

英語 高校生

be standard exercise Lesson7〜9まで、回答を教えて頂きたいです 7.8は私が書き込んでしまっています、すみません

S J そうに違いない そのはずだ Allow:ybnA Should と同じ意味] そういうこともある そうかもしれない ation. んそうだろう かもしれない に違いない ―のはず Exercises (1) 日本語の意味に合うように、( )に適語を入れなさい。 1. 私は夢を見ているに違いない! 1 (mast) be dreaming! 2.テストは3時には終わるはずだ。 The test (should) be over at three o'clock. 3. 彼らは図書館にはいないはずだ。 They (should be in the library. (2) ( )に入れるのに適切なものを, [ ]内から選びなさい。 1. It's cloudy. It (may) rain in the afternoon. 2.It (can) be cold here even in summer. 3. He (can't) be at school now. It's ten p.m. He must be at home. [can/ can't / may] (3) 日本語の意味に合うように( )に適語を入れなさい。 1. 彼は今, 20代の半ばでしょう。 He (would) be in his mid-twenties now. 2. 彼に聞いてごらん。彼はきっと真実を知っているよ。 Ask him. He (will) know the truth. (4)[ ]に示した意味に合うように, 下線部を埋めて英文を完成させなさい。 1. I may have leff my umbrella on the train. [置き忘れたかもしれない] My sister should have won the game. [勝ったはずだ] 3. Something bad musthave to him. [起こったに違いない] 4. She can't have my birthday. [忘れたはずがない] (5)内の語句を使って、 日本語の意味に合う英文をつくりなさい。 お父さんは僕のことを怒っているに違いない。 [ be angry with ] My father must be angry with me. 2. 彼女は私の話を信じていないかもしれない。 [believe my story ] She may not be beliere my story. 3. それがおそらく最もよい解決策でしょう。 [would / the best solution ] Thas would bethe best solution. 4. だれかが警察に電話をしたはずだ。 [ someone / the police] Some one shold have called the police. A Conversation A: It's strange. (2) should be here now. B: Hmm. He [She] may have gone to the wrong place. B Lesson 7 空所に友人の名前を入れ, 下線部をその人のことに言い換えて、会話しましょう。

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

コミニケーション英語2 Lesson7 Section1 下のQuestion Anser Practiceの解説が知りたいです!

Communication English II Lesson 7 Encouraging Song Section 1&2 Reading Passage Section 1 There are many songs that help people overcome sadness or troubles. Makenaide may be one of them. This song has been encouraging many people for a long time. The lyrics of Makenaide were written by Sakai Izumi, the vocalist of ZARD. It became a hit in 1993. The following year, it was adopted as the theme song for the National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament. Some schools have also been using this song for graduation ceremonies. When the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred in 1995, this song was often aired. Many people were able to recover their spirits by listening to it. The song also cheered people up after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Unfortunately, Sakai passed away in 2007. However, this song is still popular today. Section 2 What makes this song so attractive? The answer may be in its lyrics. The song has a message of hope for everyone. Let's take a look at the first refrain. Sakai left a piece of paper on which she wrote the lyrics. It shows that she changed a part of them. She replaced the words "Don't stop until the end" with "Keep on running until the end". She may have thought that this sounded more positive. Handout Reading No.15 Text p.94-97 She changed this part while she was actually recording the song. "Which words communicate better?" was the question she always had in her mind. She always searched for words that would encourage people. Don't give up! Just a little farther 負けないで もうすこし Keep on running until the end 最後まで走りぬけて Even though we may be apart どんなに離れてても I'll stand by you with all my heart 心はそばにいるわ Follow the dream you'll catch in the end 追いかけてはるかな夢を 1. Question-Answering Practice Section 1 1. Who wrote the lyrics of Makenaide? The lyrics of Makeneide were written 2. What have some schools been using Makenaide for Sakai Izumi 3. Is Makenaide still popular today? song is still popular today. Section 2 1. What did Sakai leave? 2. Which words did she choose, "Don't stop" or "Keep on running"? She 3. What question did she always have in her mind?

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

ELEMENT2 lesson5 の問題です! 至急今日の朝7時までにお願いします🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

5 6 2. We should Comprehension A Reading for main ideas : Choose the best answer. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? @ The future of space travel. b The environmental problems in space. The technology to send a satellite into space. 2 3 B Reading for details : Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below. There are some unnecessary words. Then divide the paragraphs into the following sections. ). The junkyard a stop sending satellites into space b burn all the debris in space O not increase the amount of space debris to change the situation. The largest junkyard in the solar system is around the (1. (2. ) to 20,000 miles overhead. Most space junk (3. ) from manmade satellites and rockets. It would (4. about 11 million pounds in total. Space junk can cause a lot of (5. shuttle window was made by a piece of (6. The scientists work together to keep (7. might hit space shuttles and satellites. The scientists must try to find where the junk is and the (8. going, but it is not simple. Paragraph Organization Introduction ( Body ( Conclusion ( ). For example, a small crack in the space ) of the largest pieces because they Without careful (9. ), the space junk problem will get worse. Also, we should try to (10. ) adding more. World (11. ) is necessary to reduce the risk of space junk. ) ) ) ) the pieces are HAAR MELAY Words stretches / weigh/junk/track / watching cooperation / damage / direction / travels satellites / Earth / trouble / comes / stop

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


【1】 教科書 P.65~ “Lesson7 The Story of Ruby Bridges” を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (1) When I arrived at the school, protected by federal marshals, Ⅰ saw crowds of people and police officers everywhere. On my way to the front door, the people yelled, spat, and (2) Many white parents ran into even threw things at me. They really seemed to hate me. the classrooms and dragged their children away. They didn't want their children to be in the same school as me. On the second day of school, I met somebody very special. She was my new teacher. She took my mother Mrs. Henry. She was the only teacher who had agreed to teach me. and me into a classroom, but I was the only student there. 《中略》 In December, (3)a few white children came back to school. When I asked a white boy if we could play together, he told me that he couldn't. "My mama said not to because you are black," he said. At that moment, I realized that everything had happened because of the color of my skin. ≪中略≫ (4)Looking back now, the times were changing and I played an important role in bringing about equality in education for children in the US. I think I helped build a bridge between black and white people by going to that school. Regrettably, we still have racial prejudice and discrimination in our society. I will continue to tell my story so that true racial equality can be achieved for all Americans. 黒人は座ったらいけない場所がある 白人と同じ幼稚園には行けない government accept (6) behave oneself (8) gradually (10) prejudice 5.下部 (3)の 政府 を受け入れる 1. 次の英語を日本語に直しなさい。 (1) treat へを扱う (3) force 無理に~させる。 (4) 努力する (5) make an effort 行儀よく振る舞う (7) crowds of ~ たくさんの~ 徐々に (9) play a role in~ で役割を果たす 偏見 2. 1960 年頃、黒人はどのような人種隔離を受けていたか。 教科書 P.66 を読み、 3つ答えなさ 白人と同じテーブルで食事ができない 1. ほとん 2. 少しの 3. 多くの 4. 白人の 6. 下線部 (4)を 7. 以下の1~ 1. 人種 2. 「学 3. 白人 4. 授業 ( 【2】 ( )内 1. (Write 簡単 2. (Study 一生 3. The sir そ 4. (Comp much コ 3. 下線部 (1) を日本語に訳しなさい。 学校に到着したとき、連邦保安官によって守られた。私は人々が混雑していて警察官が 4. 下線部(2)について、 なぜ白人の親たちはそのような行為をしたのか。 いたるところにいるのを見た。 本文から一文全てを抜き出し、 英語で答えなさい。

解決済み 回答数: 1