

英語 高校生


Unit species 教科書 Listening 1 Part 1 pp.10-11, 195 音声を聞いて,( 内に適する語を書き取りましょう。 A Dictation J: Hey! How was your day? ~を見てまわる K: It was good, thanks. We've just finished ( /00king) (2 around the ) J=Jess K= KaiS=Shin (② Wellington Night Market. J: Great-how was it? らいらない 屋台 K: It was so cool! We tried (③ Some food from the stalls and there was a great live band on. 2 J: Nice. What are you ( UP ) (⑥ To ) tomorrow? Jess? かって J: Umm, have you (Ⓡ been ) ( +0 K: Te Papa? What's that? S: Well, we haven't really decided yet . . . . Do you have any (⑦ ever ~に行ったことがありますか? すいせん recommendations' ) Te Papa yet? J: Oh, it's the ( National Museum of New Zealand する価値ありますか? 絶対に S: No, we haven't been to any museums yet. Is it ( worth ) (Ⓡ seeing )? J: Well, if you like history or animals, you should definitely (1) 15 it )(⑩ out ). They have a ( (13 check ) realy)(heat ) すばらしい ( exhibit) about giant moa. 展示品 B Vocabulary Check (1) 本文の内容に合った品詞を( )内に,意味を 1.stall (名)屋台 2. recommendation (名)推薦 4. neat 5.moa 3. definitely (副)絶対に に記入しましょう。 (形) すばらし (名) モア

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


2 10. It was because she was ill ( as 2 for P 11. I can't remember ( that 12. It's not ( 2 during 13. The First World War? What ( eighteen. 1 on world in the world that ) it was that I was supposed to tell you. 2 what 3 before this ) we go abroad that we realize how crowded Japan is. 2 until 3 by 4 while (福岡大) ) do I know about the First World War ? I'm only 16. There were very few people, if ( Dany (2) ever 18. What ( ) we cancelled our date. 14. What on ( ) is the matter with you ? space 2 world earth 4 way 15 Would you read this letter I've written in English and correct the mistakes, ( Cofit if any 2 if some 3 if something deadly radiation ? earth 2 on the earth 4 in earth 17. We can get serious diseases such as liver cancer, which, ( increasing at present. although (2) as about if anything hot a fool at all (3) a fool to a considerable degree ), who actually saw what happened. 3 many 4 not 3 even 4 for wrong 2. Gambling was by no means his only source of income. definitely X かわらず nevertheless X (立教大) (大阪程大) › hydrogen bombs were used to poison the atmosphere and expose us to (34 (2) at a great distance from a fool no more than a wise man (京都外大) (四天王寺国際仏教大) )? (大) ) rare in the past, are 次の各文の下線部に最も近い意味を持つ語句を、 下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 1. He is far from being a fool. "B" 2 certainly not het u Ⓒinevitably (日本工大) (明治学院大)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

全ての問題、合ってるか教えてください。 間違ってた場合、正しい答えを教えて下さると助かります。

22:17 9月18日 (月) + |Grammar in Context 7 Complete the conversation about Miki's dream. Miki: Hi, Mr. Lance. Guess what! My parents あ this winter. [私が今年の冬に留学するのを許してくれた] Mr. Lance: I'm happy to hear that! That's been your dream, right? Miki: Yes. I kept asking them and they finally agreed to . [私をカナダに行かせてくれることに同意した] 8 Complete the sentences based on the Japanese ones. 3 I will go to an English language school in Vancouver for two weeks. Mr. Lance: Sounds good. You will Surely [きっとすばらしい時間を過ごせる] all items are 50% off. The restaurant ① people at a time, so you @ your friend to ① allowed me to study abroad 00 mast come Dear customers We are delighted to announce that our new restaurant is opening tomorrow. On the first day is large enough to let me go to Canada have a great time. to our restaurant tomorrow. hold 60 get a table. Please tell お客様各位 私たちの新しいレストランが明日開店することを発表できてうれしく思います。 初日は全品半額です。 レスト ランは一度に60人を収容するのに十分な広さがあり, きっとお席がございます。 ぜひご友人に明日私たちの レストランに来てくれるようにお伝えください。 ② 98% ・・・

解決済み 回答数: 1