

英語 高校生


課題 2 以下は 「112 番元素 Cq コペルニシウム」の名前の由来を紹介した文章です。これを読み.「112 番元素 Cm コペルニシウム」の名前の由来を, 日本語で簡潔にまとめてみましょう。 INevs: Element112 js Named Copericium (2010 / Feb) HDPAG Has ofieially approved the name copemicium, with symbol Cn, for the clement o「atomic number 112.Pdorioy for 電dscove of this dlement was sssigned, in accordance with the agrced crieria to GS (the Gesellschaft fh SEHWeienenfersehung Center for Heayy Ion Rescarch) in Darmstad Germany。 The team at GSI propoed th name Beiedm wieh has now been approved by IOPAC. Sigurd HHofimann , leadcr of the GSI team stated that the intent Wes 5 Walate an inflaential scientist who didnt reccive any accolades in his own lietime and highlight the ink between m6myandthe field 6finuclear chemisry" Nicolaus Copemicus was born on 19 February 1473,in Torn.Poland and 24 Me 1543。 in rdpmieealthnkmerrmmknd namdeeeefmedemeemebeelon memenml ドー im Frmucnbarg, Copernicus spent many years developing a conclusive model for complex Erembork/Frauenburg also in Poland. His work has becn of exceptional influence on the Yements of the sun, moon, des and ta Indecd the Cm model demanded laced by Copernicus has been applicd to other analogous dsacommon cenre。 Notably, on a microscopic scale this is the Bohr model ea (コペルニシウム) rd Hofmann : 人名 Nicolas

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