

英語 高校生

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2 3 Fill in the blanks. Use which / when / where / why/how. 1 これは両親が新婚旅行で泊まったホテルだ。 This is the hotel ( where (2) うるう年は2月が29日ある年だ。 A leap year is a year ( when (3) うるう年は4年に1度しかやってこない年だ。 A leap year is a year ( 4) グレッグがテニス部をやめた理由は明らかではない。 The reason ( why ) Greg quit the tennis team is not clear. 5) 私はよく英語の歌を聴く。 そうやって、 私は英語を勉強している。 I often listen to English songs. That's ( ) my parents stayed on their honeymoon. ) February has 29 days. ) only comes around once every four years. 2 Complete each sentence. Use when / where / why. 1) Last Saturday was 2) Jill lied* to me. That's 3) How far is the hotel from 4) I was in Rome until last Sunday, ) I study English. I moved into a new apartment. I'm angry at her. we are now? Give It a Try Write about yourself. 1) I remember the day 2) I want to know the reason I left for Paris. )( ) ( 3) 私の父が勤めている銀行は私の学校の近くにある。 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) 私は教科書を何度も読んだ。 このようにして, その試験に合格した。 I read the textbook many times. ( ) ( 2) 私が卵を食べない理由はアレルギーがあるからだ。 3 Put the words in the correct order. Use when / where / why / how. Could you wait until next week, (so busy, won't, I, be)? → when I won't be so busy 1) (we/ the beach/played) was very beautiful. 2) Last night I had a bad dream. (I, that's, didn't, sleep) well. Last night I had a bad dream. 3) I still remember July of 2014, (I, a week, spent) in Okinawa on my school trip. I still remember July of 2014, in Okinawa on my school trip. 4) We met at the summer camp three years ago. (became, we, friends, that's). We met at the summer camp three years ago. )( )( (4) 私は,兄が暮らしているロンドンに行きたいと思っている。 I want to go to London, ( )( (▶4-1) ) my father ( (▶4-2,3) ) ( lie 「うそをつく」 was very beautiful. )( ) I passed the exam. (「~にアレルギーがある」 allergic to ~) ) I don't eat eggs is that I'm allergic to them. )( well. ) is near my school.

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英語 高校生


EXERCISES TER 1 Fill in the blanks. Use prepositions. 1) The sofa I was sitting at was very comfortable. 2) There was no restaurant we could eat local food in 3) I like my new job. The people who I work 2 Put the words in the correct order. TW are all nice. 1) Listen to Ms. Misaki 2) Dan is what is called a genius. (a genius* / called / what/is) genius [] 3) This watch is exactly what I have wanted for a long time. (wanted/what/have/I) 3 Rewrite the sentences. Use who, whose, or which. (▶3) 1) Ann has a son and he has just entered college. Ann has a son, who has just entered college. 1) I went to see the doctor and she told me to stay in bed for a few days. I went to see the doctor, who told me to say in bed for a few days. 2) Yuki showed us her kitchen and she was very proud of it. Yuki showed us her kitchen, who was very proud of it. 4) The boy said that he had seen a ghost but it was a lie*. The boy said that he had seen a ghost, which was a lie but 4 Put the words in the correct order. 1) 彼は頭がよくて親切だ。さらにそのうえ、ユーモアもある。 (what, more, and, is). He's smart and kind, and what is more what is saying carefully. (Ms. Sasaki/what/is/saying) 3) Naoki has lots of great video games and his father works at a video game company. Naoki, whose father works at a video game company has lots of great video games. lie 「うそ」 2) インターネットが世界を今の世界にした。 (is, the world, it, what) The Internet has made the world what Give it a Try Put the Japanese sentences into English. Use who, which, or what. 1) 今日君ができることを明日まで延ばしてはいけない。 Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today 2) 今のメグは、私が初めて出会ったころの彼女とはずいぶん違う。 Meg is now quite different from 3) あなたが探していたカギは見つかりましたか。 Write about yourself. it is 3) 新しい土地に引っ越すときは、 だれか頼れる人が必要だ。 (can, on, you, someone, depend) When you move to a new place, you need someone you can depend on (1-4) 1) What I want for my birthday is took care 2) (2) he also has a sense of humor. which you were white new of the dog Have you found 4) 先生は私に1冊の本を貸してくれたが,私にはそれは難しかった。 The teacher lent me a book, but which was difficult for me.. bag. looking for now. (put off ~) when I first met her. ? which surprised me. 59

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英語 高校生


Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 3 H GXJ FIX [人間] 290 words 空所が多めの文は前後のつながりを丁寧に追うこと。 次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 出題大学 広島経済大学 制限時間10分 6 p.21 The composer Mozart is famous for showing a talent for music when he was just a small child. However, ( 7 ) Mozart produced in his early years is not considered to be particularly outstanding. He didn't produce his first true masterpiece* until he was 21; pretty s young to be sure, but Mozart ( 1 ) already been composing for years by this time. 10 The figure of 10,000 hours has been suggested as the amount (1 of serious practice or study needed to truly master a skill. That is nearly two hours a day, every day, for 14 years. Natural ability is, of course, an important factor in success, but even someone as talented as Mozart couldn't become a "great" composer until he had put in* 10,000 hours of hard work. The same can be said of golfer Tiger Woods and computer genius Bill Gates. Most people in developed countries can expect to have a healthy life of at least 70 years, or 613,608 hours. Although that seems like a ot of hours, most people spend about a third of them asleep. Take way all the hours we "lose" moving from place to place, eating, etc., well as the time spent at work or school, and the amount of free me we have starts to look quite limited.

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英語 高校生


3 次の日本文の意味を表すように( )内に適語を入れなさい . 1) バス停であなたが見たことを話してください. Please tell me ( )( var neat ) (. 2)私は道に迷った.さらに悪いことには暗くなり始めた. I got lost, and( ) ( ) ( 3) 彼はいわゆるたたき上げの人だ. ) is ( ) at the bus stop. He is ( ) a self-made person. 4) リサの数少ない親戚はみんな遠く離れたところに住んでいる. ( ) ( ) relatives Lisa has live far away. 102001 On Si ), it began to grow dark. nodel .daftler 5) トニーは生まれながらの天才だったわけではない。練習が彼を今の姿にしてくれたのだ. Tony wasn't a born genius. Practice has made him ( ) (dernoa ff) (ph = Translate into English) 1) これはそのフランス人画家が絵を描いた筆だ. 2) あれがあなたの妹が怖がっているイヌですか. 3) 私ががまんできないのは彼の失礼な態度だ. 4) 彼女はビジネスで成功したが,そのことが彼女の生活を大きく変えた. Hinta1) 「筆」 brush 3) 「~をがまんする」 put up with 4 次の各文の( )内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい. 1)Mr. Smith is (got / from / we / the very/whom/person) the information. Vol 2) Dickens, (novels/popular / are / whose / very), was born in England in 1812. 3) I thanked him (what/ done / he / for / had) for our family. 4) Emily broke her promise, (angry / made / very/which / me). 5) Rice is to sake (grapes / wine / are / what / to). Gard 19mod SOFE svit te oox adi fi sisdwmodeguns art of ins

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