

英語 高校生

高校1年通信 英語のレポートの答えが分かりません どなたか教えてくださる方いらっしゃいますか?

問題用紙 対象便利 1902年度教育 科目 英語コミュニケーションI 回数 第1回目 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 教科書 (p20-p37) 2024 年度版 [1] 教科書 p22-23, P30~31 の左右にある以下の (句)を、教科書 p148~ の Word List を使用して調べ。 日本語は英語に、英語は日本語になおしなさい。 (1) 自撮り (2) ワッフル (3) かりかりした (4) 外食する (5) エネルギー (6) クオッカ (7) stay with... (8) because of... (9) be full of... (10) native [2] 対話が成り立つように、 下線部に適切な語をそれぞれ選択肢から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (教科書p24-p27参照) (1) A: What do you like? B: I like cats. [ア.drink 1. animal 7. sport I (2) A: What is your favorite ? B: I love rice noodles. [7. music イ. food .sport] (3) A: you sleepy this morning? B: No, but I was a little tired. [7. Were 1. Was 7. Did ] (4) A: What did Bob do yesterday? B:He soccer, [7.practice イ. practices ウ practiced [3] 日本語をヒントに]の中の話 (句)を並び替えて英文を完成させ、3番にくるものを記号で答えな さい。ただし、文頭にくる語の語頭も小文字にしてあります。 p30-034 参照) (1) 少女たちは写真の中で幸せそうに見えました。 I 7. in 1. looked ウ the picture , the girls *. happy 1. (2) 私たちはその時、テレビを見ていませんでした。 17. weren't イ. then ウ.TV, watching *.we 1. [4] 英文を読み、各問に答えなさい。 教科書 p22-p23 参照) Hello. I'm Phong. I live in Hanoi, Vietnam. Here. Leat/many/the/people/ out/in/ morning J. Rice noodles are popular for breakfast. Today I had breakfast at the noodle stand near my house. I was a little sleepy, but now I am full of energy! (1) フォンさんが住んでいる国を本文から抜き出し、解答欄に英語で書きなさい。 (2) 下線部①が「ここでは、多くの人々が朝に外食をします。」 という意味になるように、[ ]内の語を並び替 えなさい。

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英語 高校生


Jessup: You snotty, little bastard. Ross: Your honor, I'd like to ask for recess. Kaffee: I'd like an answer to the question, Judge. Judge: The court will wait for an answer. Kaffee: If Lt. Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? Colonel? Lt. Kendrick ordered the Code Red, didn't he? Because that's what you told Lt. Kendrick to do! Ross: Objection! Kaffee: And when it went bad, you cut these guys loose! You had Markinson sign a phony transfer order, and you doctored the log book! Ross: Damn it, Kaffee! Kaffee: You coerced the doctor! Judge: Consider yourself in contempt! Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, did you order the Code Red?! Judge: You don't have to answer that question! Jessup: I'll answer the question. You want answers? Kaffee: I think I'm entitled! Jessup: You want answers?! Kaffee: I want the truth! Jessup: (SPEECH) You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to! Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red? Jessup: I did the job that-- Kaffee: Did you order the Code Red?!! essup: YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I DID!! *Code Red-in the movie, it is a punishment. Saniago died because of it.

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英語 高校生


B この塔は300年前に建てられた。 centuries ago. School rules must be followed. 校則は守られなければならない。 表現です。 ②無生物主語: 「〈物事〉 が 〈人〉 に・・・させる」 が……する」 を表す形。 客観的に因果関係を示す。 「〈物事〉 のために 〈人〉 ニュースや新聞などで よく使われます。 The scholarship enabled her to go on to college. その奨学金のおかげで彼女は大学へ進学できた。 = Thanks to the scholarship, she was able to go on to college.) Illness prevented me from going to school. 病気のため私は学校に行けなかった。 (=Because of illness, I couldn't go to school.) Work it Qui Complate the sentences below using the words in the brackets. The book 2. This book by Stephen King. [write] using various stories of Indian gods and goddesses. [tell] Arrange the words and phrases in the parentheses to match the Japanese. 1. これらの恐竜の化石がどのように発見されたかを楽しく読んでみてください。 Enjoy (were / these dinosaur fossils/how/found/ reading). Enjoy (ewen orlt (nodend 2. この本はこのような複雑な科学を網羅的にまとめてくれています。 (a well-rounded summary / provides / this book / of) these complicated sciences. these complicated sciences. 3. かなり怖いですが, あと少しの恐怖が話をよりいっそうおもしろくしていたでしょう。 It was quite frightening, but (have made / more horridness / would / the story/a little/better). It was quite frightening, but Jode etow glosin WEBSASUBI ssd evad alpaido yncM

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英語 高校生


1 Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. (1) Most stores in the Seaside Mall used to ( ) at 10:00 a.m. every day. 1 open 2 opens ③ opened 【関西学院大】 ④ opening (2) There were many people who ( ) to be served at the (1) 参 p. (2) 【立教大 】 その他 参 Þ counter before me. 1 had waited 2 have waited ③ was waiting 4 were waiting (3) Stamps ) in post offices. 【岡山商科大 *】 (3) 参 「する 1 sell 2 are selling 3 have sold 4 are sold pists (4) This soup ). (4) 参 S+V ①is tasting bitter tastes bitter (5) John and his brother ( days. Something must have 1 were absent 3 have been absent 2 is tasting bitterly 4 tastes bitterly from school for the past nine happened to his family. (5) 参 状態 2 absented 4 are absent (6) "Do you think Margaret will take one of your little cats?" (6) 参 第 "I don't know. She seemed ( ) in them, however." see ①to be interest 2 interesting 【 青山学院大 】 3 interested 4 interestingly (7) My mother has just ( ) to the supermarket. Now she's (7) home. 1 gone went ③3 visited been (8) Satoshi has wanted to ( ) his girlfriend since he was in (8) college. O marry 2 marry to 3 marry with 4 get married (9) Mr. Wallance will meet his friends at the restaurant to ( ) about their vacation plans. (9) 【京都外国語大 * 】 1 discuss 2 mention 3 express 4 talk (10) I ( ) for a parking place for half an hour, but I can't find [(10) 【亜細亜大】 one. 1 look 2 could look 3 will look 4 have been looking

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Entrance Exam 否定表現 1. almost 2. I( 1()に入れる最も適切な語句を1~4から選びなさい。 1. I don't think David would make a good leader because he can ( difficult circumstances and tends to give up too quickly. 2. extremely 3. hardly ) go to karaoke, I go only once or twice a year. ) be expected to act honorably in 4. neither (明治大) (芝浦工業大 4. never 1. often 3. Unfortunately, ( seldom ) of the 1. a few 2. few 3. ever passengers escaped injury. 3. many (大阪学院大 推) 4. much 4. ( ) children are born with musical talent. (日本大) 1. none of 2. not all. 3. not every 4. no one 5. ( 2. No 1. as far as 2. far from ) of the workers accepted the director's proposal to cut bonuses. 1. Not 6. The future of English society looked ( 7. I didn't like the food at that restaurant. It was (. (東海大 3. Never ) promising in the 1840s. None (立命館大) 3. for far 4. too far ) delicious. (福岡大) 1. anything but 2. nothing but 3. without 4. out of 8. He was so drunk that he could ( ) walk. (大阪学院大) 9. 1. all 1. able 2. unable This train doesn't stop at ( a few 3. hard 4. hardly ) station. 大阪商業大推) 2. 3. little 4. every 2. few 12. " Can 10. The latest model of this mobile phone is ( 1. not seldom 3. all not 11. Before I watched the documentary, I knew ( 1. little à you come to the party tonight?" "( 1. Yes, I can ) easy to use. (獨協大) 2. not necessarily 4. ever not 3. seldom ) about life under the sea. 4. hardly (東京工科大) ). I have a lot of homework." (拓殖大) 2. Yes, I do 3. No, I'm afraid not 13. Japan has ( 1. a little 2. few 4. No, I hope not ) oil and therefore is almost entirely dependent on imports. (センター) 3. little 4. small

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英語 高校生

4の書き換えがよく分かりません。 教えてください🙇‍♀️

man for (1) a onnectedness is, in fact, a virtue bothered. If the clerk always wants to chat ates should be prohibited at a gift makes a (2A). The French anthropologist Claude where. I just want a hacksaw blade. ss tells of Léx (3) seemingly trivial ceremony during a meal in cheap rants in France. The guests sit at a long, *communal table, and each pour bottle of wine before his plate. Before the meal begins, a man will e not into his own glass but into his neighbor's. And his neighbor will the gesture, filling the first man's empty glass. In an economic sense has happened. (4) No one has any more wine than he had originally. ety has appeared where there was none before. The French tend to trangers, but in these little restaurants, strangers find themselves (5) close relationship for an hour or more. "A conflict exists," says Lévi- "not very keen, but real enough to create a state of tension between of privacy and the fact of community. ... This is the temporary but ituation resolved by the exchange of wine. It is an * assertion of which does away with the mutual *uncertainty." Just sitting at the becomes social life through an exchange of gifts. Further, the the wine allows another exchange - ( 2C ). dware store: 金物店 munal: 共用の hacksaw: (金属を切るために用いる) 弓のこ uncertainty: 半信半疑 assertion: 表明

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