

英語 高校生

英語の長文です。 文法表現のあるところが知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

UNIT 1 5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There are more than 37,000 known species of spiders in the world in a wide variety of shape's and sizes! The largest spiders in the world live in the rain forests of South America and are known by the people who live there as the "bird-eating spiders." These spiders can grow up to 28 centimeters in length- about the size of a dinner plate, and, as their name suggests, have been known to eat small birds. In comparison, the smallest species of spider in the world is native to Western Samoa. These tiny spiders are less than half a millimeter long — about the size of a period on this page and live in plants that grow on mountain rocks. - Some people like to keep spiders as pets, particularly tarantulas, which are native to North America and can live for up to twenty-five years, Most people, on the other hand, do not like touching spiders, and a significant number of people are afraid of them, mainly because of their poison. However, despite their bad reputation, only thirty of the 37,000 known species of spiders are deadly to humans. Spiders actually provide benefits to humans, by catching and eating harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes. - - The main thing that makes spiders different from other animals is that they spin web's to catch the small insects they feed on. The unique silk of a spider's web is produced by special organs found spider web is five times in the lower part of the spider's body. It is light, elastic, and strong stronger than steel. Additionally, it is completely biodegradable. This means that the web will making it perfect for uses completely decompose¹ and eventually return to nature over time such as making fishing nets. Some people have tried to raise spiders commercially in order to collect the silk these spiders produce, but no one has ever really managed to make a go of it. One reason why these businesses never stand a chance is because it takes 670,000 spiders to produce half a kilogram of silk, and all of these spiders need living insects for their food. In addition, spiders are usually solitary² animals, and need to be kept alone. Researchers at an American company working together with two U.S. universities may have found a solution to making artificial spider web. Using genetically modified silkworms,³ the company hopes that in the long run it will be able to make large quantities of very light, very strong fiber for medical as well as other uses. Additionally, because the manufacture of the artificial web is from living silkworms, the industry potentially would be non-polluting and less harmful to the environment

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英語 高校生


解答欄にマークしなさい。 問 2, 間 3, 4, 問5の解答は, 解答用紙 守谷市祗1枚目 (マークシー 2枚目 (記述式) に記入しなさい。 Technology is rapidly and fundamentally changing the way most people do their jobs, disrupting (1) the nature of work and increasing the demand for new kinds of digital skills. The impact can be felt in all kinds of jobs. Gone are the days of copywriters (2) simply writing copy, for instance. Now they also need to be familiar with search engines and social media to know what will make their work more visible online. Architects need to be able to create digital concepts as their clients now often expect to see more than a 2D drawing. Accountants have to keep up with rapid digital advances disrupting their industry such as the growth of online filing. (3) Byron Nicolaides, CEO of PeopleCert, a professional skills assessment and certification business, says: "The digital skill gap describes the effect that has resulted from a shift. towards digitalisation, with the emergence of new professions, alongside the displacement of other roles, that now require continued digital training." Demand for people with high-level digital skills is greater than the supply of suitably qualified employees, and the gap is growing. The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2022 emerging technologies will generate 133 million new jobs in place of the 75 million that will be displaced. "If the demand for digital expertise is not able to be met by the supply, the resulting deficit in a skilled workplace will not only affect the ability of businesses to shape their own future, but will hinder the economic growth and generate a new reality of [digital] illiteracy (E4)," argues Nicolaides. The UK is the fifth most digitally advanced nation in Europe (Finland comes top) according to data from the European Union. It is already home to a large number of big tech businesses and the UK has more tech "unicorns" (start-up businesses valued at $1 billion or more) than any other European country. According to Tech Nation, a UK network focused on accelerating the growth of digital businesses across the country, in 2018 the UK continued to attract tech talent, employing 5 per cent of all high-growth tech workers globally. In Europe this places the UK behind Germany but ahead of Sweden, France, Denmark and the Netherlands. Despite (A) this encouraging news, the UK is still facing a significant digital skills shortage. A report from the Open University last year highlights the extent of the problem and its impact on UK companies, with nine in 10 organisations admitting to having a shortage of digital skills. Jules Pipe, London's deputy mayor (5) for planning, regeneration and skills, says the capital needs workers with advanced digital skills. "More than half of the capital's start-ups say a lack of highly skilled workers is their main challenge, while emerging industries -

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英語 高校生

添削をお願いしたいです!(画像が送りきれないので回答者の方が返信したら追加で送ります) 自分の解答↓ 短い時間、レンジで加熱すると心臓病のリスクを下げるフラボノイドを増加させることができるが、長い時間加熱したり多すぎる水の中で加熱するとむしろフラボノイドは低下してしまう。た... 続きを読む

一般に,電子レンジでの調理は,他の調理法に比べると栄養素 16 の保持には好ましいとされるが,調理時間が長かったり、多量の 水を使って調理したりするとブロッコリーでは心疾患のリスクを減らす フラボノイド類が減少するという報告がある。 ただ、食材によって栄養保 持の結果はさまざまであり,統一見解はない。電子レンジ調理にプラスチ ック容器を使うと, 可塑剤のフタラートなどの化学物質が溶け出すが, こうした物質は微量であってもホルモンや代謝系を乱すほか、 生殖問題や ぜんそく, ADHD との関連性など,さまざまな悪影響を及ぼすことが指 摘されている。また, 高温になる電子レンジでの加熱で分子の結合が変わ り,新たな高エネルギーの分子が作り出される。 これがDNA と反応し て突然変異を引き起こすとされており, ジャガイモを電子レンジ加熱した ことで,発がん物質として働くアクリルアミドが生成した例が報告されて いる。(400字以内)発 当 解答編

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英語 高校生


しまった。 st few / hardly / of) I became < 東邦大 > For years. 4 whether ause/down/ upon). lest study hard. while <京都学園大 > with <浦和短大 > <東京電機大〉 ring them back within a <立教大 > 〈 南山大 > could not pass it. ng, he kept making <東海大 > 094 095 096 295 296 ( ) he likes it or not, you must teach him how to handle it. What 2 Who 3 Whenever 4 Whether He ran ( (1) as 297 It was ( 000 1 very 299 ) quickly that I couldn't catch up with him. 2 too 3 so ) a bad snowstorm that they shut the airport down. 3 such 4 too SO 298 I opened the door quietly ( 1 so that 2 unless 4 more ) the teacher wouldn't notice me. 3 otherwise 4 because of 〈神奈川工科大 > 300 寝坊するといけないから目覚ましをかけておきなさい。 <1語(句) 不要) (in / the alarm/you/ don't/ case / set) oversleep. 301 ( ) you're a grown-up, you must stop this childish behavior. 1 Now that 2 As long as 3 Even though 4 In case <神奈川大 > 302( ) he made up his mind to go, there was no stopping him. Though 2 Whether 3 While 4 Once Our grandmother never travels by air ( ) she will have a heart attack. in case that 2 so that 3 in order that 4 for fear that <九州産大 > < 芝浦工大 > 〈 広島工大 〉 <日本大〉 097 <駒澤大 > 098 <九州産大 > 303 As long as I know, prices in Spain are much lower than those in Japan. 2 0 < 松山大 > 099 100

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英語 高校生

写真の問題についてですが、なぜ、③のlivelyは不適なのでしょうか? livelyは「元気な、活発な」という意味から「元気な熊を捕らえようとした」みたいな意味になることからlivelyも適すると思うのですが…また1番下の写真ではlivelyは「補語としても用いる」と書かれ... 続きを読む

Despite their efforts to capture the bear ( ), they finally had t off ce dy fa shoot it. ① lived ③ lively 駅 12 lives 4 alive (人)から povülden ALA diw beanioqqsaibod< (金)1 consible 5 alive 「生きている」は補語としてのみ用いられる形容詞。 本間は capture (V) the bear (0) alive (C) 「その熊を生きている状態で捕まえる」という構造。capture[catch]A alive 「Aを生け捕りにする」という表現で覚えよう。 200 onihaz 選択肢 ③ lively については794 を参照。 ●補語としてのみ用いられる形容詞 alive 「生きている」 alive 「生きている」, living 「生きている / 現在使われている」, lively 「元気な活発な」 alive 「生きている」 は補語としてのみ用いる。 →784 living 「生きている現在使われている」は原則として名詞を修飾する。 →→ 795 lively 「元気な活発な」 は, 補語としても用いるし、名詞も修飾する。 選択肢 ② alive は名詞を修飾する用法はないので不可。

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英語 高校生

質問です。 これは発表の原稿なのですが、 英文法的に何かミスがあれば教えて頂きたいです!!! アドバイスがあればそれも頂きたいです! また、そうした理由も教えて頂けると嬉しいです!! 教えて下さい〜!!! 宜しくお願いします。

スイスは世界の中でも、中立を保ってきた国であり、 Switzerland is a country that has maintained neutrality in the world, メインテインド ネトゥラリティ! その国の硬貨はさっとその影響を受けていると感じ、興味を持ったので、 and I felt that the coins of that country surely influenced by that, so | was interested, 今回はスイスの硬貨について調べました。それについて話したいと思います。 I looked Swiss coins this time. I'd like to talk about that. SO were up まず、スイスフランはその名の通りスイスの硬貨です。 First, es the name suggests, the Swiss franc is a Swiss coin. スイスは歴史的に永世中立国であるが故ヨーロッパに位置しているのにもかかわらず、 neutral Switzerland has histarically been a permanently ネトゥラル EUに加盟せず自国通貨を起用しています。 despite being located in Europe, ロークティッド ヨーロプ it does the EU and uses its own. join not country, so SO currency. そして、それらの中でも1/1スイスフラン1スイスフラン、2スイスフランの 表面には同じものが描かれており、 Then 12/2 Swiss frans 1 Swiss franc, and Swiss fronos, 自国を擬人化した女性であるヘルヴェティアが描かれています。 Helvetia who is personified as Smitzerland is depicted in them. among them, the same thing is drawn on the surface of SC ver COL い。 ん また、草花をつなげて作られた花輪は連邦国家を象徴しています。 And, a wreath made by cannecting the flowers represerts a federal nartion. 見てとれるように、それらはスイスの"国家」というものの安定を表しているのです。

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