ude (2) 4. 進行形の受身文 be+being+ (am, is, are, was, were) 常に変わらない (3) What is he doing? T Musar ori diw bollensa ew radio ( (2) They are building the stadium now. buaiqua aww [(E) betinggeath p.p. insesny adi diiw bonely az oH (8) Tom is fixing the radio now. The radio is being fixed by Tom. Teachers are discussing the problem now. → The problem is being discussed by teachers now. (Exercise) 次の文の態をかえなさい。 one dw buten (1) Mother is looking for the cooking magazine. の形を丸暗記しよう。 blirls A ( zawadi au ballid saw of (T hsinga od penal (8

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英語 高校生


that not INTA vert 2023 第2回 文法標準 ライディングテスト 群 学籍番号 氏名 Topic: あなたの好きな物語 (昔話 映画・ドラマなど) を説明し、その作品から何を学んだ のかについて書きなさい。 条件: (1) ①② ③ の内容をすべて入れて、つながりのある文章にする。 順番は問わな い。 ④ いつどこで誰が何をしたのかが初めて読む人でも、物語の概要が分かるよう になっている。 ⑤ その物語が誰によって、 いつ作られたのか、 またどのような人を対象に見られて いたり、読まれていたりするのかが書かれている。 ⑥ その物語を通して何を学んだのかが述べられている。 (2) 7~10文で書く。 (3) 動名詞 不定詞 受動態 分詞構文のうち3種類以上を適切に使う (1 Momotaro /" which is one of I like the famous stories. The story that was written. (過去分詞) in 1926 by Whatuitadasi. read for young people Momotaro big peach. was born froma He heard that a grop of ogres were causing trouble in the village, diciding to defeat them. With the help of his anmal friends, a. and a pheasant, Momotaro defeated the everyone lived happily ever after To read this story makes me learn that it is important to cooperate with friends. I very recommend this story 知識・技能 A+ A B+ BC dog, a monkey, ogres and] 思考・判断・表現 A+ A B+BC 主体的に学習に取り組む態度 A+ AB+ B C

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