

英語 中学生

この問題なのですが本文に明確な記述がなく困っています。 もし本文に明確な記述があるのであればそ部分を教えてくださるとうれしいです。 もし記述がなかった場合、これは自分で考えるということなのでしょうか、、、 Reading Taskの3番の問題です

Unit 8 Staging a Musical 【2] Part 1 本文 enissmA SOr g 書体 教科書 p. 108 Date slsa aindorimasis Q. Ei は The Sound of Music について,何と言っていますか。 ー mwo18 eM Listen and Read Tina Which musical should we perform? Eni I want to do Wicked. Tina: Yeah, the songs are nice. How about The Sound of Music? That's good, too. It's still performed all over the world. Ert Read and Check Tina Yeah. The songs were written by Rodgers and Hammerstein. They wrote so many hits. I think 1. Qの答えを含む文に, 下線を引きましょう。 “My Favorite Things” is one of their best. 2.「~はどうですか。」と, 何かを提案する 表現を探して,本文に波線を引きましょ う。(2か所 ) t at 11 19b Why don't we choose our favorite songs and Eri scenes from different musicals? Tina That's a good idea. In any case, we need more 102bmi 000,LuodAn9z or people, don't we? KS S Cir 2midglosodi ovil alsmins lisme 19ito brs birow ord T vdhesn miw 29istiw bus 2hu Let's ask Kota and Hajin. Eni Reading Task Rtonb oj gn&oue gj2o jca 9io0nug pe Leet 19TT1Ba jsoO snt o9a 01 moo alaUot lim 1. 本文の内容と合っているものにO, 異なっているものに×を付けましょう。 1o1oM 2a dguondT gnilohone bris givib ( X ) 3oor ori of iraiv tiont (1) Tina likes the songs in Wicked. (2) The Sound of Music isn't performed now. (3) Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote the songs for The Sound of Music. へ 2. Tina は, Eriのどんな提案について That's a good idea. と言いましたか。 日本語で答えましょう。 違ミューいかんからタ々なるー安を取り入れる。 ンー 3. Think) Eri が 2.のような提案をしたのは,どうしてでしょうか。 Summary Writing 音読する Which musicals should Eri and Tina perform? They are talking about it. wants to do Wicked, and wants to do The Sound of Music. So they will musicals. They will choose their Songs and scenes from ask Kota and Hajin for help.

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英語 中学生


4 英語クラブに所属するケイ(Kei)が,ブラウン先生 (Mr. Brown) や仲間とともに、地 城に住むノルウェー (Norway) 出身のアーベルさん(Mr. Abel)宅を訪れて取材しまし た。次の英文は、英語クラブが発行する英語新聞に載せた記事です。 英文を読んで、 69919W avnb blo oda nit の bo あとの各問い(問1~間4)に答えなさい。 rod blo Juods ainiog boog vem 97ow 9T9dけ h tiod booyvonm ooe tontis 注) Mr. Abel is a friend of Mr. Brown's and he is from oM Norway. He came to Japan about ten years ago. One day in u bauoTe 0 10an August, we visited his house. It was very hot outside. There 6XTbje" beobj6 udwon diw a9auod were many tall trees around Mr. Abel's house and the wind through the trees was a little cool. We were surprised to 5rud o see Mr. Abel's house. It was a traditional Japanese house. wen ban, noitibent dio日 od ord ai dad W It was made of *wood and its roof was a twarabuki-yane Mr. Abel welcomed us. We *followed him in his house. We sat on tatami. When I touched the tatami, it was cool. The wand uov od wood 木材 O1 * arabuki-yane わらで作 られた屋根T * follow(ed) ~の後につい て行く blos B *sunlight through the shoji was not so strong and it was niblind ggod beautiful. We had tea and he told us about houses, *unlight 日光 lqong oelA da3 o bne e9auord T 9 liunod Jidool voine nas 1o 9mo wo nol boog s ar ti dnids つことがで Mr. Abel: "T'm from Norway. In my country, there are four |obi aidh oer seasons like in Japan. But *as you know, it is very cold in a you know知っての通 winter in my country. Traditional houses in my country have *grass on their roofs, Do you know why? Cold air in り 文本 *gr自 草 ラ * affect ~に影響する winter or hot air in summer doesn't *affect you so much when you have grass on the roof of your house, Traditional a k 9 w od houses in Norway are like traditional Japanese houses with bng impipt badud odg avad warabuki-yane and they are nice to live in. So whenI found bibod 3ud blo this house, I decided to live in it. of course, I had to *fix rom bauod erd」 S Now *fix ~を修理する Some parts of this house because it was old, but I like to live in this house.*Natural *building materials like grass natural自然の(S) * building material(s) 建築 資村 and wood are useful and they are also good for your health 98|日 9lqo9g S and the Earth.When people use these natural building gid 101けa19now alsrodam nibliud wen 9au materials for their houses, they don't need so much energy 10g 8BW 89800r VWV と Bq6しilg09g Lomi gnivil

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