

TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


英語 Amy: Hey Jake, I was thinking about online shopping this weekend. Do you shop online often? Jake: Yeah, I do it quite a bit. It's so ( house and you can ( ) almost anything online. That's true. I love the convenience, too, especially with a busy schedule. But I've heard there are some downsides to it. What do you think? Well, one obvious downside is not being able to ( ) or try the product before buying. Sometimes, what you see on the website isn't exactly what you get. Amy: Yeah, that's a good point. I've had a couple of instances where the color or size was ) from what I expected. ( Another thing is the shipping time. Even with express shipping, you might have to ( ) a few days for your stuff to arrive. It's not great if you need Amy: Jake: Jake: Amy: Amy: Jake: Jake: Jake: something urgently. True, waiting can be frustrating. But what about the ( that sometimes the prices are higher online. It depends. I've found some great deals online, especially during sales. But you're right; in some cases, the prices can be a bit inflated, and you might end up paying more than if you bought it in-store. Amy: And returns can be a hassle, too. I had to return a shirt once, and the process took forever. It's not as easy as just going to a store and returning it on the spot. Yeah, returns can be a pain. Also, there's the whole security issue. You must be careful about where you're buying from to avoid scams or stealing your ( ). Amy: Oh, definitely. I always make sure the website is secure before entering any payment details. 日本語 L ), you know? No need to leave the On the bright side, online ( ) can be super helpful. I always check them before making a purchase. It gives you an idea of the product's quality and whether it's worth the money. Amy: That's a good point. I do the same. It's like having the opinions of a bunch of friends who've already ( ) the product. Jake: Exactly. So, while there are some drawbacks, I think the ( ) of online shopping, like the convenience and variety, outweigh the ( ) for me. Yeah, I agree. It's all about finding a balance and being cautious about where and what you're buying. )? I've heard

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英語 高校生

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⑤ 空欄の入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1つ選びなさい。 (1) What nobody would ( ) suggest is that women be told to stay at home dare (2) Scientits reported that monkeys had been seen ( V S use (複数扱 (3) The police ) the murder case at the moment. are investigating investigate may (5) You can avoid ( &n having M (7) My wife and I ( fear to be taking advantage of 2 have used 3 to aking advantage of by (6) I like watching Star Wars movies, but I ( had to cancel (4) I don't know where their wedding i going to be held, but if they decide on Kyoto, I definitely ( ) go. Zwill (9) Soccer ( (10) It ( 2 might has been got to know (8) All trains stopped (y s stopped (yesterday (11) I'd rather ( had to have 3 hope 2 had cancelled ) keeping yourself well informed and taking a few safety precautions. being taken advantage of by and the meeting ( 2 should well for you not to go out ) some simple tools just as human beings do. using Investigates ) so late at night.. ) each other since we were in high school) have been knowing 3 hay known 3 need 3 will be having 4 being taken advantage by ) enough of them by the time this one ends. wish C had to be cancelled 4 to using IS Ad 4 investigating can well ) be the world's most popular sport: however, baseball is more popular in the US may well ) a few days before we know the full results of the medical checkup. should have been 3 was you didn't go out willl have had 4 know had been to cancel 4 must well will be

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英語 中学生

あ に入るのは、until か withoutのどちらですか? 解説もありでお願いします!

Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: Jane: Risa: I was woken up by the earthquake this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep after that. Nothing fell on the floor or was damaged, but definitely it was a big one! I was scared! Yeah, it woke me up, too. I haven't felt one like that in a while, but I think I was too used to those shakings. I went to sleep right after. Weren't you scared, Risa? Yes, but just a little. I think I'm afraid of a really big one, like the one in Tohoku in 2011, anyway. You know, you can't be just scared ( ) preparing for disasters, Jane. Do you know what to do in an earthquake? There are almost no earthquakes in your country, right? No, I haven't experienced one in the U.K. Can you tell me what to do? Sure. The first priority is your safety. Hide under a desk or table to protect your head. Stay there until the earthquake stops. Then be prepared to move to a safer place. I'm sure we'll do some simulations in the evacuation drill held at school next Monday. We'll learn there what's important to do during an earthquake. Wow! That sounds great. I'm looking ( 1) the drill now. Maybe we can get "Moriyama-ku Evacuation Map" after the drill. It shows you (in, where, should, you, a disaster, go ). Jane: Risa: Oh, I'm glad to know that. You should make an emergency kit, too. Our family has made one each and put them near their bed. I see. Can you tell me how I should make it? Well, I'll send you an email later then. Jane: * I'm getting less scared, Risa. Thank you very much. Risa: You know, Jane, "Don't be scared; be prepared."! woken wakeの過去分詞 definitely 確かに in a while しばらく be used to ・・・・・・に慣れている right after その後すぐに priority safety hide En

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