

英語 高校生

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A. Circle the correct answer for each question. likely to be jealous of someone. 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? a. rich a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it 6. What would profit do for a business? a. excited b. confused 7. Which would people rather be? a. a contract b. a feast 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? a. a recruit b. a contract 9. Which would you sign? a. being punished b. getting a reward 10. Which would few people enjoy? B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. Which of these is a weapon? 4. 5. Which of these flows? discovered resembled establishing rights faced status by Roy's s grief the rest of Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) son and (10) heir took over This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) . Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, (4) called Sealand. b. poor himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms made a name for weapons the people on the island (his family), (7) In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. to the platform. orders of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. 11 15 69

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英語 高校生


Circle the correct answer for each question. A. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? a. rich b. poor a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards b. a rifle b. water b. ruin it b. confused b. a feast b. a contract a. a recruit a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled establishing rights faced status a. an empire a. an insect a. help it a. excited a. a contract grief the rest of (9) by Roy's son and (10) heir took over Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, (4) one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, called Sealand. This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) - Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). made a name for weapons to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. the people on the island (his family), (7) in 11 - 15 69

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英語 高校生


A. Circle the correct answer for each question. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people more accustomed to? a. rich a. a feast b. a tree a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it a. excited b. confused a. a contract b. a feast a. a recruit b. a contract a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would you invite friends to share with you? 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled establishing rights called Sealand. faced status - Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2). This surprised people in the Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8). (9) by Roy's son and (10) grief the rest of heir took over in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, b. poor himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms made a name for weapons who believed they had the (5) the people on the island (his family), (7) to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. in 11-15

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英語 高校生


Circle the correct answer for each question. A. likely to be jealous of someone 1. You are more 2. Which do many people decorate at Christmas time? 3. Which are people a. rich a. a feast a. spending money b. receiving awards a. an empire b. a rifle a. an insect b. water a. help it b. ruin it a. excited b. confused a. a contract b. a feast a. a recruit b. a contract a. being punished b. getting a reward B. Complete the paragraph with items from the box. Two items are extra. 4. Which of these is a weapon? 5. Which of these flows? more accustomed to? 6. What would profit do for a business? 7. Which would people rather be? 8. Which would 9. Which would you sign? 10. Which would few people enjoy? discovered resembled you invite friends to share with you? called Sealand. establishing rights faced status grief the rest of Many people change countries during their life, but one man has (1) (2) heir took over (9) by Roy's son and (10) This surprised people in the UK, who believed they had the (5) . Bates and (6) to leave the platform. However, Roy (8) - b. poor in the sea to contain (3) that would be used to fight off invaders. After the war, the soldiers left these platforms and they were forgotten - until 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, b. a tree himself by his own country. During World War II, the UK built a number of artificial platforms the people on the island (his family), (7) - - made a name for weapons to the platform. orders In 1968, a court decided that the UK had no power over Sealand. Just like other places with the that the platform was in international waters. of a country, Sealand, has its own stamps, coins, and passports. It is controlled 'Prince' Michael, and is home to a large Internet business. im 11 - 15

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英語 高校生


問題は【1】~【4】まである。答えは各問題の指示に従って別紙の解答用紙に書きなさい。 【1】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 Headaches are a big problem. Each year, millions of people suffer from severe headaches that affect their enjoyment of life, (1) not to mention their productivity at work. estimate, headaches cost individuals and businesses more than (2) $50 billion each year! (3) This is one of the reasons research into headaches has become a worldwide effort. Although he did not know much about how headaches work, Hippocrates was the first doctor to find a way to treat them. By 400 BC, Hippocrates had discovered that the *bark from willow trees was useful in treating pain. He made a white powder from the tree's bark and gave it to his patients. Hippocrates did not know it, but he was actually prescribing a natural chemical in willow bark called salicin. Whena person eats salicin, the chemical is changed inside his or her body into (4) salicylic acid. It turns out that salicylic acid is good for stopping pain, including headache pain, but it is bad for a person's stomach. In the 1800s, a chemist in Germany slightly changed easier for people to take. commonly known as aspirin. Aspirin was used throughout most of the 1900s to treat headaches, but doctors had little idea about what really caused headaches. When doctors can *diagnose the cause of a disease, they can find better ways to treat it. Therefore, as medical technology developed, doctors began to use it to learn more about the human brain and about headaches. In fact, according to one m to make it This new form of the chemical was called acetylsalicylic acid, now acid's Now doctors classify headaches ( A ) two general types: primary and secondary. A primary headache is a condition ( B) as only the headache itself. one caused by another physiological condition, such as an *infection or a *tumor. For primary headaches, doctors have determined three possible causes. headache is caused by stress. characteristically felt on both sides of the head as a dull, steady pain. Another kind of primary headache is the *migraine headache. Exactly what causes these headaches is not well understood, but many experts believe it could be abnormal brain activity causing changes in the brain's chemistry and blood flow. For many people, migraines are caused by certain (5) stimuli, such as poor sleep or particular foods or smells. A sufferer usually feels intense pain on one side of the head and becomes sensitive to light and noise. If the migraine is severe, the sufferer may *vomit repeatedly. The third kind of primary headache is known as the cluster headache. Cluster headaches typically occur around the same time each day for weeks or months at a time. The person ( C)from this kind of headache usually feels pain on one side of her or his head, and the pain is centered around one of the eyes. Doctors do not know much (6) at present about cluster headaches, but they seem to be more common among men and could be related to alcohol or other things that affect a person's blood flow. Using computers and more advanced medical equipment, doctors continue to learn more about what happens in the brain before and during headaches. Especially in the case of migraines, some doctors believe they have found the part of the brain that sets off the reaction for severe attacks. With these insights into brain processes, doctors hope new ways will be discovered to stop headaches before they begin. On the other hand, a secondary headache is One kind of primary Doctors usually call these tension headaches, and they are 注: bark 樹皮 diagnose ~を診断する、~を突き止める 感染症·伝染病 migraine (headache) 偏頭痛 infection tumor 腫場 vomit 食べたものを吐く (出典:READING FOR THE REAL WORLD 3rd edition, Compass Publishing より)

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