

英語 中学生


あなたはで書かれた目をうけましたが、苦くてページがバラバラになっていました。それぞ れの髪を読んで、苦いに負けかえ、境に記号で答えなさい。【完西 4点】 I walked for two days. I found a small village! I went into an old house there. *There is a woman. When she looked at me, she was surprised. But she gove "a cup of tea to me. I said "Please tell me your name." But she said "It's a secret." village # *There is 〜がいる・ある a cup of 一杯の It was snowy today. But I went shopping in a city. Then, I met the woman. When she found me, she smiled and "waved her hand. I was happy!! And her smile was so cute!!! wave 振る ウ I went to a mountain today, because I wanted to take pictures of animals. But it has a lot of snow here. *Suddenly, it was a "blizzard. So I lost my way... I am cold... I want to drink "something hot...... *blizzard ** *Suddenly *something Today was a beautiful day! I went to the village in the mountain, because I wanted to meet her. don't forget her smile. But... I *could not find the old house and see the woman. I asked some people in the village. But everyone did not know the old house and the woman... *could not できなかった 問題 Julius 先生から皆さんに向けた手紙が届きました。 Julius 発生が最も伝えたい内容を1~4の中から 1つ選び数学で答えなさい。 【2点】 Dear Gyokusen Junior High School students. How are you? Do you like English class? I like communication. So I enjoy talking with you in English class. All students have great ideas. Please listen to your friend's idea and tell your ideas to your friends! Enjoy communication with your friends! I look forward to the next class.

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英語 高校生

所々分からない部分があるので教えて欲しいです よろしくお願いします🙏

Work Complete the sentences below to match the Japanese. If everyone ( ) best-before dates properly, we ( waste. ) all children ( I( 1. 誰もが賞味期限を正しく理解していれば、フードロスをいくらか防ぐことができるのに。 2. すべての子どもたちに食物の安全な取り扱いについて学ぶ機会があればなあ。 3. 水問題についてまるで他人事のように話すべきではない。 4. この最新のオーブンレンジがなければ、より多くのフードロスが生じるでしょう。 We should not talk about water issues ( business. ) ( ) ( ) not ( there would be more food waste. ) a chance to learn about safe food handling. ) prevent some food 3.〈状況〉水問題について議論するハルトの様子を描写します。[be] Haruto is discussing water issues as if he ) they were none of our B Complete the sentences below using the verbs in the brackets. 1. <状況> もし自分がお金持ちならどんなことをするかを述べます。 [be, donate] If I rich, I 2.〈状況〉フードロスを減らすためにできるとよいことを述べます。 [plan, avoid] I wish everyone _unog srij their meals and 4. 〈状況〉もしその村に井戸がなかったら,と考えます。 [be, have If it for the well, villagers ) this latest microwave oven, to fight against food waste. impulse buying. an expert. access to drinking water.

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

添削をお願いしたいです!(画像が送りきれないので回答者の方が返信したら追加で送ります) 自分の解答↓ 短い時間、レンジで加熱すると心臓病のリスクを下げるフラボノイドを増加させることができるが、長い時間加熱したり多すぎる水の中で加熱するとむしろフラボノイドは低下してしまう。た... 続きを読む

一般に,電子レンジでの調理は,他の調理法に比べると栄養素 16 の保持には好ましいとされるが,調理時間が長かったり、多量の 水を使って調理したりするとブロッコリーでは心疾患のリスクを減らす フラボノイド類が減少するという報告がある。 ただ、食材によって栄養保 持の結果はさまざまであり,統一見解はない。電子レンジ調理にプラスチ ック容器を使うと, 可塑剤のフタラートなどの化学物質が溶け出すが, こうした物質は微量であってもホルモンや代謝系を乱すほか、 生殖問題や ぜんそく, ADHD との関連性など,さまざまな悪影響を及ぼすことが指 摘されている。また, 高温になる電子レンジでの加熱で分子の結合が変わ り,新たな高エネルギーの分子が作り出される。 これがDNA と反応し て突然変異を引き起こすとされており, ジャガイモを電子レンジ加熱した ことで,発がん物質として働くアクリルアミドが生成した例が報告されて いる。(400字以内)発 当 解答編

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英語 高校生

高3英語表現です。 合っているかの確認と、わからないところ(空白部分)を教えていただきたいです。 間違っているところがあればそこの訂正もお願いします🙇‍♀️

STRESEMO SI In many cases, *cyber-bullying can be even more painful than face-to-face bullying. A lot of cyber-bullying can be done without using a real name, (1)( ) you may not be sure who is targeting you. This can make you feel even more threatened and can encourage bullies, (2)( ) they believe online secrecy means they're less likely to 秘密にすること おどされる いじめをする人 get caught. Since cyber-bullies can't see your reaction, they will often go much further in 〜ので ) they would do face-to-face with you. farate their harassment or ridicule (3)( 冷やかし (Adapted from Dealing with Bullying and Cyber-bullying by HelpGuide.org) (注)*cyber-bullying: コンピュータや携帯電話, ソーシャルネットワークなどを利用したいじめ ameldorg Inanitouha a'cijama Jarít (1) Ⓡ still (2) 1 as (3) 1 so that and pas 2 nevertheless 3 otherwise にもかかわらず さもなければ 5 but 2 though Kithet 2 such that 3 but however 3 than MTU 3 because 4 before when s vous diely you? Hosely odi otai genom gnigned Jaemmourvne yaibanorve adi bas orent page 4 4 unless 2 mnib sa roue olil magitom robom ~ように Sound travels in the same way as water waves (1) 2 still pond. The water is perfectly still (2)( O the stone falls in, waves are sent out in all directions. ) the stone hits the water. But once travels in all directions It is important to realize that sound spreads out (3) from its source. You can, (4)( 6 ), direct some sounds, for example, the human voice by using a megaphone. This makes the voice seem louder, (5)( is pointing the sound in one direction rather than letting it spread out (6) Ⓡ ) in fact it ) it would normally. ~ない限り 4 when 文章問題 Diw ob of saidton syar ns of alushur n (大阪医科大) noun at vide ) a stone is thrown into a (名古屋工業大)

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

高3 英語表現です。 合っているかのチェックと、あれば訂正もお願いします。

STRESEMO SI In many cases, *cyber-bullying can be even more painful than face-to-face bullying. A lot of cyber-bullying can be done without using a real name, (1)( ) you may not be sure who is targeting you. This can make you feel even more threatened and can encourage bullies, (2)( ) they believe online secrecy means they're less likely to 秘密にすること おどされる いじめをする人 get caught. Since cyber-bullies can't see your reaction, they will often go much further in 〜ので ) they would do face-to-face with you. farate their harassment or ridicule (3)( 冷やかし (Adapted from Dealing with Bullying and Cyber-bullying by HelpGuide.org) (注)*cyber-bullying: コンピュータや携帯電話, ソーシャルネットワークなどを利用したいじめ ameldorg Inanitouha a'cijama Jarít (1) Ⓡ still (2) 1 as (3) 1 so that and pas 2 nevertheless 3 otherwise にもかかわらず さもなければ 5 but 2 though Kithet 2 such that 3 but however 3 than MTU 3 because 4 before when s vous diely you? Hosely odi otai genom gnigned Jaemmourvne yaibanorve adi bas orent page 4 4 unless 2 mnib sa roue olil magitom robom ~ように Sound travels in the same way as water waves (1) 2 still pond. The water is perfectly still (2)( O the stone falls in, waves are sent out in all directions. ) the stone hits the water. But once travels in all directions It is important to realize that sound spreads out (3) from its source. You can, (4)( 6 ), direct some sounds, for example, the human voice by using a megaphone. This makes the voice seem louder, (5)( is pointing the sound in one direction rather than letting it spread out (6) Ⓡ ) in fact it ) it would normally. ~ない限り 4 when 文章問題 Diw ob of saidton syar ns of alushur n (大阪医科大) noun at vide ) a stone is thrown into a (名古屋工業大)

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英語 高校生

答えに解説がなくて困ってます。 下の長文を翻訳してください。

〔Ⅰ〕 次の英文を読み. 設問 1~21 に答えよ。 Sandy lives in an apartment so small that when she comes home from shopping, she has to decide what to move out to make room for her purchases. She struggles day-to-day to feed and clothe herself and her four-year-old daughter on money from freelance writing jobs and helping neighbors. (2) Her ex-husband has long since disappeared down some unknown highway, probably never to be heard from again. As often as not, her car decides it needs a day off and refuses to start. That means bicycling (weather permitting), walking or asking friends for a ride. 13 The things most Americans consider essential for survival- a television. microwave, big freezer and high-priced sneakers are far down Sandy's list of "maybe someday" items. (5) Nutritious food, warm clothing, an affordable apartment, student loan payments, books for her daughter, absolutely necessary medical care and an occasional movie eat up what little money there is to go around. Sandy has knocked ) more doors than she can recall, trying to find (7) a decent job, but there is always something that doesn't quite fit-too little experience or not the right kind, or hours that make child care impossible. Sandy's story is not unusual. Many single parents and older people struggle with our economic structure, falling into the gap between being truly self-sufficient and being poor enough that the government will provide assistance. What makes Sandy unusual is her outlook. "I don't have much in the way of stuff or the American dream," she told me with a genuine smile. "Does that bother you?" I asked. "Sometimes. When I see another little girl around my daughter's age who has nice clothes and toys, or who is riding around in a fancy car or living in a fine house, then I feel bad. Everyone wants to do well for their children." she replied. "But you're not angry?" "What's to be angry (9) and I have what is really important in life," she replied. "And what is that?" I asked. (10) "As I see it, no matter how much stuff you buy, no matter how much )? We aren't starving or freezing to death. (11) money you make. you really only get to keep three things in life." she said. "What do you mean by 'keep?" (12) "I mean that nobody can take these things away from you." "And what are these three things?" I asked. "One, your experiences: two, your true friends; and three, what you grow inside yourself." she told me without hesitation. (13) For Sandy, "experiences" don't come on a grand scale. They are so-called ordinary moments with her daughter, walks in the woods, napping under a shady tree, listening to music, taking a warm bath or baking bread. Her definition of friends is more expansive. "True friends are the ones (15) who never leave your heart, even if they leave your life for a while. Even after years apart. you pick up with them right where you left off, and even if they die, they're never dead in your heart," she explained. 16 ) to each of us. (17 As for what we grow inside, Sandy said, "That's ( isn't it? I don't grow anger or sorrow. I could if I wanted to, but I'd rather not." "So what do you grow?" I asked. Sandy looked warmly at her daughter and then back to me. She pointed toward her own eyes, which were shining with tenderness. gratitude and a sparkling joy. "I grow this." From the book Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul by Jack Canfield. Mark Victor Hansen. Jennifer Read Hawthorne, and Marci Shimoff. Copyright 2012 by Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC. Published by Backlist. LLC. a unit of Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing. LLC. Chicken Soup for the Soul is a registered trademark of Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

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