

英語 中学生


次の質問に、自分の考えと理由や一言コメントをつけて20語以上の英語で書きなさい。 1 Which do you like better, summer or winter? Why? Ilike winter berrer than sudy harda Summor. must But hot that 2 Which do you like better, playing outside or playing inside? Why? Summer So I Can't udeing Concentrate I(ike plaving in side Lerter thon dlain atsder because I cke veley bal and ladminton. These olo dayina inside. 3 Which do you like better, playing sports or watching sports? I lHhe plaging sports better thon weatching sporis Intae sting. I _en loying sourts Watdhing outa isnt. Want TO 4 How long have you lived in Morioka? I hare lired Monioka tor nine in yons I have lived heve ed. Since Years 5 What city do you want to visit? Why? Kroto. I Nant Eyomizu-dera isit to fe to want fo Jood feod What are you going to do in this summervacation? And I ike _Calture エ and want to eat I dd frieads I hovedt meet theu Gince IWant to meet hy I them I to talk for a long time. I was twelve Jf meet mant 7 What time do you usually go to bed? I USuly bed eleren o'clock. But. Pavents to at Yn shauld Co to bed enily ft I bave _1naiy many bowemaks. ave say 8 Which do you like better, reading books or playing video games? Why? I ite rending baoks beriny thon plavina video I can get beok Aude enadling becks Ie Jntars ties heed 20p2 Ivay thigs when I e.

解決済み 回答数: 1