

英語 高校生


adida [67] 69 68 Since I'm very tired, (1.not not( 〔1語不要〕 3番目の語(句) 67 70 The young (1.to dress. 69 3番目の語(句) 75. You ( 2 74. Junko ( (1) will be studied 2.rather 3.join 4.would 68 5番目の語(句) [初見問題] < 2021. 2017 年度宮崎大2015年度獨協大改》 【F】 次の英文の ( さい。 (2点×8) 71. The previous owner ( (1) is (2)was 2.for 2.for 3.the woman 70 5番目の語(句) DD HASDVH 5.had 6.1) the party tonight. 3 4.apologized 5.man) spilling coffee on her ) living in this house for many years when he sold it. (3) has been (4) had been/ 72. After arriving, my homestay started the next day. Once I met my host family, I was sure I ( ) the rest of my time in Italy and, in fact, I did. (1) will enjoy (2) enjoyed (3)am enjoying (4) would enjoy 73. Every time I travel, I feel a little anxious because we always have ( things we want to see in each place. (1) too few (2) so little (3)any (4) not ) English literature this time next year in Canada. (2) will be studying (3)study (4) will have studied ) go to a hospital if your back still hurts from that car accident. (2) had better (3) have better to (4) had better to (1) have better 76. I ( ) to Bob in a long while, so I'm not sure what he is doing now. (1) hadn't spoken (2) don't speak (3) haven't spoken (4) hadn't been spoken ) be. 77. I think people nowadays are a lot more technically-minded than they ( (1)can (2) choose to 78. That's important information, so I ( (3)used to (4) will ) Julia to tell her as soon as we arrive at the hotel.. (3) will call (4) have called (1) called (2) would call )の中に入れるのに最も適切なものをそれぞれ1つ選び、その数字をマークしな ) time to see all the <2022年度立命館大改 2017年度大阪教育大改 2001年度愛知学院大改) 【G】 次の日本文の意味を正しく表しているのを、(1)~(4) の中からそれぞれ1つ選び、その数 字をマークしなさい。(2点×4) 79. 財布が見つからない。外にいる時に落としてしまったに違いない。 (1) I can't find my wallet; Ⅰ should drop it when Ⅰ was out. (2) I can't find my wallet; I must drop it when I was out. (3) Ⅰ can't find my wallet; I should have dropped it when I was out. (4) I can't find my wallet; I must have dropped it when I was out. 80. 昔の友人から電話を受けた時、私は数学の講義を聞いていた。 (1) I am listening to the lecture about math when I received a phone call from my old friend. (2) I have listened to the lecture about math when I received a phone call from my old friend. (3) I listen to the lecture about math when I received a phone call from my old friend. (4) I was listening to the lecture about math when Ⅰ received a phone call from my old friend. 81, どんなに興味深くてもそのような本を読んではだめだ。 (1) You had not better to read such a book, however interesting it may be. (2) You had better not to read such a book, however interesting it may be. (3) You had not better read such a book, however interesting it may be. (4) You had better not read such a book, however interesting it may be. 82. 高校でケガをした時まではオリンピックに参加することが私の夢だった。 (1) Competing in the Olympics was my dream until I got injured in high school. (2) Competing in the Olympics has been my dream until I got injured in high school. (3) Competing in the Olympics have been my dream until I got injured in high school. (4) Competing in the Olympics were my dream until I got injured in high school. No.3 *マークシートへの解答はここまでです。以降はマークシート裏面の解答欄に解答してください。 《2019 2016年度東京都立大改》 【H】 与えられた日本語の意味になるように英文を完成させなさい。 使用する単語や文法、語数の指定がある場合はそれに従うこと。 (3点×2) 83. 彼は、思春期という難しい時期の少年にとって重要な2つのことを、私に与えてくれた。 (6) as a boy during the difficult time of adolescence. He give mo 84. 長い進化の歴史において、我々は一度もそのような無重力状態での生活を経験したことはないのだ。 5語 ) under such weightless conditions. Throughout the long history of evolution, ( Wo hadve never het. * 《初見問題》は実際の入試問題から出題しています。 問題文に関する質問には答えられません。 two import thing

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