

英語 高校生


BWA 1 With approximately 200 countries and 8 billion people on earth, it is not hard to imagine that many diverse cultures exist. Here in the U.S., our cultural landscape has been shaped by Native Americans and by African, Latin American, Polynesian, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. This is the reason that the term "melting pot" fits our country, as different cultures have contributed distinct flavors. 2 5 Like many others, I came to this country when I was young, in my case in my twenties. While we adapted to most cultural norms here in the U.S., some of us have kept a few from our origin. This has been the marvel of this country; it lets you assimilate easily into its culture, while you keep your distinct identity. To me, cultural diversity means merging different cultures-introducing good aspects of your culture to others, but 10 also incorporating the superlatives of a new culture. 3 Culture shapes our identity and influences our behaviors. Also, cultural diversity makes us accept, and even to some extent, integrate and assimilate with other cultures. Cultural diversity has become a key buzzword in today's world. Whether we work or study or even stay at home, our chances of interacting with people from various races, 15 ethnic groups, and cultures are far more prevalent now than they have been ever before. 4 By learning about people of different cultural backgrounds, we can expand our horizons, have better interpersonal dialogue and communicate more on a personal level. If you put aside any prejudices or biases you might have, and you are open to other people, it can help prepare you to listen, talk and learn about other people and their 20 cultures. 35

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英語 高校生

英語の長文です。 文法表現のあるところが知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

UNIT 1 5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There are more than 37,000 known species of spiders in the world in a wide variety of shape's and sizes! The largest spiders in the world live in the rain forests of South America and are known by the people who live there as the "bird-eating spiders." These spiders can grow up to 28 centimeters in length- about the size of a dinner plate, and, as their name suggests, have been known to eat small birds. In comparison, the smallest species of spider in the world is native to Western Samoa. These tiny spiders are less than half a millimeter long — about the size of a period on this page and live in plants that grow on mountain rocks. - Some people like to keep spiders as pets, particularly tarantulas, which are native to North America and can live for up to twenty-five years, Most people, on the other hand, do not like touching spiders, and a significant number of people are afraid of them, mainly because of their poison. However, despite their bad reputation, only thirty of the 37,000 known species of spiders are deadly to humans. Spiders actually provide benefits to humans, by catching and eating harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes. - - The main thing that makes spiders different from other animals is that they spin web's to catch the small insects they feed on. The unique silk of a spider's web is produced by special organs found spider web is five times in the lower part of the spider's body. It is light, elastic, and strong stronger than steel. Additionally, it is completely biodegradable. This means that the web will making it perfect for uses completely decompose¹ and eventually return to nature over time such as making fishing nets. Some people have tried to raise spiders commercially in order to collect the silk these spiders produce, but no one has ever really managed to make a go of it. One reason why these businesses never stand a chance is because it takes 670,000 spiders to produce half a kilogram of silk, and all of these spiders need living insects for their food. In addition, spiders are usually solitary² animals, and need to be kept alone. Researchers at an American company working together with two U.S. universities may have found a solution to making artificial spider web. Using genetically modified silkworms,³ the company hopes that in the long run it will be able to make large quantities of very light, very strong fiber for medical as well as other uses. Additionally, because the manufacture of the artificial web is from living silkworms, the industry potentially would be non-polluting and less harmful to the environment

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数学 高校生

青チャート 数2 不等式の証明 例題29(3) 黄色マーカー部の箇所で、なぜ|b+c|が|b|+|c|になったのか分かりません。 (1)の結果をもう一度利用と書いてありますが、そもそもそこが理解できません。なので(2)も場合分けで考えました。 (1)を利用するの意味を教え... 続きを読む

MAKE 52 XX 基本例題 29 絶対値と不等式 次の不等式を証明せよ。 (1)a+b≧a|+|6| (2)|a|-|6|≦la+b] (3)|a+b+cl≦|a|+|6|+| 基本28 重要 30 指針 > (1) 例題 28 |A= A を利用すると、 絶対値の処理が容易になる。 そこで ......... ABA'≧B'⇔A'-B'≧0 A≧0, B≧0のとき の方針で進める。また、絶対値の性質 (次ページの①〜⑦) を利用して証明してもよ (2),(3) 似た形である。 そこで, (1) の結果を利用することを考えるとよい。 CHART 似た問題 1 結果を利用 ②2 方法をまねる 解答 (1) (a+b)²-|a+b|²=a²+2|a||b|+b²-(a²+2ab+b²) =2(abl-ab)≧0 |a+b≤(a+b1)² よって la+b≧0,|a|+|6|≧0から |a+6|≦|a|+|6| 別解] 一般に,|a|≦a≦|a|-|66|6| が成り立つ。 この不等式の辺々を加えて -(|a|+|6|)≦a+b≦|a|+|6| したがって la+6|≦|a|+|6| (2) (1) の不等式でαの代わりに a +6, 6 の代わりに -6 と おくと (a+b)+(-6)≦la+6+1-6| よって |a|≦a+6|+|6| [別解] [1] |a|-|6| <0のとき ア ゆえに |a|-|6|≦la+61 a+b≧0であるから, |a|-|6|< la +6は成り立つ。 [2] |a|-|6|≧0のとき よって |a+6-(|a|-|6|²=a²+2ab+b²-(α²-2|a||6|+62) =2(ab+lab)≧0 よって (la|-|b|)² ≤|a+b|² |a|-|6|≧0,|a+b≧0であるから [1], [2] から la|-|b|≤|a+b| (3) (1) の不等式でもの代わりにb+c とおくと la+b+c)|≦|a|+|b+cl la+b+cl≦|a|+|6|+|c| ≦|a|+|6|+|c| |a|-|6|≦|a+6| 8800000 4 at ◄|A|²=A² |ab|=|a||6| この確認を忘れずに。 |A|≧A, A≧-A か |-|A|≦a≦|A| -B≦A≦B ⇔ [A]≦B <ズーム UP 参照。 <|a|-|6|<0≦la+6 [2] の場合は, (2) 左 右辺は0以上であるから (右辺) (左辺)≧0を示 す方針が使える。 練習 (1) 不等式√²+2+1√x²+y²+1≧lax+by+1」を証明せよ。 ③29 (2) 不等式|a+b|≦|a|+|6|を利用して,次の不等式を証明せよ。 (ア) |a-6≦|a|+|6| (イ) |a|-|6|≧|a-6102 (1) の結果を利用。 (1) の結果をもう1回利用 (|b+cl≦|6|+|c) Cp.60 EX19 ズーム UP その内 絶対値 数学Ⅰで いて € なわち, 絶対値を 例題 29 に (証明で が多く煩 そこで, ~ (1) 指針 ない。 例題28 (2) 左辺 lal-le いが, 証明 とみ ここ (3) は, (1) 参考 (1). 例題 29 (1) 等号 すなわ (2) 等号7 の代わ (3) 等号7 おいた a(b+c) また, よって,

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英語 高校生

英語 高3 先生のメモ付きで見ずらくてすみません💦 ・公共のガス灯は1800〜1807年間まで無かった ・鳴鳥や海鳥は落ちるまで旋回する ・毎年何十万もの(産まれたばかりの) ウミガメが海で迷子になる ・闇は仕事上は必要ないけど生活に 置いては光と同様に必... 続きを読む

Lesson 12 Light Pollution Class Name (1) If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars, we would live in くつろぐ darkness happily. The midnight world would be as visible to us as it is to the vast number of No. nocturnal species on this planet. Instead, we are diurnal creatures, with eyes adapted to living in the sun's light. This is a basic evolutionary fact, even though most of us don't think of ourselves as diurnal beings any more than we think of ourselves as mammals. Yet it's the only way to explain what we've done to the night; we've engineered it by filling it with light so that we can へように be active at night. (2) This kind of engineering is similar to damming a river. Its benefits come with consequences に伴って起こる 結果 - called light pollution - the effects of which scientists are only now beginning to study. Light pollution is largely the result of bad lighting design, which allows artificial light to shine outward 人工的な and upward into the sky instead of focusing it downward. Badly designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and greatly alters the light levels and light rhythms, to which many forms of life, including humans, have adapted Wherever human light shines out into the natural world, some aspect of life, whether it is migration, breeding or feeding, is affected. whether A or B· A=·AD3B78332 (3) For most of human history, the phrase "light pollution" would have made no sense. Imagine walking toward London on a moonlit night around 1800, when it was Earth's largest city. Nearly ほとんど a million people lived there with candles, torches, and lanterns. Only a few houses were lit by gas, and there would be no public gaslights in the streets or squares for another seven years. From 広島 (前) さらに a few miles away, you would have been as likely to smell London as to see its faint collective glow. 集まっている様子 (4) Now most humans live under domes of reflected light: of scattering rays from cities and suburbs with too much lighting, and from light-flooded highways and factories. Nearly all of nighttime Europe is a nebula of light, as is most of the United States and all of Japan. In the south Atlantic the glow from a single group of fishing boats squid fishermen attracting prey with 大西 high brightness lamps can be seen from space, burning brighter, in fact, than Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro. (5) We've lit up the night, forgetting that it is occupied by many different living species. The number of nocturnal mammal species alone is astonishing. Light is a powerful biological force,

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