

英語 高校生


4 10個の会話が成り立つように, それぞれ適切な応答を下のあ~こから選んで答えてみよう。 (→ p.46~49) アースクウェイク 1. There was a big earthquake yesterday. Did you know that? 2. Did you buy that camera? 3. Was Bob late for school yesterday? 4. I didn't clean my room. Was Mom angry at me? 5. The streets are wet this morning. Did it rain last night? 6. I like chocolate very much. Do you like chocolate, too? 7. You know Osaka very well. Is there any reason? 8. You ate a lot. Were you very hungry? 9. You look tired. Are you OK? 10. It's going to rain this afternoon. Did he take his umbrella? ) No, I don't. It's too sweet. 5) Yes, he was. He got up at eight. ) Yes, he did. Don't worry. #) No, I didn't. It was too expensive. (t) Yes, I did. I was in the kitchen. 66 日本語を参考にして, 単語を並べ替えて英文を完成させよう(p.46~49) 1. その事故は先週の日曜日の午後に起こった。 アクスィデント (afternoon/last/happened/Sunday/the accident). 2. そのコンサートは7時半に始まって10時に終わった。 (ended/at 7:30/began/the concert/at 10:00/and). No. (went/by/I/there/train). 3. 「あなたは車で空港へ行ったのですか?」 「いいえ, 電車で行きました」 エアポート (go/the airport/did/you/by/to/car/?) 1 ( 2 ( 3 ( 14 ( 5( 6( 7( 8( 9 ( 10 ( C)Yes, she was. She is still angry at you. z) Yes, it did. It rained a lot. E6-4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) b) No, I'm not OK. I didn't sleep well last night. <) Yes, there is. I lived there for ten years. =) Yes, I was. I didn't eat breakfast. ) ) "No. 4.私たちは郵便局には行きませんでした。 (didn't / the post office/to/we/go). E6-5 ハート 5. OBATEL. (*hurt/fell over/yesterday/I/and/my leg). * 「傷つける」 (hurt-hur 33 33 用)

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英語 中学生


第3章 一般動詞の過去形-不規則動詞 3 不規則動詞の否定文 規則動詞と方法は同じ。 ◇ be 動詞がなければ don't doesn't didn't を使う。 例 1 He went to the library. be 動詞がないので don't doesn't didn't のいずれかを使う。 この文の場合は過去形なので、 didn't を一般動詞の前に入れる。 He didn't go to the library. 原形にする 訳 彼は図書館へ行きませんでした。 【例 2 My mother read an English book last week. ( 否定文に) もし現在の文なら、 主語が3人称単数なのでreads になるはずである。 ⇒ s がついていないので過去形である。 だから、 didn't をいれる。 My mother didn't read an English book last week. 原形 訳わたしの母は先週英語の本を読みませんでした。 練習3 次の英文を短縮形を使って否定文に直しなさい。 1 He got up early in the morning. He doesn't ② She made a good cake. She doesn't ③ I did my homework yesterday. エ didn't ④ My father came home at eleven yesterday. My father doesn't ⑤ My mother bought this bag for me. My mother doesn't ⑥ We had a good time in Kyoto. We don't ⑦ They took many pictures in Nara. They don't ⑧ I saw him at the station yesterday. I dout 9 My brother came here this morning. My brother doesn't ⑩ Tom and Ken left home at six. Tom and Ken don't

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